
Operating Reliability Subcommittee

September 6, 2017 | 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. EDT

September 7, 2017 | 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. EDT

IESO Toronto Office

120 Adelaide Street West

Toronto, ON

Dial-in Number + 1-415-655-0002 US Toll (Canadian Toll) + 1-416-915-8942

Day 1 Meeting Number (access code): 737 504 757| security code: 246810

Day 2 Meeting number (access code): 731 274030| security code: 24681012

Introductions and Chair’s Remarks

NERC Antitrust Compliance Guidelines and Public Announcement


  1. Administrative Matters
  2. Arrangements, Safety Briefing and Identification of Exits – Dave Devereaux
  3. Announcement of Quorum – Secretary
  4. Operating Reliability Subcommittee (ORS) Roster*
  5. Parliamentary Procedures* – Secretary
  6. Balancing Authority-to-Reliability Coordinator Mapping* – Secretary
  7. Future Meetings – Secretary
  8. November 8-9, 2017 – Birmingham, AL (hosted by SeRC)
  9. February 6-7, 2018 – Tampa, FL (hosted by FRCC)
  10. May 8-9, 2018 – Taylor TX, (hosted by ERCOT)
  11. Schedule future meetings
  12. Meeting Minutes* – Approve – Chair Devereaux
  13. Minutes of May9 – 10, 2017Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting
  14. Reliability Plans* Chair Devereaux
  15. Periodic Review of Reliability Plans
  16. Guideline for Approving Regional and Reliability Coordinator Reliability Plans* -
  17. New or Revised Reliability Plans for Endorsement
  18. TVA Reliability Plan clean* Joel Wise
  19. TVA Reliability Plan Redline version* Joel Wise
  20. FRCC Reliability Plan clean* Chris LaRussa
  21. PJM Reliability Plan clean version * Chris Pilong
  22. PJM Reliability Plan Redline version* – Chris Pilong
  23. Resources Subcommittee update to ORS – Brad Gordon
  24. Operating Committee (OC) work plan update* – Steve Crutchfield
  25. NERC OC update/ ORS work plan*May ORS Update to OC*– Chair Devereaux
  26. Operations Review* – All
  27. Operations Review
  28. Use of Proxy Flowgates
  29. Energy Emergency Alert Level 3 -Two
  30. Interconnection Frequency Monitoring*
  31. Frequency Monitor Reports and Frequency Excursions
  32. Eastern – Nate Schweighart
  33. ERCOT – Jimmy Hartmann
  34. Western – Tony Burt
  35. Quebec – Francis Monette
  36. Review of Frequency Monitor Criteria – Chair Devereaux
  37. Managing Increased Dependency on Natural Gas- Fuel Planning, BA/TOP- Gas Pipeline Coordination, Contingency Planning* Draft Reliability Guideline– John Norden
  38. Eclipse Impacts* - All
  39. Real-Time assessment working group update – Chris Pilong
  40. Pseudo-Tie Coordination Reference Document*- CJ Brown
  41. Dynamic Tag Exclusion Reference Document* - CJ Brown
  42. Winter Reliability Assessment*- Bill Lamanna
  43. Draft Reliability Coordinator Reliability Plan Reference Document* – Nate Schweighart
  44. Status Report of the IDC Association – Chris Wakefield
  45. Parallel Flow Visualization Reliability Metrics Task Group Report – Don Reichenbach
  46. Reliability Guideline for Operator Recognition Cyber Intrusion into Operating System*- Dave Devereaux
  47. Status Report – Net Actual and Net Scheduled Interchange – Mike McMullen

*Background materials included.

Agenda – Operating Reliability Subcommittee Meeting – September 6-7, 20171