of the
1:00 P.M. / (04/10) / (xx)
1. /

Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – (Led by the Hon. Helen Hudson, President of the Syracuse Common Council)

2. /

Invocation - (Delivered by Rabbi Daniel J. Fellman, Temple Concord, of Syracuse, New York)

3. /

Roll Call – (Present – 8; Councilor Boyle - absent)

4. /

Minutes –March 26, 2018 – (Adopted 8-0)

5. /

Petitions – (none)

6. /

Committee Reports – (none)

7. /

Communications - From the Hon. Pamela J. Hunter, NYS Assemblywoman, a letter acknowledging receipt of Resolution 9-R (03/12/2018); From Empire State Development, the General Project Plans for the Dietz at Leavenworth Park Capital Project. A public hearing will be held in the State Office Building Main Hearing Room, on Wednesday, April 11 at 3:00PM to consider the plans; From Gary Custer, on behalf of the Golden Corral Corporation, a letter accepting the terms and conditions of Ord. #62 (02/26/2018).

8-0 / Resolution - Approving the Appointment of Various Persons as Commissioners of Deeds for 2018. / 12-R
8-0 / Application & Agreement – To and with the New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, under the 2017 Tactical Team Targeted Grant Program, in the amount not to exceed $100,000 to purchase cold weather gear, tactical camera(s), and ballistic shields. No local match is required. / 146
8-0 / Application & Agreement – To and with New York State Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, under the 2017 Technical Rescue & Urban Search and Rescue Grant Program, in the amount of $50,000 to provide equipment and training to the Rescue Team in order to increase their operational capabilities. No local match is required. / 147
8-0 / Application & Agreement – To and with the New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee for the 2019 Police Traffic Services Program, in the amount not to exceed $46,000 to increase seat belt usage and reduce aggressive, speeding, distractedand other dangerous driving behaviors inan effort to reduce serious injury and death from traffic crashes. No local match is required. / 148
8-0 / Application & Agreement – To and with the New York State Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee for the 2019 Child Passenger Safety Program, on behalf of the Police Department, in the amount not to exceed $40,000 to increase the proper use and installation of child safety seats in New York State. No local match is required. / 149
8-0 / Application & Agreement – To and with FM Global, under the Fire Prevention Grant Program, in the amount of $5,000 to purchase camera and chemical detection equipment for fire related investigations. No local match is required. / 150
8-0 / Amend - The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, Chapter15, entitled Building Code, Section15.13.3, “Application for Permit”, amend to include solar photovoltaic system as part of electrical systems currently being installed. To read, “Chapter 15.13.3 (new B) “For the installation of qualifying Solar Photovoltaic (PV) systems a New York State Unified Solar Permit application shall be made on forms provided by the Director. This application will accompany the Electrical Permit application requirement in §15.13.3 (A). / Gen.
8-0 / Approve - Settlement of Tax Certiorari Proceedings – 543 E. Genesee Partners, LLC vs The City of Syracuse, et al. – 539-541 Genesee Street E (Tax Map No.: 102.-04-03.0) - 307 Townsend Street S. & Genesee Street (Tax Map No.: 102.-04-04.0) – Tax Years 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18. Total City/School District settlement amount $16,299 from Account #01.19310.0.000. Total County settlement amount $7,617 from Account #01.05.442.03. / 151
8-0 / Authorize – The Department of Assessment to retain an appraiser (Harlan Lavine – vacant commercial land located at 301 Hiawatha Boulevard Rear). Total cost $500. / 152
8-0 / Correct Tax Rolls - (115 Sunrise Drive Rear and 2921 Burnet Avenue to change county sewer charges for tax years 2015/2016, 2016/2017, 2017/2018, and 1140 Wadsworth Street & Cadillac Street, to add STAR exemption for tax years 2017/2018. / 153
8-0 / Accept – From Price Chopper, a donation in the amount of $2,600, to be deposited in the Celebrations Account #404610, Fund #25, Department #71400, for various events; the Big Rig Day, All-Star Band Performances, Spooktacular, Festival of Lights and Holiday Film with Santa, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs. / 154
8-0 / Accept – From Valley Men’s Club (chicken, potatoes, ziti and salad) estimated value of $400, and from P.E.A.C.E., Inc., (cups, coffee, tea, dessert plates and condiments) estimated value $75 for the Senior Gala, May 3, 2018, on behalf of the Department of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs. / 155
8-0 / Authorize - Payment to Michael Lawler, for providing activities for the Big Rig Day on May 19, 2018. Total cost not to exceed $300 from the Celebrations Account #5046100 Fund #25 and the remaining balance from Account #01.71400.540552. / 156
8-0 / Authorize – Payment to the American Valley Legion Post #1468, to host the annual Silver and Gold Gala, on May 3, 2018. Total cost not to exceed $200 from Account #540541 Department #71400 Fund #01. / 157
8-0 / Amend – Ord #230 (03/2/2017), “Purchase w/c/b – Agreement with the St. Andrew’s Parks and Playgrounds dba e-Trak Plus, for services related to a Comprehensive Recreation Management Software Program for the period of one (1) year April 1, 2016-March 31, 2017 with four (4) one- year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and Common Council.” Amend to authorize the second one-year renewal option from April 1, 2018-March 31, 2019. Total cost not to exceed $10,000 per year to be charged to Account #540530 Fund #01 Department #71400. / 158
8-0 / Waiver of Residency - As set forth in Section 8-112(2) of the Charter of the City of Syracuse - 1960, as amended, to authorize the Department of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs to waive the residency requirement to hire a retired non city resident Golf Course Maintenance Worker (Summer Aide) for the 2018/2019 Summer Season. / 159
8-0 / Waiver of Residency - As set forth in Section 8-112(2) of the Charter of the City of Syracuse - 1960, as amended, to authorize the Department of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs to waive the residency requirement to hire up to 40 Lifeguards and 3 CPO’s that are non city residents for the 2018/2019 Summer Season. / 160
8-0 / Waiver of Residency - As set forth in Section 8-112(2) of the Charter of the City of Syracuse - 1960, as amended, to authorize the Department of Parks, Recreation & Youth Programs to hire up to twelve (12) non city residents All-Star Band members to fill positions and to provide concerts for the 2018-2019 concert season. / 161
8-0 / Approve – Corrective Action Plan as detailed in Exhibit “A”, on behalf of Department of Public Works, in response to Audit #2017-MS-3 “Parking Structures” received from the Office of the State Comptroller on December 29, 2017. / 162
8-0 / Amend – Ord #272 (04/10/17), “Bond Ordinance - Authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds to be used to defray the cost of the scoping and preliminary design for the Teall Avenue Pavement Resurfacing Project PIN 3755.86, on behalf of the Department of Engineering, add the Final Design Phase and increase the amount from $150,000 to $300,000 also add the Construction and Inspection Phase for $945,000 Total amount not to exceed 1,245,000.” Amend to add additional funds of $200,000 to the Construction and Inspection Phase. Total amount not to exceed $1,445,000. / 163
8-0 / Amend – Ord. #273 (04/10/17), “Agreement - With N.Y.S. DOT for the scoping and preliminary design phase for the Teall Avenue Pavement Resurfacing Project PIN 3755.86 on behalf of the Department of Engineering, add the Final Design Phase and to increase the total cost not to exceed from $150,000 to $300,000 000 also add the Construction and Inspection Phase for $945,000 Total amount not to exceed 1,245,000. The City incurs all initial costs for this project with subsequent 80% Federal reimbursement through TIP.” Amend to add additional funds of $200,000 to the Construction and Inspection Phase. Total amount not to exceed $1,445,000. / 164
8-0 / Amend – Ord. #274 (04/10/17), “Authorize - The scoping and preliminary design phase of the Teall Avenue Pavement Resurfacing Project PIN 3755.86 on behalf of the Department of Engineering, amended to add the Final Design Phase and to increase the total cost from $150,000 to $300,000 also add the Construction and Inspection Phase for $945,000. Total cost not to exceed $1,245,000. The City will incur all initial costs with subsequent 80% reimbursement from the Federal government through TIP. The initial agreement for $150,000 received Marchiselli Funding. The Capital Account number is #599807.07.701236000.” Amend to add additional funds of $200,000 to the Construction and Inspection Phase. Total amount not to exceed $1,445,000. / 165
8-0 / Amend - Ord. #278 (04/10/17), “Permission - To Onondaga County and the Onondaga County Sanitary District, pursuant to Section 3.4 of the Intermunicipal Agreement from 2007, to install and maintain green infrastructure to include landscape, porous concrete sidewalks and other green related improvements, as detailed in revised Appendix “A” at no cost to the City, for the period of five years with (3) five-year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council.” Amend to add the 2018 Green Infrastructure Candidate Project List. All other provisions remain the same. / 166
8-0 / Permission – (revocable) To Crouse Hospital to construct, own, operate and maintain a heated sidewalk system, crosswalk striping across their driveways, and two catchbasin’s and associated 12” stormwater pipe in the Irving Avenue right-of-way as part of an entrance upgrade to the Hospital, located at 736 Irving Avenue. Crouse Hospital shall pay an annual fee of $4.35 per linear foot per 12” pipe @ 56’ each, ($243.60) annually. / 167
8-0 / Amend – Ord. #371 (05/08/2017), “Contract - With Bergmann Associates for services related to the Traffic & Transportation Engineering Services for the period of one (1) year with two (2) one year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $130,000 from Account #541500.01.81800, on behalf of the Department of Public Works.” Amend to authorize the first of (2) two one-year renewal options effective July 21, 2018. All other terms and conditions remain the same. / 168
8-0 / Amend – Ord. #372 (05/08/2017), “Contract –With C&S Engineers Inc., for services related to the Traffic & Transportation Engineering Services for the period of one (1) year with two (2) one year renewal options with the approval of the Mayor and the Common Council. Total cost not to exceed $220,000 from Account #541500.01.81800, on behalf of the Department of Public Works.” Amend to authorize the first of (2) two one-year renewal options effective July 25, 2018. All other terms and conditions remain the same. / 169
8-0 / Amend - The Revised General Ordinances of the City of Syracuse, as amended, to Create a New Chapter 59, “Entitled“Energy Benchmarking Requirement”, for Certain City-Owned or Occupied Municipal Buildings over 1000 square feet to promote the public health, safety, and welfare by making available good, actionable information on municipal building energy use to help identify opportunities to cut costs and reduce pollution in the City. / GEN.
Carni / Resolution - Memorializing the Governor of the State of New York, the New York State Senate, and the New York State Assembly to enact Senate S6737 and Assembly A2040, prohibiting employers from seeking salary history from prospective employees and to establish a public awareness campaign in order to achieve fair pay for all. / 13-R
8-0 / Designate – The property located at 701 South Warren Street and 258 East Adams Street as a Protected Site. Two people spoke in favor of the proposal. No one spoke in opposition to the proposal. The Syracuse Landmark Preservation Board, petitioner. The City of Syracuse, owner. / GEN.
8-0 / Special Permit - To modify a restaurant located at 307-313 South Clinton Street. No one spoke in favor or in opposition. The Planning Commission granted one (1) waiver in regard to signage requirements. Adam Gold, applicant. 307 South Clinton, LLC, owner. / GEN.
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 219 Bruce Street, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 5) / 170
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 128-130 Baker Avenue, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 4) / 171
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1221-1223 Bellevue Avenue, a wood house & garage unfinished, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 3) / 172
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 215 Borden Avenue W., a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 4) / 173
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 305 Cannon Street, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 4) / 174
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 713 Emerson Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 2) / 175
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 205-207 Hudson Street, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 4) / 176
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 147 Kennedy Street W. & Landon Avenue, a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 4) / 177
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 120 Matson Avenue E., a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 3) / 178
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1702 Midland Avenue, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 3) / 179
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 172 Mountainview Avenue, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 5) / 180
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1423-1425 Onondaga Street W., a wood house, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 2) / 181
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 740 Otisco Street, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 2) / 182
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 906 Park Avenue, a brick block house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 2) / 183
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 1537-1539 South Avenue, a vacant lot, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 3) / 184
8-0 / Sell – All right, title and interest of the City of Syracuse in and to the premises known as 558 Valley Drive, a wood house & garage, to the Greater Syracuse Property Development Corporation for the total sum of $151. (District 3) / 185
Syracuse Common Council Council
Adjourned at 1:15 P.M.