The volunteer role description, once agreed, gives both supervisor and volunteer a framework to work to and review as part of supervision and review process. A copy of the volunteer role descriptor should be kept by both supervisor and volunteer.
Name of Volunteer / Time to Change Media VolunteerService Location / Rethink MI, 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TP
Service/Department / Engagement and Education
Supervisor: / TTC Youth Involvement Officer / PR Officer
Volunteering start date / 17th March 2012
Service/ Department Description
A brief description of the service/department
Time to Change is an ambitious programme to end the stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health problems, and is a partnership between Mind and Rethink Mental Illness. The programme consists of projects throughout England including a national social marketing campaign and local community initiatives as well as a dynamic social movement for change driven by a large network of activists, champions and organisations from all sectors.
Volunteer Role Description
The Time to Change (TTC) Media Volunteer role will include:
-Providing interviews for print, broadcast and online media, nationally and regionally.
-Take part in research interviews with representatives from other media outlets e.g. TV documentaries and soaps
-Work with a member of the Time to Change media team to create a profile of your own story/experiences, which is kept on file and sent to journalists as and when requests come in (please note there are no contact details on these profiles)
-Providethe TTC team with a photograph (notcompulsory)
-Attend Media Social Leadership training (compulsory)
Any additional information
Support will be provided to the volunteer, including full briefings before media interviews, practice interviews with a member of the TTC media team (either in person or over the phone) and where possible a member of the team will accompany you to studio interviews.
Potentially, be available totravel to local studios for interviews- sometimes this might mean travellingfurther a field but all expenses will be paid.
Note: we will never give out contact details to a journalist without seeking your permission first. Also, if you were notfeeling well on the day, you do not need to take part. Requests are taken on a case by case basis.
The volunteer role description will be reviewed every ……………………. months.
Signed by Volunteer ……………………………………………………Date …………….
Signed by Volunteer Supervisor………………………………………Date …………….