1. Which number on the map represents the Yangtze River?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

2. The use of biomass fuels for cooking is a major cause of indoor air pollution in which of the following countries?

A. South Korea

B. North Korea

C. Japan

D. India

3. “Tiananmen Square Massacre” in China refers to

A.the overthrow of the Chinese government by pro-democracy protestors.

B.the defeat of the Japanese army by the Chinese army.

C.a series of pro democracy demonstrations which led to the death of many students protestors.

D.the bombing of the Chinese army by North Korea.

4. In India, Bangladesh, and much of Southeast Asia, agricultural productivity is most affected by the

A.seasonal monsoons

B.numerous deserts


D.cold climate

5. Only about 25% of the undeveloped land in Japan is suitable for agriculture. Based on this fact, which statement is true about Japan’s economy?

A.Farming is the largest part of the Japanese economy

B.Japan’s economy is less dependent on agriculture

C.Oil has become a large part of the Japanese economy

D.Thereare no useful natural resources in Japan

6. What is one factor that has affected economic development in Africa in the 21st century?

A.reliance on coffee exports

B.equal distribution of wealth


D.spread of the AIDS epidemic

7. Compared to India and Japan, which statement is correct when describing China’s overall economic system?

A.China does not rely on any kind of international trade like India and Japan

B.China’s economy offers more economic freedom than India and Japan

C.The economies of India and Japan are much larger than China

D.India and Japan offer more economic freedom than China

8.According to the information in the table, these dams have

A.met the expectations of their builders .

B.had a major environmental effect on their regions.

C.preserved historical ruins.

D.had no effect on the region.

9. Following World War II, what is one reason the United States led the rebuilding of Japan?

A.In addition to economic reasons, United States was concerned about the emergence of a Communist-controlled China.

B.The United States owed large amounts of money to Japan.

C.The United States was held responsible for the devastation in Japan due to the bombing of Hiroshima.

D.The United States discovered large amounts of oil in the area.

10. Which number on the map represents Japan?





Group of people who share cultural ideas that have been part of their community for generations. Often share the same characteristics that their parents and grandparents shared – such as language, history food, music, stories, beliefs, and celebrations.
11. Which of the following could be used as an example to go with the information above?





12. The historical division of Islam’s two major sects, the Sunnis and the Shia, has impacted the politics in the region. Which one of the statements below was the key issue behind the Sunni and Shia split?

A.the issue over the water rights of the region

B.the issue over who should claim Mecca as their holy land.

C.the issue over who should control the oil in the region

D. the issue over who should succeed Muhammad as leader after his death

13. How do political conflicts sometimes lead to famine?

A.crops never seem to grow well in times of war

B.conflicts disrupt farming and little food is produced

C.political leaders order farmers to stop work in times of conflict

D.political conflicts rarely have any significant effect on food supply

14. India is characterized by a form of government in which power is divided between one central authority and several regional authorities. Which of the following terms BEST classifies the distribution of power in India?





15. The letter A on the map represents the country of





16. Several countries around the Persian Gulf are leading exporters of oil. All oil tankers passing out of the Persian Gulf must pass through —

A.the Suez Canal

B.the Caspian Sea

C. the Red Sea

D.the Strait of Hormuz

17. Which of the following BEST represents the area in which desertification, in combination with drought, has forced the people to migrate out of the region?





18. In traditional Chinese culture, which philosophy had the greatest influence on the development of social order?





19. Which of the following BEST describes the major contribution of South African President F.W. de Klerk?

A.Klerk ended apartheid laws and released Nelson Mandela from jail.

B. Klerk founded a nationalist movement to fight apartheid.

C.Klerk advocated the establishment of segregation laws.

D.He worked to spread apartheid laws to nations neighboring South Africa.

20. Which statement describes the economies of South Africa and Nigeria ?

A.both countries have strong command characteristics with some aspects of market

B.South Africa has a pure market economy, while Nigeria is mostly command

C.both countries have mixed economies with more aspects of market than command

D.the GDP per capita in both countries is the same and so is the standard of living

21. How have the major rivers of Southwest Asia become a part of political conflict?

A. Many rivers dry up during the hot summers.

B. The rivers have nothing to do with the area’s political conflict.

C. Most countries do not allow water to be taken out of rivers for irrigation.

D.Several countries have built dams along their portion of the river, cutting off water to those living downstream.

22. After 1859, new land uses other than agriculture were discovered in South Africa. Which activity increased both pressure over land use and increased dependency on the black majority?

A.diamond mining

B. commercial fishing

C. gold mining

D. a and c

23. Which statement about European colonialism in Africa is accurate?

A.colonial boundaries were drawn with little regard for original ethnic or tribal lands

B.Africans and Europeans were granted the same legal rights

C.Europeans had little impact on African societies

D.Africans held high positions in most colonial governments

24. The continued importance of the Middle East to the global economy is based on its

A. quantity of oil reserves.

B. exports of manufactured goods.

C. semiarid climate.

D. economic freedom.

25. Which of the following is represented the“A”?

A.Congo River

B.Niger River

C.Nile River

D.Senegal River

26. Which ethnic grouplives in the shaded region of Africa?





27. China is an example of a country with a unitary system of government. Which of the following describes how power is distributed in China?

A.Power distribution in China is highly centralized.

B.The regional divisions in China have the power to make independent decisions.

C.Power in China is divided between the central authority and its regional divisions.

D.Citizens in China elect the members of the legislature and the head of government.

28. Which belief is shared by a Ashanti who practices animism and a Japanese who practices Shinto?

A. only one God rules the universe

B. all suffering is caused by desire and selfishness

C. periodic fasting is essential to spiritual purity

D. spirits exist in both living and nonliving things

29. A magazine article on Africa discusses, conflict, civil war, political instability, and artificial political boundaries. The article is MOST LIKELY concerned about

A.Kenya’s 2013 elections

B.the independence movement in Ethiopia

C.the consequences of the European partitioning of Africa

D.Apartheid in South Africa

30. The“B” on the map represents the country of





31. The legislature of South Africa is called the National Assembly. Citizens elect the members of the National Assembly, and the members of the National Assembly elects the president of the country. What is South Africa’s form of democracy?

A.presidential democracy

B.parliamentary democracy

C.direct democracy

D.semi-presidential democracy

•Failed economic policy of rapidly developing agriculture by collectivizing farms.

•Eliminate rival groups.

•Revolutionize culture by wiping out old ideas and habits.

32. The statements above BEST explains _____

A.the U.S. policy of containment of communism in China

B.the role of Mao Zedong particularly in the area of individual rights

C.U.S. relations with China during the Cold War

D.the development of freedom movements in China

33. What is the major consequence associated with the control of water resources by some countries in Southwest Asia such as building dams?

A.it has led to an unequal distribution of water in the world

B.it has led to an unequal distribution of water in the Middle East

C.most countries in the region now import bottled water from Iraq

D.water taxes in most countries in the region have doubled

34.Why did colonial borders cause problems for new African nations?

A.They forced people from different ethnic groups together into nations.

B.They created countries that were too small for their populations.

C.They landlocked many nations.

D.They created geographic trade barriers.

35. Which one of the following ethnic minority group of the Middle East is mostly concentrated in the countries of Turkey, Iran, Iraq, and Syria?



36. Which one of these economic organizations was developed to control the production of oil in the Middle East?





37. Religious connection to land, anti-Semitism, Holocaust, and Zionism in Europe, all played a role in the

A.the establishment of the United Nations.

B.establishment of the State of Israel.

C.the development of nuclear weapons in Iraq.

D.the development of the Jewish religion.

38. Which of the following involves a ban of certain import goods due to political differences




D.trade barriers

*darker color represents higher density

39. The map shows the population density in China. Which of the following statements BEST supports the population distribution in the country?

A.The western part of China has more resources, therefore a more desirable to live.
B.The eastern and southeastern parts of China has more fertile soil, better climate, and more access to water.

C.The eastern part of China is closer to an arid climate.

D.It is impossible to survive in the northern and southern parts of China.

40. Which of the following does the arrow on the map BEST indicate?

A.Lake Tanganyika

B.Lake Chad

C.Lake Victoria
D.Lake Congo

41. Which of the following features does the arrow on the map BEST indicate?

A.Sinai Peninsula

B.Gaza Strip

C.Suez Canal

42. Which of the following political features does the arrow on the map BEST indicate?



43. What was one lasting result of the division of the former Ottoman territory in Southwest Asia following WWI?

A. borders now divide or combine cultural groups, leading to conflict within nations
B.Islam first spread throughout the region, leading to cultural diffusion and the spread of Muslim beliefs
C.Turkey was officially divided into Jewish, Christian, and Muslim areas
D.Britain and France gained control of the region which they maintain to the present day

44. The US became involved in the Persian Gulf War as a way of protecting Kuwait from what Middle East country?


45. The basic issues surrounding the continuing conflicts in the Middle East is often related to

A.water and gold
B.religion and gold
C.religion and land
D.Palestinians and Iranians

46. Which of the following physical features is BEST represented by the letter D?

A.Gaza Strip

B.Jordan River

C.Dead Sea

D.Red Sea

47. Based on information from the Economic Freedom Index (EFI), the economy of this oil rich country is highly centralized, and regulations make it difficult for individuals to open, or operate a business. Which one of the countries listed below BEST fits the EFI description?

C.South Africa

48. In response to the to the terrorist attacks launched against the United States on September 11, 2001, the United States invaded which one of the following countries ?


49. Which of the following countries is an Islamic Republic with a government run by Muslim religious leaders?



D.Saudi Arabia

50. Disputes over what natural resources is a continuing issue in the Middle East?

A.water and gold
B.salt and gold
C.water and oil
D.religion and water