April 1, 2015


Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Marine Officers’ Spouses’ Club of Okinawa, hereafter referred to as MOSC-Okinawa.

Section 2: The purpose of MOSC-Okinawa is to create a social network for club members while supporting philanthropic interests in the American and Okinawan communities.


Section 1: Membership is limited to eligible persons residing on Okinawa.

Section 2: The membership is personally liable for organizational debts in the event the organization’s assets are insufficient to discharge all liabilities. [MCBJO 5760.1B, Enclosure (1) 5.b.(6)]

Section 3: Voting Membership - Eligibility, Duties and Privileges:

A.  Spouse of a US Marine: active duty commissioned officer or active duty warrant officer.

B.  Spouse of a Retired US Marine: retired commissioned officer or retired warrant officer.

C.  Spouse of an Army, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard member: active duty commissioned officer or active duty warrant officer attached to a Marine Corps unit on Okinawa.

D.  Spouse of a civilian with the officer equivalent civil service status (GS-7 and above) serving with a Marine Corps Unit on Okinawa.

E.  Voting Members shall pay annual dues in order to participate in MOSC-Okinawa sponsored events.

F.  Voting Members, including advisors, will have voting privileges.

G.  Voting Members, excluding advisors, shall be eligible for elected and appointed offices in accordance with Article III, Section 1-A.

Section 4: Non-Voting Membership - Eligibility, Duties and Privileges:

A.  Spouse of an Army, Navy, Air Force or Coast Guard member: active duty commissioned officer or active duty warrant officer serving on Okinawa, not attached to a Marine Corps unit.

B.  The paid Marine Gift Shop employees not otherwise eligible for MOSC-Okinawa membership.

C.  Non-Voting Membership is at the discretion of the MOSC-Okinawa board.

D.  Non-Voting Members shall pay annual dues in order to participate in MOSC-Okinawa sponsored events.


Section 1: Elected Officers of the Executive Board

A.  The MOSC-Okinawa, voting membership, elects the following officers from its voting membership:

1.  President

2.  Vice President – Welfare

3.  Vice President – Events

4.  Treasurer

5.  Secretary

6.  Parliamentarian

B.  These elected positions, along with the Honorary President, comprise the Executive Board of the MOSC-Okinawa.

C.  The Honorary President is a non-voting member of the Executive Board.

D.  The elected officers are voting members of the MOSC-Okinawa Executive Board.

1.  Each elected officer has one vote.

2.  The President will vote ONLY in the case of a tie.

3.  Any individual holding two positions on the Executive Board shall exercise only a single vote.

E.  The board shall formulate plans and establish policies for the MOSC-Okinawa in accordance with the Constitution and the Bylaws.

Section 2: Appointed Officers of the MOSC-Okinawa Board

A.  The President appoints an officer for each committee, including:

1.  Auction Officer

2.  Community Liaison Officer

3.  Group Chairpersons

a.  III Marine Expeditionary Force Headquarters (III MEF)

b.  Marine Corps Installations, Pacific

c.  1st Marine Aircraft Wing

d.  3rd Marine Division

e.  3rd Marine Logistics Group

f.  3rd Marine Expeditionary Brigade

4.  Historian

5.  Hospitality Officer

6.  Webmaster/Publicity

7.  Reservations/Membership Officer

8.  Scholarship Officer

B.  The Marine Gift Shop Director of Operations shall be appointed as a voting officer of the MOSC-Okinawa Board.

C.  These positions comprise the MOSC-Okinawa Board.

D.  The appointed officers are voting members of the MOSC-Okinawa Board.

Section 3: Election of Officers

A.  A nominating committee shall be appointed by the President no later than March 15.

B.  The Parliamentarian shall chair the nominating committee.

1.  The committee shall consist of one member from each group, their advisor, and the Parliamentarian.

2.  The committee will present a proposed list of officers to the MOSC-Okinawa board at the April board meeting. The committee will present the slate to the voting membership one week prior to elections.

3.  Elections should take place at the Annual Meeting in accordance with Article IV, Section 1-B.

4.  Officers shall be elected by the majority of votes cast. Voting shall be by ballot.

5.  Members who are unable to attend the election may use absentee ballots. The Parliamentarian controls all absentee ballots.

C.  Newly elected officers will assume their duties at the June board meeting and shall serve for a period of twelve months.

D.  When an elected officer resigns from the MOSC-Okinawa board, the MOSC-Okinawa President may appoint a replacement officer for the duration of the term, with the approval of the Executive Board.

E.  The installation officer shall be the out-going President.

Section 4: Honorary President and Group Advisors

A.  The Honorary President shall be the spouse of the Commanding General of III MEF or the spouse of the next-senior Marine officer on Okinawa.

B.  The advisors shall be Marine Corps General Officers’ spouses or the most senior spouse of the group.

C.  The Honorary President and group advisors must be current MOSC-Okinawa members.

D.  The Honorary President and group advisors are non-voting members of the MOSC-Okinawa board.

Section 5: Duties and Terms Officers and Chairpersons

A.  The duties of the elected officers and chairpersons shall be those pertaining to their offices as outlined in the Bylaws of the MOSC-Okinawa organization.

B.  One term is defined as the functional year for MOSC-Okinawa, which is June through the following May.


Section 1: Membership Events

A.  There shall be a minimum of six MOSC-Okinawa membership events per year.

B.  The May event shall also serve as the Annual Meeting.

C.  The purpose of the Annual Meeting shall be to conduct elections and to address any other pertinent business.

D.  The MOSC-Okinawa board shall determine the dates for the events and notify the membership.

E.  All MOSC-Okinawa activities will automatically be postponed in Tropical Cyclone Condition 1.

Section 2: Meetings

A.  The Executive Board shall meet as needed throughout the year.

B.  The MOSC-Okinawa board shall meet monthly, the first Wednesday of each month.


Section 1: The Marine Gift Shop (MGS) operates as an entity of the Marine Officers' Spouses’ Club. It is governed by a sub board, the Board of Supervisors, which abides by the MGS Constitution and Bylaws (Addendum A and B).

Section 2: Purpose

A.  The purpose of the Marine Gift Shop (MGS) is to raise funds for the MOSC-Okinawa charitable giving initiatives via the sale of furniture, gifts and collectibles.

B.  These funds afford an opportunity for members of MOSC-Okinawa to provide meaningful volunteer service to promote the health, morale, and welfare of the American and Ryukyuan community through profits generated from the MGS.


Section 1: The MOSC-Okinawa shall comply with MCBJO 5760.1. The MOSC-Okinawa will provide the Assistant Chief of Staff (ACOS), Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS) with the names of the incumbent President and Treasurer.

Section 2: The ACOS, MCCS, will be responsible to the Private Organization Board of Directors (POBOD) to monitor the activities of the MOSC-Okinawa and ensure its compliance with existing regulations.

Section 3. The Following Base Order terms shall be designated for MOSC-Okinawa to mean:

A.  President…………………………………….……..President of the MOSC-Okinawa

B.  Treasurer…………………………………………..Treasurer of the MOSC-Okinawa

C.  Senior Member of the Advisory Body…………….Honorary President of the MOSC-Okinawa

Section 4: The MOSC-Okinawa will comply with all federal tax regulations in order to maintain tax-exempt status.


Section 1: Amendments to the Constitution

A.  Any active member may propose constitutional amendments. Proposed amendments must be submitted in writing to the Executive Board and must indicate sponsorship by a minimum of ten members.

B.  A committee may be convened by the Executive Board to review the Constitution. Upon approval of a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the MOSC-Okinawa board, proposed amendments shall then be read or otherwise disseminated to the Membership. Both the current portion of the Constitution and the proposed amendments to that section will be read or otherwise disseminated and discussed one month prior to the MOSC-Okinawa Membership vote.

C.  A proposed amendment shall be adopted upon a majority vote of the Membership present at a regular meeting.

D.  Amendments to the Constitution are subject to approval of the POBOD, and will become effective on the date of approval by the POBOD.

Section 2: By-Laws Amendments

A.  The Executive Board is empowered to amend the Bylaws of the MOSC-Okinawa upon a two thirds (2/3) vote of the MOSC-Okinawa board.

B.  Amendments to the By-Laws are subject to the review of the POBOD and will become effective upon the date of approval by the POBOD.


Section 1: All parliamentary procedures not covered by this Constitution and Bylaws shall be governed by Robert’s Rules of Order.


Section 1: Upon the dissolution of the organization, assets shall be used to satisfy any outstanding debts, liabilities or obligations. The remainder of the assets will be distributed to one or more charitable organization decided upon by a majority vote of the members.


Section 1: This Constitution shall become effective upon adoption in a duly constituted regular or special meeting of the MOSC-Okinawa Membership and a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present, and upon approval by the POBOD. This Constitution shall then supersede all previous Constitutions and amendments except that it shall not affect officers elected nor specific agreements and contracts entered into under the terms of the previous Constitutions until such terms of agreement or contracts shall have reached their expiration dates.


Section 1: No substantial part of the activities of the organization shall be the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the MOSC-Okinawa shall not participate in or intervene in including publishing or distribution of statements, any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not, except to an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in furtherance of the purposes of this organization.

1 Revised April 1, 2015