
Purpose: / Instructional Focus: / How to Teach It:
Day One / Introduce theme or topic (develop background knowledge, tap into prior knowledge) / Teach & Practice Vocabulary / Use visuals, graphics, pantomime, etc. in the context of familiar sentence structures
Tab 4.8-4.37
Day Two / Teach new language patterns and structures (grammar and syntax) to expand ability to communicate / Bring Language to Teach & Practice Language Patterns and Grammatical Forms / Explain, model, and practice language patterns and grammatical forms using sentence frames or other routine: Tab 4.8-4.37
Day Three / * Increase demand by varying use of vocabulary & patterns taught above / Teach & Practice Additional Language Patterns, Forms and Expanded Vocabulary / Explain, model, and practice language patterns and grammatical forms using additional sentence frames, Tab 4.8-4.37 and Tab 3 Sample Uses and Patterns
Day Four
/ * Expand through one more variation: vary structure, add new vocabulary, vary domain (reading/writing) / Teach & Practice Language Forms and Patterns Through Writing / Explain, model, and practice language patterns and grammatical forms through writing (sentences, paragraphs, dialogues, retellings, questionnaires) Tab 4.8-4.37 and Tab 3 Sample Uses and Patterns
Day Five / Apply taught language in a new way / Take language to application in a new context / Explain, model, and practice language through games, writing activities, skits, role-plays etc. Tab 3: Taking Language to Application

Level / Early Advanced/ Advanced / Function(s)/Use: / Explain Thoughts, Feelings & Opinions / Grade(s) / 7 & 8
Weekly Planner
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Daily Objective
Students will be able to use (topic vocabulary or pattern)___ in order to ____(language use)___. / Students will be able to change a verb from the past tense to the past progressive in order to make an apology. / Students will be able to use the conjunctions because and when in order to explain something that happened. / Students will be able to negotiate verb tenses in order to express their dislikes. / Students will be able to negotiate verb tenses in order to express their likes. / Students will be able to write a mock diary entry stating their feelings.
Daily Focus
1.  Vocabulary
2.  Language Patterns
3.  Taking it to Application / X1 / X2 / ¨  3
/ X1 / X2 / ¨  3
/ X1 / X2 / ¨  3
/ X1 / X2 / ¨  3
/ ¨  1 / ¨  2 / √ 3
Topic Specific Vocabulary
“Bricks” (3.3-7) / Generated list of verbs- past tense and past progressive / unfriendly, mean, rude, impolite / angry, furious, livid, enraged, irate, infuriated, incensed, beside myself / happy, ecstatic, content, pleased, glad, joyful, cheerful, blissful, exultant, delighted, cheery, jovial
Idioms: in high spirits & on cloud nine / Review of vocabulary taught throughout the week
Language Patterns “Mortar”
See ELD Matrix and Tab 3 Function Tools / Grammatical Forms to help determine the “mortar” patterns / Changing verbs (also sentence structure) from past tense to past progressive. / Using the conjunctions because and when / Negotiating verb tenses / Negotiating verb tenses / Using the conjunctions because and when
Negotiating verb tenses and sentence structures
Patterns for
Prompts / Are you sorry for ______?
/ Who was ____ (unfriendly, mean, rude, impolite) to ____? / When are you ____?
What makes you ____? / When are you _____?
What makes you ____? / What is something that you are apologetic for?
What makes you _____?
When are you ____?
Patterns for Responses / I’m sorry I _(verb phrase should be written using the past tense)_. It was (reason). I won’t do it again.
I’m sorry for (verb should end in –ing). It won’t happen again. / _____ was ____ unfriendly, mean, rude, impolite) to ______because/when ______. / I’m _____(angry, furious, livid, enraged, irate, infuriated, incensed, beside myself)___ when…
I was _____(angry, furious, livid, enraged, irate, infuriate, incensed, beside myself)___ about… / I’m _____(happy, ecstatic, content, pleased, glad, joyful, cheerful, blissful, exultant, delighted, cheery, jovial, in high spirits, on cloud nine)___ when…
I was _____(happy, ecstatic, content, pleased, glad, joyful, cheerful, blissful, exultant, delighted, cheery, jovial, in high spirits, on cloud nine)___ about… / See reponses from previous lessons. This lesson will take it to the next step- application, through writing a diary entry using all of the prompts from the previous days.
Structured Language Practice (Tab 4.39)
·  How will students produce language - at least 50% of lesson?
·  How will you gather evidence
of student learning? / Choral Response / Choral Response
Partner Share / Partner Share
Whip Around / Partner Share
Whip Around / Student Diary entries- these could be mock if they’d like. They will be instructed to use at least one of the prompts taught each day in this week’s lessons.
Plus, Routines for Teaching and Practicing (Tab 4.8-37) / Sentence Construction Chart
Grammatical Forms Chart / Sentence Construction Chart
Role Play / Sentence Construction Chart/ Sentence Stems / Sentence Construction Chart/ Sentence Stems / Sentence Construction Charts/ Sentence Stems (from pervious lessons)
Grammatical Forms Chart (pervious lesson)

Day One (Include narrative of instructional sequence, thumbnail drawing of instructional charts, and applicable student handouts)

(Continue with each day’s lesson in narrative form)

Page 2 of 4 Topic: Feelings Level: Early Advanced/ Advanced Lesson Written by: Sonia Nelson Planning Format © E.L.Achieve/2007. All Rights Reserved