GRANT PROPOSAL – 2018 Project GrantsApplication ID:TBA
CIA Surname:Insert text here
- Research Proposal
This template serves as a guide for drafting the first page of an NHMRC Project Grant application.
This first page is a critical section of the research proposal.
- Reviewers must be impressed by the end of this page; it is often the only section they will read
- It provides a one-page overview of the entire proposal
- It is essential that this page is reader-friendlyand easily understood by non-expert reviewers
The first page will likely need a lot of iteration and it is recommended to revisit after writing the rest of the proposal to ensure it captures the key components of the proposal.
We suggest using bold topic sentencesat the start of each paragraph and to only use a figure if it really adds value to the first page (e.g., using a graphical abstract).
CI Team:In the next roundyou can be a CI on up to 2 Project Grant applications (previously 6). Therefore, it is crucial to be strategic about which applications you will be a CI on.
Title – add the project title.
Paragraph #1 –State the problem and the current gap
What is the significant problem in human health?The first sentence should grab the reader’s attention.
Describe current knowledge in the area.
What is the knowledgegap preventing progression to a solution?Show how this gap is important.
The gap is what motivates the entire project. The proposal will fill in the gap.
Paragraph #2 -How will you address the gap?
Start broad – what is your long-term research goal in this area?This should include the gap but can extend beyond it.
What is your specific objective for this project proposal? This should directly address the gap.
What is your central hypothesis? This should be your best option for addressing the objective.
Use relevant references in support of the hypothesis development – this will be expanded in later sections of the research proposal.
Wrap up by summarising how the outcomes of the proposal will significantly advance the field.
Paragraph #3 -How will you put your central hypothesis into action?
Describe the specific aims of the project (number each aim).
For each aiminclude a clear statement of acorresponding hypotheses to be tested. Note that NHMRC guidelines request that applicants“Describe the specific aims of the project, including a clear statement of hypotheses to be tested.”
Avoid interdependent aims. Aims can be linked but reviewers need reassurance that the whole project will not fail if one of the specific aims falls through.
Avoid aims that appear as fishing expeditions. Avoid “to explore”, “improve understanding”. Instead, use –“To measure”, “to determine”.
If adding a translational aim, ensure that the translational aim will be feasible and well-developed and not perceived as an unfeasible aim tacked on at the end.
Paragraph #4 - Wrap up on the expected outcomes and their significance
What are the expected outcomes from the research of each specific aim? How will this close the gap? And address an issue of great importance in human health?
What is the impact these outcomes will have? E.g.,We will know X and can therefore do Y. The impact statement should create a sense of urgency for why it is crucial to complete the project now.
Do the expected outcomes provide justification for the NHMRC to invest in this project.
The background section will follow, where further rationale for the specific aims can be provided.
Template updated 28/8/2017 Page 1