Virginia Association for Early Childhood Education

“Every Child, Everywhere”

“Mindfulness for Educators”

Presentation by: J. Robin Albertson-Wren

“What is Mindfulness?”

“Mindfulness is paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” (Jon Kabat-Zinn)


* Buddhist practice for thousands of years

* Jon Kabat-Zinn’s secular mindfulness as stress reduction: MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) for adults beginning in 1979


(Adapted and used with permission from Mindful Schools)

* Benefits observed in adults duringpast 30 years of research:

* Decreased physical and psychological symptoms

* Increasedability to relax

* Reduced pain levels

* Enhanced energy and enthusiasm for life

* Improved self-esteem

* Increased ability to cope more effectively with stressful situations (Center for Mindfulness, University of Massachusetts)

* Benefits observed in adolescents:

* 80% reversal in DSM Diagnoses

(including depression, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia and cutting)

(MBSR study on young adults - Gina Biegel, MFT, Kaiser Permanente Hospital Conglomeration)

* Significant impact on depression, stress and well-being

* Follow up indicated over 20% continued to use mindfulness practice at least once a week after course completion

(Depression, Stress and Well-Being Course Study - 522 Adolescents,

12 schools in Great Britain British Journal of Psychiatry – 2013)

* Attention and behavior problems reduced

* Executive functioning improved

(Research study on Attention and Behavior with Adolescents with ADHD

Journal of Child & Family Studies 2012)

* Benefits observed in children:

* Increased attention

* Greater calmness and self-control

* Improved self-care and participation

* More care and respect for others

(Mindful Schools Controlled Study 2011-2012 829 students,

47 teachers, three schools K-5

Neuroscience behind mindfulness:

* Positively affects three areas of the brain:

1) Prefrontal cortex – higher level thinking

2) Amygdala- fight or flight response

3) Hippocampus – memory storage and recall

Recommended children’s literature:

Peaceful Piggy Meditation by: Kerry Lee MacLean

Moody Cow Meditates by: Kerry Lee MacLean

Zen Shorts by: Jon J. Muth (a collection of stories)

The Three Questions by: Jon J. Muth

Breathe by: Scott Magoon

What Does it Mean to be Present?by: Rana DiOrio

Each Kindness by: Jacqueline Woodson

Puppy Mindby: Andrew Jordan Nance

Ahn's Anger & Steps and Stones by: Gail Silver

A Handful of Quiet Moments & Mindful Movements by: ThichNhat Hanh

Mindfulness Apps and links for practice at home:

Stop, Breathe, Think Head Space Inner Balance Inner Timer Mindfulness Mindfulness II Simply Being

Additional Links to Current Research and Articles on Mindfulness in Education:

Scientific American Mind(Volume 25, Number 2), presented a scientific analysis ranking the 10 most effective child-rearing practices

Daniel Siegel TEDxNeural Integration - Hand model of the brain

Raising the Mindful Family

Interested in a follow up conversation/presentation

for your school or workplace?

Contact :

J. Robin