Chapter 26: The Futile Search for Stability: Europe between the Wars, 1919-1939
Uncertain Peace and the Democratic States, 740-746
1. Why was the League of Nations ineffective in maintaining peace?
2. What was the Little Entente?
3. Explain the French Policy of coercion in regards to:
Ruhr Valley Occupation and German Hyperinflation
4. Why did inflation create problems for the newly created Weimar Republic?
5. What was the Dawes Plan?
6. Identify the various methods [treaties, negotiations, agreements, etc…] used by the European powers and the United States to establish and maintain peace and military disarmament during the 1920s. Why might some of those methods be considered politically naïve?
Locarno Treaty (1925)
Kellogg-Briand Pact (1928)
7. Explain how there was little substance to the “Spirit of Locarno”?
8. What were Western relations like with the Soviet Union?
9. Identify the major causes of the Great Depression.
10. What were the political, economic, and social repercussions?
11. How did the Great Depression spread from the United States to the rest of the world?
12. Use the document (743) to describe the social effects of unemployment during the Great Depression. How did fascist politicians and military leaders use these conditions to gain popular support?
13. Following a brief period of the Labour Party in power, the Conservatives returned to power in 1925. What was the view of renewed prosperity an illusion?
14. What was the National Government?
15. What advice did John Maynard Keynes offer to the British government? How did Britain respond to his advice?
16. What was the Popular Front? What were the reforms initiated and why did the Popular Front government fail within a year?
17. What services did the Scandinavian governments offer their citizens?
Retreat from Democracy: The Authoritarian and Totalitarian States, 746-750
18. What were "total states" and how did they win the hearts and minds of their people? In what way did they differ from the old dictatorship/autocracies?
Fascist Italy
19. What problems did Italy face following WWI?
20. Who was Mussolini?
21. What was the fascist philosophy?
22. Explain Mussolini’s rise to power.
23. Describe life in Fascist Italy?
24. How did Young Fascists indoctrinate children?
25. What was the role of women supposed to be in the fascist state?
26. What were the Lateran Accords?
27. What were the economic issues the Weimar Republic faced during the 1920s?
28. Where does the word "Nazi" come from?
29. Describe the rise of the Nazi Party and its philosophy.
30. What was the "Beer Hall Putsch"?
31. Define Lebensraum.
32. Analyze Hitler's reaction to seeing the Jew in Vienna. What do his words reveal about his personality (pg 572)? Why do you think this one event left such an impression on him?
33. What were the results of the 1930 election for the Nazis? What about 1932? What accounted for the change in support?
34. What role did Paul von Hindenburg play in Hitler's rise to power?
35. Describe the important figures in the rise of Nazism in Germany (besides Hitler):
Hermann Görring:
Ernst Rohm
36. What was the SA?
37. Define the Enabling Act.
38. Explain the ways the Nazis created a totalitarian state.
39. Who was Heinrich Himmler and how did he utilize the SS?
40. What role did each of the following play in the Holocaust: the Nuremburg Laws, and Kristallnacht?
41. How did the Nazi state impact women?
42. From the article supposedly penned by Mussolini (750), what principles of Italian fascism obviously found their way into the ideology of German Nazism? What was there about fascism that posed threats to internal minorities and to world peace?
43. Combining Hitler's public comments and an observer's description of a Nazi rally (pg 756), why do you think such mass meetings were so successful? On what human emotions and needs did they play, and why did they lead to such mass support for Hitler's causes?
The Soviet Union, 758-761
44. What economic issues did Russia have during the civil war and immediately after it? Why did “war communism” fail?
45. What were the major components of the NEP and how did the NEP represent a compromise with capitalism? Oh, and what does NEP stand for?
46. Why was the Politburo divided at Lenin’s death?
47. What were the differences between Leon Trotsky and Josef Stalin? Include the ideas of the Left and Right.
48. Why did Stalin, and not Trotsky, emerge as Lenin’s successor? What did Stalin do with Trotsky?
49. What was the underlying assumption of Stalin's First Five-Year Plan? What were the specific parts of the plan that dealt with industry? With agriculture?
50. What was collectivization, and how did the kulaks respond to it? Be sure to also identify who the kulaks were. What happened to the kulaks?
51. How did Stalin mobilize an entire nation in making Russia an industrial giant almost overnight? What techniques were used against those who couldn't or wouldn't measure up to the task?
52. What caused the Stalinist purges of 1934-1939? Who were the major targets of Stalin's wrath? What were the final tallies of victims? Be sure to identify the Old Bolsheviks.
53. How was life restricted for women under Stalin?
Eastern Europe
54. What was the political pattern followed by many of the governments in Eastern Europe in the 1920s?
55. What was the political pattern followed by many of the governments in Eastern Europe in the late 1920s and 1930s?
56. Describe Spain prior to 1931. Then what happened?
57. How did the Fascist dictator General Francisco Franco come to power?
Mass Culture, Leisure, and Intellect, 762-768
58. Explain the Roaring Twenties and the Jazz Age.
59. Describe the impact of the following inventions on society:
60. What characterized mass leisure, or in what ways did people utilize their new “free time”?
61. What picture of Nazi leisure trips do you get from S.D.P. reports? How do these "opposition in exile" reports betray their own biases against the regime (page 764)?
62. Assess the extent to which mass leisure has changed since the 1920s and 30s (critical thinking).
Cultural and Intellectual Trends in the Interwar Years, 764-768
63. How did Oswald Spengler comment on peoples’ disillusionment with society and Western values?
64. Describe the breakdown of traditional middle class attitudes?
65. Define Dadaism
66. Define Surrealism.
67. Who was Salvador Dali and why was he famous?
68. What is the Bauhaus architectural movement?
69. How was art utilized in the totalitarian regime?
70. Explain the “stream of consciousness” technique.
71. Identify the following writers and their works and main themes:
James Joyce
Virginia Woolf
Hermann Hesse
72. Explain the acceptance of Freud’s theories and its impact on society.
73. Who was Carl Jung and how did he impact psychology? Explain the “collective unconscious”.
74. What is the “uncertainty principle”?