Devon LNP Board meeting

14th July 2015


Present: Suzanne Goodfellow (Chair), Professor Martin Attrill, Harry Barton, Nicola Bulbeck, Elaine Cook, Dr Virginia Pearson, Jeremy Pyne (for John Holmes), David Weatherly, Corinna Woodall

In attendance: Sarah Jennings (Sec)

Apologies: John Holmes, Robin Milton, Lewis Jones

1.  Actions from last meeting / general updates

·  Noted that Rory Stewart is the new Environment Minister with responsibility for LNPs. Agreed to support Oxfordshire in producing an advocacy letter for LNPs aimed at Gov / other key decision makers.

·  Sustainable Seas: One of the Sustainable Seas actions is to link University students with other organisations (placements and research projects). Four Plymouth students are currently placed with organisations including IFCA, Sea Torbay and South Hams AONB)

·  Outdoor Learning: David Weatherly has been working with Exmoor National Park Authority to produce a geography GCSE and A’level teaching resource on the River Lyn catchment which was recently launched -

Actions (some follow ups from previous meeting):

·  SG and VP to meet Heather Barnes (Director, DCC) to discuss her new ADEPT role (Assoc of Directors of Environment, Planning and Transport) in relation to LNPs.

·  SJ to circulate LNP national leads when list sent out by Defra.

·  SJ / SG to follow up Oxfordshire LNP’s offer of producing an advocacy paper for LNPs.

·  SJ to circulate draft LNP Review by mid August (or earlier) for comment.

·  DW and SJ to discuss best way to promote educational resource links via the DESWG web pages on LNP website.

·  SJ to chase theme leads reg measurable outcomes of success.

·  SJ to liaise with MA reg links to other MSc courses, including Exeter Uni – and adding a page on opportunities for projects and placements onto the LNP website.

2.  LNP Project Pipeline update / endorsing funding bids

·  Partners have sent in details of potential projects and Emma Buckman has produced a report summarising how these help to meet the LNP and LEP priorities. The draft list will be discussed at theme meetings and by theme leads and others over the next few months and further projects added / synergies between projects identified. Links to projects identified via other process e.g. Catchment Partnerships, Local Authority Infrastructure Delivery Plans will be made. LEP has asked to see the pipeline in early September. Agreed that the list should be developed over the summer and then sent to Board members in early Sep for prioritisation. HB to draft prioritisation criteria and share.

·  Agreed that we need a consistent approach to requests for funding bid endorsement and to consider whether it is appropriate for the LNP to be doing this at all. Agreed that SG would contact other LNPs reg their approach to this. One possibility is to ensure that funders such as HLF have our Prospectus and so are clear on our priorities – rather than asking us for comment on each application which is resource hungry.

·  HB to draft prioritisation criteria.

·  SJ to ensure that all theme leads and other key organisations have seen the pipeline spreadsheet and report

·  SJ to ensure all projects are put onto website (with author’s permission) in order that partners can make links to projects across the county.

·  EC to link projects to funding opportunities currently being developed for the ESIF Big Opt in Programmes.

·  SG / SJ to arrange a meeting with LEP to discuss the pipeline etc

·  SG to contact LNPs nationally to find out their position reg endorsing funding bids.

3.  Communication

·  Quick update given on the Naturally Healthy and Pollinator Weeks. Agreed that it would be great to make the Naturally Healthy Week an annual event and that we should investigate whether others (LNPs, National trust, Wildlife Trusts etc) would be keen on turning this into a regional / national week. Outdoor Learning conference and Farming celebration postponed to next year and so associated themed weeks also postponed.

·  Agreed that no need to bring the overall LNP conference forward to end of 2015, particularly given the need to find sponsorship / funding.

·  ALLto consider potential funders / sponsors for 2016 spring conference and feed through to SJ who will start taking this forwards.

·  HB to discuss potential for Wildlife Trusts involvement in a national NH wekk.

·  SJ / SG to discuss with other LNPs + Pam Warhurst (national LNP lead for health) – nationally and regionally

4.  Reconnecting People and Nature

·  Elaine Cook presented a paper on Reconnecting People and Nature and the need to increase awareness amongst the social sector of the wide benefits of RPN type projects / build these projects into the commissioning process. Board members discussed the issues and recommendations. Suggestions included the potential to ensure that commissioners of social services have experienced the benefits of the natural environment; the need to promote the benefits to workers and students in terms of increased productivity / attainment – and potential ops for sponsorship from corporates; the need to create a ‘movement’ / campaign to change culture. Agreed that this issue needs further discussion but that recommendations made in the paper should be taken forward.

·  SJ to take forward actions in liaison with EC, DW, VP and others.

Next meeting: Monday 18th January, 2pm, Ansell Room, Coaver, County Hall