English 9 name:

Mrs. Sharp period:

Heroes Across Cultures Research Project

Presentation Tips


-  You will NOT be reading from your slides. You MUST prepare notes (note cards, the notes feature in PowerPoint, an outline, etc.) No notes on presentation day = ZERO.

-  Word usage and word choice should be appropriate and formal. Don’t use language that you would use with your friends (slang).

-  LEARN how to pronounce all names, locations, accessories, etc. Practice the pronunciation and be sure you can “sell it.”

-  No leaning! No chewing gum! No hands in pockets! No fiddling with hair/clothes!

-  Don’t let your audience know you are nervous – PRACTICE, PRACTICE, and PRACTICE SOME MORE!

-  Speech should be between three and five minutes. Scores will be docked for exceptionally long or short speeches.

-  Bonus points can be earned for dressing up (appropriately) for presentation.


-  Be careful of your background – Make sure it is not too busy.

-  Watch your animations – Make sure that it makes sense and it is for a reason.

-  Your text should not disappear or be cut off by images.

-  Colors, text, and pictures should relate to your hero/presentation.

-  Colors – Make sure the text can be seen clearly.


-  Spelling

o  Be sure to spell EVERYTHING correctly!

-  Capitalization

o  Beginning word in bullets should be capitalized.

o  All important words in titles should be capitalized (no “and,” “or,” “in,” etc.).

-  Punctuation

o  Use apostrophes for possession. Example: My Hero’s Personality Traits

o  No punctuation is necessary for the end of a bullet point, unless your bullet points complete a sentence.

-  Sentence Structure

o  Make sure that you check for run-ons. Fragments are OK in bullet points.


-  Make sure that you have image credits for all pictures!

-  Images need to be clear and easy to see/understand.


-  No long paragraphs on slides! In fact, you should not even include sentences. Keep your bullet points SHORT (no more than 10 words for each bullet).

-  Make sure your information was accurate and provide all details during presentation.

-  Use headings at the top of each section to organize your information.

-  Spread out your information in a logical manner.

-  Word choice should be formal and academic, not relaxed and “slang-y.”