2017 Vendor Contract-required-

Val Curtis -Organizer 507-340-6809

Matrix Media, Inc. PRESENTS

Mankato Natural Healing & Psychic Expo

March 11 & 12 - 2017

Application for Exhibitor Space

Please Print Clearly!

Business Name______

Contact Name______



Business Phone______Cell______

Email Address______


Detailed description of products you are selling or services you are offering at the Expo. (This information will be printed in the Expo Web Guide) Statement of Intent or Mission Statement:

Email to:

Maximum of 3 people per booth space permitted. Please list names below:


2. ______


Would you be willing to donate a door prize? Yes No


Booth Options: Call Val for special needs. 507-340-6809

____10w X 8d or 8d x 10w GENERAL $400 ea, or 2 for $750

____10’ w X 6’d MAIN HALLWAY $350 approved vendors only.

____8’ w X 10’d or 8d x 10w-(-2 SIDED -Corner booth) $475 ea

____Psychic Booth 6’w X 6’d $240 includes 3ft high pipe & drape for privacy (Table is not included, no product is sold in these booths. (No massage tables in these booths. Please see Healing booths.)

____Healing Booths 6wx10d $240 for massage tables, includes 6ft high pipe/drape for privacy (Table is not included, no product is sold in these booths.

____Electricity $30 Please pay directly to Matrix Media.

____ Workshop $25 -see speaker contract at end of this vendor contract.

_____Internet FREE

Payment Policy: Checks, Money Orders, Credit Cards thru Pay Pal Only Pay Pal button is on the www.matrixmediaexpo.com website on the “contact us” page. email me to invoice you through Pay Pal

Make checks/money orders payable to: Matrix Media, Inc

MAIL TO: 57800 Shady Lane Mankato, MN 56001

Payment due when application is submitted. Application deadline,

Feb 15th 2017. If space is available-late entries will be accepted.

All booth spaces are on a first-come, first-serve and juried basis. Loyal Vendors get priority placement.

Exhibitor Name______


Paid ck#______Pay Pal______

1. Total Payment is due at time of application submission. Should the exhibitor decide to cancel or terminate this agreement the entire fee collected for the space shall be forfeited by the applicant as cancellation fee for handling, advertisement and reassignment of the space. Matrix Media, Inc. reserves the right to reject any applicant at any time without reason.

2. Liability for any loss to the exhibitors shall not be the responsibility of Matrix Media Inc or Marriott Hotel. Exhibitors are strongly encouraged to carry business insurance, covering trade shows and fair, which insures their good and exhibits against loss of damage. Exhibitors are responsible for damage they cause to the facility including labor charges to repair such damage.

3. Exhibitors must conform to all local law enforcement and fire codes, health regulations, electrical codes, and other local, city, state and federal laws and regulations. It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to acquire any permits necessary to meet local regulations. All material used in the facility must be flameproof and fire resistant. Incense is NOT allowed.

4. No sublet booth space shall be permitted unless approved by Matrix Media Inc prior to the show. Matrix Media Inc reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any product, company, and/or service involved in Matrix Media, Inc. events. The exhibitor package includes 3 badges only. Additional people working in the booth will need to purchase daily tickets to the event. Electricity/Internet will not be provided unless indicated on the application and pre-paid at the time of application submission.

5. Aisles and exits shall remain clear, clean and free of debris and obstacles. Easels, signs, tables, etc., shall not be placed outside allotted booth area. Do not nail, screw, staple, pin signage to walls. Tape is fine. 3M Adhesive Hooks work well for heavier sings and banners.

6. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to supply extra tables, table coverings, extension cords, etc. at the expo. Tearing down early is prohibited. Please keep your space clean and clear of debris. Set up is Friday 7 pm & Saturday 6am-9:30am

7. Matrix Media Inc retains the right to cancel this agreement and reschedule the expo due to venue damage or any act of God. The exhibitor agrees not to hold Matrix Media, Inc, The Marriott Hotel, its employees or successors liable for damage or injury caused there. I have read and agree to the above contract and understand this is legally binding.

Signature ______Date______

If you have any questions feel free to contact: Val Curtis 507-340-6809 www.matrixmediaexpo.com


Event Times and Details

Friday after 8:00pm for limited vendors who need to load in early. Contact Val if you need this set up time. 507-340-6809

Regular set up is: Saturday from 6am-9:30am

Show Hours are: Saturday~ 10am-6pm

Sunday~ 10am-4pm

Loading is through the Event Center Entrance doors behind the motel.

No table skirts or pipe & drape along the walls-limited pipe & drape provided. Bring your own small tables if needed. 8-foot tables are provided.

NO early Tear Down is allowed. It is Very Unprofessional~ Medical Emergencies only.

This hurts the overall show and your fellow vendors.

Hotel Accommodations


901 Raintree Road Mankato, MN 56001


Please mention Natural Healing Expo to get your reduced rate

Standard King/Queen Rooms $99.00 Each Night

25 rooms in reserved block for:

Mankato Natural Healing Expo-reserve before Feb 25th.

Advertising Packages A’ La Carte

1. Featured Ad in Expo Program$100 ______

2. Featured Ad on Matrix Media, Inc site $15______

3. 6’ Table at Expo in Lobby $350______

4. Banner at Expo entrance $150______

5. Banner in Featured Speaker room $ 150 ______

6. Banner in Workshop Room $100 ______

7. Banner in Lobby $150 ______

8. Whole Advertising Package $1200 ______(includes all options plus stage mention and 25 tickets)


Company Name

Contact Person

Detailed Description Of Your Company

Website Address

Please List All People Representing Your Booth (if applicable)

You need to supply your own banners and signage which will be returned to you after the expo

Please email your graphic in a jpg format to:

What type of signage and or handouts do you have?

Speaker/Presenter Agreement@

Mankato Natural Healing Expo

Enhance your show presence at Mankato Expo by holding your very own speaker/presenter session educating potential customers about your products & services. Session cost is $25 each. Sessions are 45 minutes each & time slots are assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis. You may request a specific time slot but we will confirm actual time slots with you approximately two weeks prior to the event, go to the website for final schedule. Limit one session per company per day. These are held in a separate room from the Expo. Speaker registration includes door sign, promotion in marketing materials, promotion on website. Minimum charge is $5 per ticket, We split the door. Required is a professional photo in a jpg format & details on your presentation. You are required to help promote your show.


Proposed brief description of seminar or presentation (25 – 30 word summary, email me @ ______

Proposed products/services, if any that will be promoted or advertised during presentation______

Speaker Bio (25-30 words) email me @ ______

Equipment needs: ___ Screen ___ Video Projector ___ Laptop ___

Overhead Projector ___ Flip Chart ___ Other –

These are x-tra charge-call the motel for pricing. 507-388-1234 (please describe):

Speaker Name______Email______

Company Name______

Contact (if different from speaker) ______Address______City______State______Zip______Phone______Fax______Website______

Photo of Speaker included with Registration ___Yes ___No

**Note: Photo may be emailed to Photos must be high resolution – minimum 300 dpi.

Method of payment: Check______Money Order______or Use PayPal for credit cards. www.matrixmediaexpo.com

Any company or its representative presenting false, misleading or disparaging information about products or companies may be subject to cancellation without refund. Any company or its representative making claims about products or dispensing literature that cannot be substantiated with significant scientific data may be subject to cancellation without refund. Speaker registration forms will be processed in the order received. No refunds.

Speaker Acceptance, Release & Consent Page 2 Signing this document constitutes a binding legal agreement. Speaker agrees that upon acceptance of this contract by Matrix Media,Inc. with or without appropriate payment, this contract shall become a legally binding contract. The individual signing this document represents that he/she is duly authorized to execute this binding contract on behalf of the speaker.

By signing this agreement, speaker agrees to abide by all the terms of this contract, as well as the rules and regulations set forth on the exhibitor agreement, and the Mankato Expo policies in effect to the speaker in writing. By participating as a seminar speaker or presenter, I grant Matrix Media, Inc. (“Sponsor”), Sponsor’s designee and their affiliated companies the right to use the speaker’s name, likeness, picture, voice, biographical information, and written submissions and written and oral statements, for educational, advertising and promotional purposes without additional compensation.

Conditions: 1. I assign to Matrix Media, Inc. the rights to use my personal contribution in all media now known or which may be developed in the future provided this use shall be only in relation to the Matrix Media, Inc. seminar or presentation developed directly from it. 2. I acknowledge the copyright and all other rights of Matrix Media, Inc. in its contribution in this engagement, as well as the copyright and rights of all other contributors. 3. My contributions or any future use I make of them will not infringe copyright or similar rights nor bring Matrix Media, Inc. into disrepute or be defamatory. 4. This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the state of Minnesota and I submit to the jurisdiction of the state of Minnesota.

______Speaker/Presenter Signature Date

______Speaker/Presenter Printed Name