/ W006 / Woomera Prohibited Area Coordination Office
Pursuant to Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014 use this form to:
Apply for an Access Permit for Opal Mining and Precious Stone Prospecting in the Coober Pedy Proclaimed Precious Stones Fields situated within the Woomera Prohibited Area (WPA). Permission to travel in the WPA may be suspended from time to time to protect people or property. For further information refer website
Applicant’s details
Last name: / Date of birth:
Given name(s):
Mobile: / Other Phone: / Fax:
Vehicle details
Make: / Registration number: / State of registration (eg NSW):
Precious Stone Prospecting Permit number and date of expiry (if applicable)
Permit number: / Expiry date:
Tenement location/field and Registration number (if applicable)
Registration number: / Expiry date:
Details of Notifiable Equipment to be used within the WPA
Pursuant to Division 3 of the Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014, do you require written permission for any of the following?
Possession of an unmanned aerial vehicle Yes NoOperation of an unmanned aerial vehicle Yes No Possession of a firearm Yes No Possession of explosives Yes No
Erect a building or structure or any other structure that is more than 7.5 metres high Yes No
A permit may be issued for a period of not more than one year. Please check box for a one year permit, or if less, specify the period for which this permit is sought, / One year permit
or enter other period sought:
Evacuation Plan / Note - If an evacuation is required you must leave the WPA by the shortest route possible unless directed by a member of the Defence Force or an APS employee in the Department of Defence.
Signature of applicant
Before entering the WPA under the permit you must also obtain approval for the intended access dates at least 10business days prior to entry. This notice may be provided for a period of entry of up to three months by using the Opal Mining and Precious Stone Prospecting Dates of Access Notification Form W006a.
Your permit is also subject to the Conditions listed on page 2 of this form and any Additional Conditions set out below.
Defence Use Only
Additional Conditions:
Date of Commencement: / Date of Expiry:
Permit No: / Date of Issue:
Approver’s signature: / Approver’s name:


This information is being collected by the Woomera Prohibited Area Coordination Office (WPACO)on behalf of the Department of Defence asauthorisedby theWoomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014.

A copy of the WPACO Privacy Policy is available at and details how personal information is collected, used and stored. The WPACO Privacy Policycontains information on how an individual may apply for access to their personal information and how an individual may apply to have their personal information amended. The Defence Privacy Policy also contains information for individuals on how to make a privacy complaint to Defence if they consider Defence may have breached the Australian Privacy Principles.

CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - Division 3 of the Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014

In accordance with section 72TG of the Defence Act 1903, a person is required to comply with the conditions of a permit to be within the Woomera Prohibited Area, set out in Division 3 of the Woomera Prohibited Area Rule 2014 (the Rule). Failure to comply with the conditions of this permit is an offence and may result in a fine of up to 60 penalty units and may incur demerit points in accordance with Section 50 of the Ruleand revocation of the permit. The Minister may, at any time after the permit is issued or renewed impose further conditions.


1. The holder of the permit must:

(a)unless the Secretary is satisfied that exceptional circumstances exist—give the Secretary at least 10 business days’ notice in the approved form before a person enters the Woomera Prohibited Area under the permit; and

(b)ensure that persons in the Woomera Prohibited Area under the permit are aware of the conditions to which the permit is subject; and

(c)take all reasonable steps to ensure:

(i)that persons in the Woomera Prohibited Area under the permit comply with the conditions of the permit; and

(ii)that persons who are subject to the holder’s control are not at places in the Woomera Prohibited Area without permission to be at those places.

(d)notify the Department of Defence of:

(i)any death of any person; or

(ii)any serious injury or illness of a person; or

(iii)any dangerous incident.

arising from a persons access to the Woomera Prohibited Area.

2. A person in the Woomera Prohibited Area under the permit must not:

(a)be at a place that is not covered by the permit; or

(b)be in a zone during an exclusion period for the zone; or

(c)carry out activities other than those for which the permit was issued; or

(d)intentionally remove, touch, interfere or tamper with, any Commonwealth equipment, material or installation; or

(e)enter any area:

(i)enclosed by the Commonwealth with wire or other material; or

(ii)protected by a member of the Defence Force or a contracted defence security guard; or

(f)without the written approval of the Minister or in contravention of any conditions in the approval—have in his or her possession, or operate, an unmanned aerial vehicle; or

(g)erect a building or any other structure that is more than 7.5 metres high without the written approval of the Minister; or

(h)without the written approval of the Minister—have in his or her possession a firearm or explosives.

3. A person in the Woomera Prohibited Area under the permit must:

(a)have ready access to communications equipment in good working order in accordance with the permit; and

(b)if the person erects a building or any other structure approved by the Minister—notify the Minister as soon as practicable after the building or structure has been erected; and

(c)comply with all reasonable directions in relation to the Woomera Prohibited Area given to the person by:

(i)a member of the Defence Force; or

(ii)an APS employee in the Department; and

(d)inform the Secretary as soon as practicable if the person finds any war materiel; and

(e)comply with all applicable laws of the Commonwealth and South Australia relating to safety, security, native title, heritage and culture; and

(f)have in his or her possession written proof of the person’s identity that includes a photograph of the person.

Completed applications should be submitted to:


Email:(preferred method)

Fax: 08 8674 3217, or

Mail:WoomeraTestRange, PO Box 157, WOOMERA SA 5720

Phone Enquiries: 08 8674 3041 – Business Hours or 08 8674 3370 – After Hours

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