Office of School Finance – Organization and responsibilities

July 23, 2013

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July 23, 2013

To:Chief School Administrators

School Business Administrators

Charter School Lead Persons

From:Yutse O. Thomas


Office of School Finance

Subject:Office of School Finance – Organization and Responsibilities

Fiscal year 2014 began with some restructuring of the Office of School Finance in the Division of Administration and School Finance. Please make note of the following changeswhen communicating with the various units in the office:

  1. State Aid continues to be managed by Director, Cindy Lee at (609) 984-4948 and includes:
  2. State Aid Production,
  3. State Aid Payments - Formula aid; FICA; EXAID; Homeless; Nonpublic (Nursing, Textbook, 192, CH193CH192, CH193, Technology, Transportation); Tuition deductions from state aid (for CSSDs, Commission for the Blind, State Facilities, State Responsible Students, Katzenbach, Day Training, etc.),
  4. Application for State School Aid (ASSA),
  5. Debt Service and Qualified Bonds,
  6. Regional Districts’ Apportionment, Send/Receive Board Member Apportionment,
  7. Federal Fiscal Reporting (MOE, NPEFS, etc.)
  8. NCES/Census Bureau School District Review Program (SDRP), and
  9. District of Residence Determinations.
  1. Budget Review and Fiscal Monitoring continues to be managed by Director, Glenn Forney at (609) 777-4484 and includes:
  2. Budget review, approval and fiscal oversight of At-risk districts,
  3. Identify and provide assistance to districts in financial distress, and
  4. Oversight of the recruitment and placement of Fiscal Monitors in districts that meet the requirement of the statute and coordination of their actions.
  1. Fiscal Policy and Planning is now managed by Acting Director, Michael Mindlin at (609) 292- 7131 since the retirement of Pat Scott (as of July 1, 2013). It continues to include:
  2. District Fiscal Policy development, interpretation and implementation,
  3. District Audit program,
  4. Uniform Minimum Chart of Accounts,
  5. District Budget Data,
  6. Audit Summary Data,
  7. School Register Summary Data,
  8. Regular Districts Tuition Calculation, and
  9. Delayed state aid payments, Indirect Cost Applications, Pension (On Behalf) Contributions.
  1. A newly created unit, Research and Data Analysis, managed by Director, Kevin Dehmer at (609) 633-0259 now includes:
  2. State Aid Funding Formula and Adequacy Report,
  3. State Aid Simulation & Forecasting,
  4. Fiscal analysis of pending legislation,
  5. Taxpayer’s Guide to Education Spending (TGES formerly the CSG), and
  6. Student Transportation,
  7. Special Populations (Charter, Choice, Renaissance),
  8. Private Schools for Students with Disabilities (Desk Reviews and Field Audits for PSSD will be moved to the Office of Fiscal Accountability and Compliance in the near future).

I am looking forward to a productive year as we continue to upgrade and enhance our data interactions with each of you. This memo provides an overview of who is responsible for what in the office and we will be updating the information on the department’s web page very soon. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns about any subject included above. I can be reached at (609) 292-4421 or (609) 984-4949, or you can e-mail me at .

YO:FM:OSF:Yutse/Personnel/2013 Office reorganization.doc

c:State Board of Education

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