Office of Admission
Oregon State University
104 Kerr Administration Building
Corvallis, OR 97331-2106 / Office Use Only
Submit original and two copies of this application form along with all required documents to the Office of Admissions. (MAIS applicants must submit one original and four copies of this application form.) Please include $50 application fee with this form to assure processing of your applications.
1. Term Applying for: Summer Fall Winter Spring Year: 20
Have you ever registered at Oregon State? As Undergraduate Graduate Postbaccalaureate Nondegree
If so, when? , 19/20 to , 19/20
2. Social Security Number: / Please refer to the Social Security Number DisclosureAnd Consent Statement on back page of this application.
3. Legal Name: Last First Middle
4. Other Name(s) that may appear on your academic records:
Last First Middle
5. Current Mailing Address: P.O. Box or Street Address
City State Zip
County or Province Nation
Home Phone (include area code) Work Phone
E-mail Address
6. Gender: Male Female 7. Date of Birth: Month Day Year
8. Citizenship, Permanent Residence, Visa Classification:
Place of Birth: City State Nation
Are you a citizen or permanent resident of the United States? Yes No If no, country of citizenship
If not a U.S. citizen, attach a copy of both sides of your Resident Alien card here, and list your Immigrant/Permanent Resident Number:
A- If a nonimmigrant, list your type of visa:
9. Contact Information: In case of emergency, the University may contact:
Mr. & Mrs. / Last / First / MiddleMr. Ms.
Permanent Address: P.O. Box or Street Address
City State Nation Zip
Home Phone (include area code) Work Phone
Relationship: Parent/Guardian Spouse Other
10. Degree Sought: MS MA MAIS EdM MPH MBA MAgr MEng MF MOcE MAT MSE EdD PhD
Check if Extended Campus. List Extended Campus Location
11. Academic Major: All applicants (except MAIS applicants) must complete 11a, 11b, 11c:
11a. Department of Major 11b. Major field 11c. 4-digit major code (from graduate admission folder):
Academic Major: (MAIS 4-digit code is 9900): MAIS applicants only, must complete 11d, 11e, 11f:
11d. Primary field 11e. Secondary field 11f. Third field
12. Do you wish to be considered for a graduate assistantship? Yes No If yes: Teaching Assistantship? Research Assistantship?
13. List in Chronological Order All Schools Entered or Attended:
Include extension or correspondence courses. Use additional paper if necessary.
Name off institution Location (city and state) Months and years attended Degree and year earned
from 19/20to 19/20
from 19/20to 19/20
from 19/20to 19/20
14. Are you now working on a degree you expect to receive before coming to OSU? Yes No Degree Date
15. Professional References. Three letters are required of all students, addressed to the proposed major department. Applicants with a master’s degree should include a letter from their major professor. List the names and addresses of your three references below:
16. OUS Employment: Are you employed as a faculty member in the Oregon University System? Yes No
If yes, specify: University Department Rank
17. Results of Graduate Admission Tests:
TOEFL (International students only): Total Date
GRE: V Q A Date Subject exam Score Date
Other tests: Test Score Date Test Score Date
18. GPA: (A=4.00) on last 90 graded quarter (60 semester) credits of first baccalaureate degree (U.S.), or last 2 years of undergraduate courses (International):
GPA on Graduate work:
19. Tuition Classification for Enrollment: Are you claiming tuition classification as an Oregon resident? Yes No
If yes, completion of all questions in this section is required. Failure to do so may result in your classification as a nonresident.
You / Your parent (if you are under 24)Date of continuous physical presence in Oregon (mo/yr) from to / from to
Date current Oregon Driver’s License was issued (mo/yr)
Date of Oregon Voter Registration (mo/yr)
Date of employment in Oregon (mo/yr)
Employer from to / from to
Location: City State from to / from to
Employer from to / from to
Location: City State from to / from to
Dates of military service, if applicable (mo/yr) from to / from to
Did you enter the military service from Oregon? Yes No
List last 2 years Oregon income taxes have been filed 19/20 19/20 / 19/20 19/20
Are you seeking admission as a WICHE Western Regional Graduate Student? Yes No If yes, from what state are you claiming residence?
20. Ethnic Identity (optional)
Please indicate your ethnic identity by checking one of the following (Note: In compliance with federal reporting requirements, OSU must seek to identify the ethnic background of applicants for admission. You are encouraged to supply this information, but may decline without in any way prejudicing your application.)
A Asian Americanspecify ethnic group / ME Middle Eastern
please specify
IA American Indian or Alaskian Native
specify tribal affiliation / P Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander
specify ethnic group
B Black, African American, Non-Hispanic / NA North African
please specify
H Hispanic American
specify ethnic group / W White, European American, Non-Hispanic
O If none of the above is appropriate for you, please write in the ethnic/racial identification you use:
21. Applicants with Disabilities: If you have a physical or learning disability and need reasonable accommodation or information about services available, please contact the Director of Services for Students with Disabilities, Oregon State University, 200 Kerr Administration Building, Corvallis, OR 97331-2133. Phone: Voice 541-737-4098. TDD 541-737-3666.
22. Certification: I certify that I have provided complete and accurate responses to the items on this application. The documents I have provided are unaltered copies of the original documents. I authorize release of any information submitted by me in connection with this application to any person, firm, corporation, association, or government agency, but only to verify or explain information.
Signature (required) Date
(Optional) I authorize to make inquiries on my behalf during the application process.
Signature Date
Nondiscrimination and Diversity Statement. Oregon State University welcomes all qualified students and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, age, religion, marital status, disability, or Vietnam-era veteran status. OSU actively promotes a diverse learning environment and expects all students, faculty and staff to honor and support this important University core value.
Social Security Number Disclosure and Consent Statement: As an eligible educational institution OSU must get your correct social security number (SSN) to file certain returns with the IRS and to furnish a statement to you. The returns OSU must file contain information about qualified tuition and related expenses. Privacy Act Notice – Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code requires you to give correct SSN to persons who must file information returns with the IRS to report certain information. The IRS uses the numbers for identification purposes and to help verify the accuracy of your tax return. For more information please refer to IRS code 6050S. By providing your SSN you authorize OSU and OUS to use your SSN for tracking and statistical purposes as outlined in the OUS Disclosure and Consent Statement contained in the printed and Web versions of the OSU Schedule of Classes for each term.
Check here if you wish to use a student ID number other than your SSN while attending OSU: . OSU will forward to you information regarding the issuance of a student ID number. International students who have no Social Security Number will be assigned a Student Identification Number.
Instructions for applying to the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics Graduate Program
I. University Application forms
A. Application for Graduate Admission
Most items are self-explanatory. The following are specific instructions for the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics:
Line 2. Social Security Number: self-explanatory—International students should leave this blank.
Line 10. Do not check the “Extended Campus” box, leave location blank
Line 11. a. Department of Major: Biochem. & Biophys.
b. Major Field: leave blank
c. The 4-digit code to be entered is 5060
Line 14. Degree date: use mo/yr format (e.g., 06/03 for June, 2003)
Line 19. Dates, use mo/yr format (e.g., 06/03 for June, 2003)
B. International Student Certification of Finances
All International Students applying for a degree program at OSU must fill in the International Student Certification of Finances form, even if he/she is applying for an assistantship. If you have no funds to support your education, you must fill-in “$0” for the appropriate lines under “Source of Funding”. If you are offered an assistantship, the Department will provide a letter of offer and fill-in the “Oregon State University” Source of Funding line, as appropriate.
II. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics specific instructions
A. Department Questionnaire
“Will you have taken Organic Chemistry before entering OSU?”: An answer of “Yes” assumes that you have had a full academic year (3 terms or 2 semesters) of organic chemistry prior to entering the graduate program. Otherwise, please specify the number of terms/semesters of organic chemistry that you have taken or will complete prior to entering OSU.
“Will you have taken Physical Chemistry before entering OSU?”: An answer of “Yes” assumes that you have had a full academic year (3 terms or 2 semesters) of physical chemistry prior to entering the graduate program. Otherwise, please specify the number of terms/semesters of physcial chemistry that you have taken or will complete prior to entering OSU. Physics majors, may specify the comparable course in physics.
“What is you GPA”: Estimate your overall GPA (using 4.0 as a grade of “A” for your standard). If you are reporting a cumulative grade based on percentages, please indicate what percent would be considered to be passing at your institution.
B. Statement of Interest
Briefly describe your interest in the graduate program in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, focusing on your career goals, prior training, and research interest as they may relate to the training offered by the department.
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
Oregon State University
Additional Questions we would like answered:
Will you have taken Organic Chemistry before entering OSU?
Will you have taken Physical Chemistry before entering OSU?
If possible, please give us an e-mail address where we can reach you:
What is your GPA?
A complete application includes the following items and will not be evaluated until all items are received.
(1) Application form
(2) Statement of Interest
(3) GRE scores (a photocopy is sufficient for evaluation)
(4) TOEFL scores (a photocopy is sufficient for evaluation) (International students only)
(5) Three letters of recommendation
(6) Transcripts of all colleges and universities attended
(7) Financial Certificate (International students only)
Send your completed application and all supporting documents directly to the Department at the following address (you do not need to include the $50 University application fee):
Graduate Committee
Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics
ALS 2011
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-7305
TO: Applicants for graduate study
FROM: Pui Shing Ho, Professor and Department Chair ()
Gary Merrill, Professor and Graduate Committee Chairman
SUBJECT: Research opportunities in Biochemistry and Biophysics at Oregon State University
Thank you very much for your recent inquiry regarding graduate study in our department. Enclosed you will find some descriptive literature, as well as application forms that serve both for admission and for financial support. For additional information about our department, we invite you to visit our web page (http://www.oregonstate.edu/dept/biochem/).
When you apply, we would like you to send all of the appropriate material directly to us (see Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics sheet for a check list). This will allow us to act upon your application with minimal delay. If, after evaluating this material, we find that you are eligible for admission to our department, you will receive a letter of acceptance. This letter will provide you with information concerning financial support for your graduate studies at Oregon State University. If you elect to pursue graduate work in our department, we will forward your application to the Office of Admission and Orientation for formal processing. The department will pay the $50.00 application fee for you.
We look forward to receiving your application. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact either of us.
Questions asked most frequently by prospective applicants
Question: What are the basic requirements for admission to the Ph.D. program?
Answer: A bachelor's degree, preferably in one of the basic sciences such as chemistry or biology, a total Part I GRE score of 1800 (verbal + quantitative + analytical), and a GPA of 3.2 are the normal requirements. These requirements are not absolute.
Question: Can I apply for admission at any time of the year?
Answer: Students are normally accepted for Fall quarter, and stipends are arranged for students who enroll in the Fall quarter. However, there have been exceptions.
Question: As an applicant to the Ph.D. program, must I apply separately for a stipend?
Answer: No. Our Admissions Committee assumes that an applicant requires support in the form of a stipend (currently $18,000 per year with all tuition waived). As a rule, we do not accept Ph.D. students unless we can support them financially. If you are sponsored by an outside agency or government, or for other reasons are not seeking a stipend, please indicate this fact in your cover letter.
Question: Are graduate students required to assist the faculty in teaching?
Answer: Yes, as part of their training, students assist during two or three quarters their first or second year. Most TA assignments require 7-10 hours per week.
Question: How many faculty members and graduate students are in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics?
Answer: Currently, there are 16 regular faculty members, 19 affiliate faculty members and about 30 graduate students.
Question: How many students are admitted to the Ph.D. program each year?
Answer: Six to ten students are admitted each year. In 2002, six students were admitted from a total of 150 applicants.
Question: Are Master's students supported financially?