Questions for Matt Trout

From: Dr. Cummiskey’s section

1.  What are some common mistakes interviewcandidatesmake?

2.  What are some changes you would make to your program if you had a magic wand?

3.  What are some things you are seeing in HPE now that you have never seen before?

4.  What makes an interview candidate stand out from the rest?

5.  What are some of the most important characteristics you look for when hiring Health and Physical Education teachers?

6.  How do you go about writing your curriculum, who is involved in the process, and how do youdetermine the content?

7.  What should I do if I get a job in a school not like yours? A poor PE program.

8.  Could you give us an example of an interview question we might face?

9.  What are 2 important characteristics you find to be important in Health and physical education teachers today? Why?

10.  What in your program are you most proud of?

11.  How supportive is your administration? Is there anything you do to win them over?

12.  What would you like to see the person bring to the interview?

13.  What would be your advice to check places for a great hpe program?

14.  Is there anything you do to directly address the obesity epidemic?

15.  Is it bestgain some experienceteaching before pursuing a post-graduate degree?

16.  Where do you see the job market going in a few years?

17.  What traitsareconsidered the most valuablein the interview process?

18.  What are the most frequent challenges you have when building the curriculum? What works and what does not?

19.  I couldn’t find much about PE on your website. That surprised me.

20.  I’m an adapted minor, how can I use that to help land a job?

21.  What are attributes you are looking for in a potential new hire?