Unit: / Class Title:
Applicant Name: / Position Number:
Interviewer: / Score Total:
1. Type Question Here / YES / NO
2. Type Question Here
3. Type Question Here
4. Type Question Here
5. Type Question Here

If no please explain:


Please describe your education and work history. What special aspects of your education and experience have prepared you for this position?

DesiredEducation: Type information here

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Not applicable—applicant’s education is irrelevant to this position. / May be helpful / Good / Excellent—applicant’s education is extremely relevant to this position.

Desired Experience: Type information here

1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Not applicable—applicant’s experience has not been in areas related to this position. / May be helpful / Good / Excellent—applicant’s experience has been very closely related to the duties of this position.

Scoring Guide

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Unsatisfactory – Applicant is generally unacceptable. / Improvement Needed – Applicant is deficient or below standards required of the job. / Good – Applicant is competent and dependable. Meets standards of the job. / Very Good – Applicant clearly exceeds position requirements. / Outstanding – Applicant is exceptional; recognized as being far superior to others.
  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 1 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 2 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 3 Score: ______

Scoring Guide

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Unsatisfactory – Applicant is generally unacceptable. / Improvement Needed – Applicant is deficient or below standards required of the job. / Good – Applicant is competent and dependable. Meets standards of the job. / Very Good – Applicant clearly exceeds position requirements. / Outstanding – Applicant is exceptional; recognized as being far superior to others.
  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 4 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 5 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 6 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 7 Score: ______

Scoring Guide

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Unsatisfactory – Applicant is generally unacceptable. / Improvement Needed – Applicant is deficient or below standards required of the job. / Good – Applicant is competent and dependable. Meets standards of the job. / Very Good – Applicant clearly exceeds position requirements. / Outstanding – Applicant is exceptional; recognized as being far superior to others.
  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 8 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 9 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 10 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 11 Score: ______

Scoring Guide

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Unsatisfactory – Applicant is generally unacceptable. / Improvement Needed – Applicant is deficient or below standards required of the job. / Good – Applicant is competent and dependable. Meets standards of the job. / Very Good – Applicant clearly exceeds position requirements. / Outstanding – Applicant is exceptional; recognized as being far superior to others.
  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 12 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 13 Score: ______

  1. Type Question Here

Desired Response: Type information here

Question 14 Score: ______