The word addict has a very negative connotation. But can being addicted ever have a positive meaning?

Some people argue that bad habits are steadily getting worse as the younger generations fail to respect basic manners and etiquette. Would you agree with this statement or do you find it offensive?

Advertisements are everywhere and nowadays most things are advertised in one way or another. Whilst something may be prohibited on one medium (cigarettes on television), it can certainly be found elsewhere. Do you think that anything should be banned from being advertised and why would you argue for that product ban over anything else?

Plastic surgeons should be under an ethical obligation to refuse patients who wish to resort to extreme plastic surgery. Whilst the many benefits of cosmetic procedures are clear to see, the extreme measures some wish to undergo (the human Ken doll, the sexless alien and oversized breasts and bottoms) ought to be banned. Yet whose responsibility is it to decide where the line should be drawn? Where do you stand on this issue?

The NHS is experiencing serious economic problems. The Welfare State has been experiencing numerous difficulties caused by many contributing factors leading many to question what should be prioritized and what should be cut. When talking about health, can we really decide who should take priority? And, which people do you think should be treated considering that the money simply does not stretch far enough to save everyone?

There are many positives to the Olympic games. However, many question their relevance in today’s society and wonder if they do more harm than good. Where do you stand on this issue and what would you consider the most worrying of the arguably many drawbacks that are often presented?

Body image and the media are often discussed and the effect this has on children and young people given the rise in the use of social media is an ever-growing concern. What are the biggest risks our young people face when dealing with social media presence and how can the important issue of body confidence be tackled?

Do celebrities have the right to comment officially on politics or other topical issues?

Madonna famously once said, ‘Fame? I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy’s dog.’ What do you think she meant by this? And, in your opinion, would celebrities really trade lives with the common man?

Journalists have the right to report on the lives of the rich and famous. Considering that there is a demand for information on celebrities and that many would consider a lack of privacy part and parcel of being famous, should these people demand to have a private life and where should the line be drawn?

Can you really be friends with the people you work with? Does competition hinder friendships outside of work?

The youngest child in a family or only children are often spoilt. Can these general stereotypes be trusted?

Some jobs are just for women and others are only for men. Discuss

Some jobs are paid too much and others are not paid enough. Discuss

Does anything go as far as humour is concerned? While some would say, we can joke about anything others would argue that jokes cause offensive especially given the present political climate. Where do you stand on this issue?

Does humour really translate given that what is funny in one language will never be equally funny in another? It is said that much is lost in translation. Would you agree?

In order to fully understand another country’s humour you have to understand much about their culture as the two go hand in hand. How far do you agree with the aforementioned sentence?

Many men say they now feel unable to joke and banter with women in the workplace for fear of repercussions. Do you understand this fear given the current campaigns and movements such as #MeToo?