PTO MEETING NOTES: March 7, 2016
Jennifer Krause Donna Spayd Stephanie Bruno Stephanie Turri
Jonathan Hann LeAnne Conaway Julie Raab Melissa Colon
Theresa Gibney Julie Davis Bartol Erin Brown
The regular meeting of the Lawnton Elementary PTO was called to order at 6:35 p.m. on Monday, March 7, 2016, at Lawnton Elementary Library by Jennifer Krause, President. Theresa Gibney recorded the proceedings.
Approval of the Minutes
The minutes of the February Meeting were motioned for approval by: Jen Krause and seconded by Jonathan Hann.
Principal's Report-Mrs. Bruno
Penny's For Patients: The Penny wars have started. Mrs. Lerant's class is currently in the lead.
PSSA Testing: This will be here before you know it. ELA testing begins April 11-14th. The math component will be April 19=21st. 4th Grade Science testing will be on April 27-28th. A pep rally is being planned. She will also send out a flyer requesting donations for snacks for the children during testing.
Community Yard Sale: Kimmy Dauksha is doing a community project for grad school. Mrs. Bruno
announced that May 7th is the tentative date for the community yard sale. There will be flyers going home in the near future concerning this.
Jump Rope for Heart: The students raised $745 for the Heart Association by jumping during their gym times with Miss Duccomb.
April 26th/Teacher In service: Election Day. School will be closed.
President's Report (Jennifer Krause)
May Fair: May Fair which will be on Saturday, May 21st from 10-2pm. Julie D. Bartol, co-chair of May Fair will be sending out a save-the-date flyer. Jen will be getting into the PTO shed to pull out the prize inventory to see what we need to order.
Treasurer's Report- Donna Spayd
The treasurer's report was also approved by: Theresa Gibney and seconded by: Jen Krause. Current Ending Balance is $5,563.18.
Committee Reports
A+ Rewards (Theresa Gibney): We currently are up to 71 individuals who signed up for A+ Plus. As of February, 2016: we have raised $556.72. The deadline is March 16th.
Labels for Education (Theresa Gibney): For 42 years, Labels for Education has been contributing to schools across the country. As of August 2016, they will start to discontinue the program. During 2016- 2017, they will honor the labels for Education products, but they will be removing many labels from certain products. Continue sending your labels in, and we will do one large deposit by the end of the year.
Scholarship (Theresa Gibney): We will be giving one $750 scholarship this year instead of two. The deadline is April 22nd. All Applications have been delivered to CD, CD East, Vo-Tech, and Bishop McDevit schools.
Senior Night (Theresa Gibney): Senior night will be on March 31st at 6:30 pm. Past PTO alumni Reagan Camuso, Katie Hann and I are working on the event. Invitations have gone out to the students, and staff members. We are in need of volunteers to help set up on the day of the event.
Chipotle Night (Theresa Gibney): Date is set for Monday March 21st from 5-9 pm. Chipotle will give you 50% of the proceeds made. Flyers will be going out in near future. It's an easy way to raise some cash for the school.
Teacher Appreciation Week (Erin Brown): Erin made inquiries as to the budget amounts she has available for Teacher Appreciation week. She and Katie Hann are on this committee.
Ink Cartridges (Erin Brown): After doing some research, Erin feels that it is better to turn in the cartridges to Staples vs. sending them into the company. For every 10 cartridges turned in, you receive a Staples Reward coupon. Individuals who have a Staples account, can then get the reward coupon and give it to Mrs. Bruno for school supplies.
Box Tops (Erin Brown): April 1st will be the last collection date for Box Tops. So far for the year, Lawnton Students have made a total of $415. There will be an ice cream Party given to the class that has the most Box Tops turned in.
Sub Sales/Yearbook: (Donna Spayd): Connecting the Sub sale and yearbook has proved to be a win /win situation. Sub delivery will be on March 10th from 3:40-5:15pm.
Texas Roadhouse Dinner Rolls (LeAnne Conaway): Instead of an Easter candy sale, we will be trying to do a Texas Roadhouse roll Fundraiser. Orders are due on March 10th. You've got 2 days to pick up the rolls.
May Fair Raffle (LeAnne Conaway): Does anyone have connections to help get prizes for Mayfair?
Roller Skating (Jonathan Hann): the Skate Night fundraiser for Doc's Family Fun Center was held on February 27th. The families that attended had a lot of fun.
Swim Night (Julie Davis Bartol): Swim night will be held on Sunday, March 20th at the Friendship Center from 6:15-8:15pm. New chair person Julie will be selling pre-sale tickets in the lobby before the event on Friday, March 18th. LeAnne Conaway volunteered to help sell tx that day. Charge $5/ person (only if you swim). Number the tickets.
New Business:
Rap for Prevention (Julie Davis Bartol): : There will be an event held at Camp Curtain on April 7th by the Harrisburg School District. It is for the Middle School and After School programs. They will be doing sessions on Nutrition and Fitness. It would be great for the families and kids to check it out.
Upcoming Restaurant Fundraisers: Texas Roadhouse on 4/7, and Isaac's 5/10.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:43 pm. It was motioned by: Donna Spayd and seconded by Jen Krause. The next meeting of the Lawnton PTO is scheduled for: April 4, 2016 @ 6:30 pm.