Call to order

A meeting of the Go Team for Alonzo A. Crim was held in the Data Conference Room on February 2, at 5:00pm.


Attendees included [list names of GO Team members present].

Donald Prater / Audrianna Wyatt / Theresa Mullins / Clara Okoka
Reosha Bush / Steven Alphabet / Dawn Parker via Phone

Members not in attendance

Members not in attendance included [list names].

Mishawna Moore / Stephen Lackey

Go Team Meeting called to order 5:06pm.

(7) Members present to review minutes from last meeting and approve budget.

(6) Voting members present

Quorum status established.

Donald Prater informed the team that there was an error in the previous minutes. Corrections will be made.

Motion was offered by Dr. Prater to accept minutes from last meeting, accepted by Mr. Alphabet and seconded by Clara Okoka with pending corrections.

Next, item discussed was that two members still needing to view the budget video. Go team members viewed the video and those that had not completed the quiz were given the link.

The only action item was the budget. The FY’ 18 budget is based on 133 students.

The group was informed that there is $250,000 deficient. The team was a given a process to help align the budget to the strategic plan. Faculty/staff also were allowed to make recommendations/suggestions for the budget. Prater asked the question concerning if we had to wait on the budget to get back from Middleton. Parker stated that she would be meeting with him for a balance budget approval. Steven Alphabet asked a question concerning the resolution on abolished positions to balance the budget for next year.

A motion was placed on the floor to accept the budget was offered by Steven Alphabet. Prater and Wyatt accepted the motion perspectively.

A motion was placed to adjourn the meeting at 5:27pm; it was accepted by Alphabet and second by Prater.

Meeting Dates for 2016 – 2017

August 15, 2016

September 19, 2016

October 17, 2016

November 28, 2016

December – no meeting

January 23, 2017

February 27, 2017

March 20, 2017

April 17, 2017

May 22, 2017


Theresa Mullins
Secretary / Date of approval

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