EBI Leadership and Character Development107 Old Testament Survey 3 – Notes for Students and Professors

Old Testament Survey 3 Notes
Leadership and Character Development from Isaiah through Malachi
These supplementary notes and charts are in MS Word so that you can adapt and modify them according to the specific needs and situations of the next-generation leaders you are mentoring. Imagine reading the Old Testament prophets for the first time–and make them exciting, meaningful, and transformative.
This course is an investment that will change your life and the lives of your family and friends.
The textbooks in this course were selected because they will change your life, and the lives of your family, friends, and church members.
Developing Christian character and leadership
Christian character is the outworking of transformation.Integrity is developed through struggle and testing, perseverance and obedience, faith and virtue.In the midst of this battle this course helps you to learn life lessons from Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Ruth, Samuel, David, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.
Online Courses
Ed Stetzer and Daniel Im - New Churches Courses
Israel Institute of Biblical Studies
Jeremiah School of Biblical Studies
Khan Academy
Luther Rice College and Seminary – Free Online Courses
Prager U - Religion/Philosophy
Providing the Context:We are in the midst of a spiritual battle
We are in a spiritual battle. Satan wants to pick us off one-by-one. We need to commit to the power of belonging and community. We will either stand together or we will fall separately. Ministry skills is the multiplication of transformation. Once you have biblical knowledge and Christian character, you need to develop people skills.Your task as a leader is to apply the eternal Word of God to the lives of people. This means you need to understand people—their hopes, dreams, fears, struggles, motivations, personality, perspectives, and gender differences. As a leader you need to become both a creative thinker and a critical thinker based on the Word of God. David Jeremiah, Spiritual Warfare – Identifying the Enemy
Rationale for the course design
This is a strategic course to master.This course incorporates accelerated learning techniques. First, this course retrains your brain to read for comprehension by asking you to articulate key ideas and applications rather than merely searching for an answer. Second, this course encourages you to strengthen your long-term memory of key applications by reviewing for two exams. Third, this course will multiply your ministry by including a term paper to develop your writing skills in ways that will improve your leadership. In addition, each week you will be sharing what you are learning with an apprentice whom you are discipling. Every detail in this course in intentionally designed for life transformation (Romans 12:2).It is about passing on what you are learning to the next generation (2 Timothy 2:2). Your professor is here as a facilitator who will guide your discussion and application of this session’s portfolio assignments.To get the most out of this course complete the portfolio before class.
Applications from the Prophetical Booksfor Leadership and Character Development– Part 1
1 / What is the key application of Punishment in the book of Isaiah?
2 / What is the key application of Messiah in the book of Isaiah?
3 / What is the key application of New hearts in the book of Jeremiah?
4 / What is the key application of Faithful service in the book of Jeremiah?
5 / What is the key application of Hope in the book of Lamentations?
6 / What is the key application of Leaders in the book of Ezekiel?
7 / What is the key application of Worship in the book of Ezekiel?
8 / What is the key application of Purpose in Life in the book of Daniel?
9 / What is the key application of God’s faithfulness in the book of Daniel?
10 / What is the key application of Restoration in the book of Hosea?
11 / What is the key application of Forgiveness in the book of Joel?
Applications from the Prophetical Books for Leadership and Character Development – Part 2
1 / What are the key applications of The Poor in the book of Amos?
2 / What are the key applications of Justice in the book of Obadiah?
3 / What are the key applications of God’s compassion in the book of Jonah?
4 / What are the key applications of Pleasing God in the book of Micah?
5 / What are the key applications of God rules over all the earth in the book of Nahum?
6 / What are the key applications of God’s sovereignty and justice in the book of Habakkuk?
7 / What are the key applications of Indifference to God in the book of Zephaniah?
8 / What are the key applications of Right priorities in the book of Haggai?
9 / What are the key applications of God’s protection in the book of Zechariah?
10 / What are the key applications of The Lord’s coming in the book of Malachi?
Purpose of the Prophetical Books
1 / Isaiah / To call the nation of Judah back to God and to tell of God’s salvation through the Messiah.
2 / Jeremiah / To urge God’s people to turn from their sins and back to God.
3 / Lamentations / To teach people that to disobey God is to invite disaster, and to show that God suffers when His people suffer.
4 / Ezekiel / To announce God’s judgment on Israel and other nations and to foretell the eventual salvation of God’s people.
5 / Daniel / To give a historical account of God’s faithful peole who lived in captivity and to show how God is in control, directing the forces of nature, the destiny of nations, and the care of His people.
6 / Hosea / To illustrate the love of God for His sinful people. God is depicted as husband, father, lion, leopard, bear, dew, and rain.
7 / Joel / To warn Judah of God’s impending judgment because of their sins, and to urge them to turn back to God.
8 / Amos / To pronounce God’s judgment upon Israel, the northern kingdom, for their complacency, idolatry, and oppression of the poor.
9 / Obadiah / To show that God judges those who have harmed His people.
10 / Jonah / To show the extent of God’s grace—the message of salvation is for all people.
11 / Micah / To warn God’s people that judgment is coming and to offer pardon to all who repent.
12 / Nahum / To pronounce God’s judgment on Nineveh and Assyria and to comfort Judah with this truth.
13 / Habakkuk / To show that God is still in control of the world despite the apparent triumph of evil as Babylonia is rising to power.
14 / Zephaniah / To shake the people of Judah out of their complacency and urge them to return to God under King Josiah.
15 / Haggai / To call the people to complete the rebuilding of the temple after the exile.
16 / Zechariah / To give hope to God’s people after the exile by revealing God’s future deliverance through the Messiah.
17 / Malachi / To confront the people with their sins and to restore their relationship with God and their families.
Key Applications of the Prophetical Books – Major Prophets
Book / Applications
Isaiah / Punishment. We must trust in God alone and fulfill His commands. We cannot forsake justice nor give in to selfishness. If we harden our hearts against His message, punishment will surely come to us.
Messiah. God will send the Messiah to save His people. He will set up His own Kingdom as the faithful Prince of Peace, who rules with righteousness. He will come as sovereign Lord, but He will do so as a servant who will die to take away sins.
Jeremiah / New Hearts. God still transforms people by changing their hearts. His love can eliminate the problems created by sin. We can have assurance of a new heart by loving God, trusting Christ to save us, and repenting of our sin.
Faithful Service. People’s acceptance or rejection of us is not the measure of our success. God’s approval alone should be our standard for service. We must bring God’s message to others even when we are rejected. We must do God’s work even if it means suffering for it.
Lamentations / Hope. Only God can deliver us from sin. Without Him there is no comfort or hope for the future. Because of Christ’s death for us and His promise to return, we have a bright hope for tomorrow.
Ezekiel / Leadership. Jesus is our perfect leader. If we truly want Him to lead us, our devotion must be more than talk. If we are given the responsibility of leading others, we must take care of them even if it means sacrificing personal pleasure, happiness, time, or money. We are responsible for those we lead.
Worship. All of God’s promises will be fulfilled under the rule of the Messiah. The faithful followers will be restored to perfect fellowship with God and with one another. To be prepared for this time, we must focus on God. We do this through regular worship. Through worship we learn about God’s holiness and the changes we must make in how we live.
Daniel / Purpose in Life. It is wise to make trusting and obeying God alone our true purpose in life. This will give us direction and peace in spite of the circumstances or consequences. We should disobey anyone who asks us to disobey God. Our first allegiance must be to God.
God’s Faithfulness. We can trust God to be with us through any trial. Because He has been faithful to us, we should remain faithful to Him.
Key Applications of the Prophetical Books – Minor Prophets
Book / Applications
Hosea / Restoration. There is still hope for those who turn back to God. No loyalty, achievement, or honor can be compared to loving Him. Turn to the Lord while the offer is still good. No matter how far you have strayed, God is willing to forgive you.
Joel / Forgiveness. Forgiveness comes by turning from sin and turning toward God. It is not too late to receive God’s forgiveness. God’s greatest desire is for you to come to Him.
Amos / The Poor. God made all people; therefore, to ignore the poor is to ignore those whom God loves and whom Christ came to save. We must go beyond feeling bad for the poor and oppressed. We must act compassionately to stop injustice and to help care for those in need.
Obadiah / Justice. God will judge and fiercely punish all who harm His people. We can be confident in God’s final victory. He is our champion, and we can trust Him to bring about true justice.
Jonah / God’s Compassion. God loves each of us, even when we fail Him. But He also loves other people, including those not of our group, background, race, or denomination. When we accept His love, we must also learn to accept all those whom He loves. We will find it much easier to love others when we truly love God.
Micah / Pleasing God. Micah preached that God’s greatest desire was not the offering of sacrifices at the Temple. God delights in faith that produces justice, love for others, and obedience to Him.
Nahum / God Rules. If you are impressed by or afraid of any weapons, armies, or powerful people, remember that God alone can truly rescue you from fear or oppression. We must place our confidence in God because He alone rules all of history, all the earth, and our life.
Habakkuk / God’s Sovereignty. God is still in control of this world in spite of the apparent triumph of evil. God doesn’t overlook sin. One day He will rule the whole earth with perfect justice.
Zephaniah / Indifference to God. Do not let material comfort be a barrier to your commitment to God. Prosperity can lead to an attitude of proud self-sufficiency. We need to admit that money will not save us and that we cannot save ourselves. Only God can save us.
Haggai / Right Priorities. It is easy to make other priorities more important than doing God’s work. But God wants us to follow through and build up His Kingdom. Don’t stop and don’t make excuses. Set your heart on what is right and do it. Get your priorities straight.
Zechariah / God’s Protection. Although evil is still present, God’s infinite love and personal care have been demonstrated through the centuries. God keeps His promises. Although our bodies may be destroyed, we need never fear our ultimate destiny if we love and obey Him.
Malachi / The Lord’s Coming. God’s love for His faithful people is demonstrated by the Messiah’s coming. The Messiah will lead His people to the realization of all their fondest hopes. The day of the Lord’s coming will be a day of comfort and healing for a faithful few, and a day of judgment for those who reject Him.
Twelve Time Periods of the Old Testament
Old Testament Timeline
Old Testament Scenes
Background of the Prophetical Books
Book / Background of the Prophetical Books
Joel / 835-796 –The people of Judah had become prosperous and smug. Ignoring God, they turned to a lifestyle of self-centeredness. Joel warned of judgment to come.
Jonah / 785-760 –God sent Jonah to the Assyria, Israel’s worst enemy, known for their violence, hatred, and corruption. Assyria’s repentance was short-lived.
Amos / 760-750 –The rich were oppressing the poor and selling them into slavery. Soon the rich would find themselves slaves of the Assyrians.
Micah / 742-687 –A time of false prophets, dishonest leaders, and selfish priests in Israel and Judah. The rich were oppressing the poor.
Hosea / 753-715 -- Israel’s last six kings were especially wicked, they promoted heavy taxes, oppression of the poor, idol worship, immorality, and total disregard for God. The last of the propehts to the Northern Kingdom of Israel. After the Assyrian capitivity in 722 BC Hosea ministered to the Southern Kingdom of Judah.
Isaiah / 700-681 -- Under King Ahaz and King Manasseh the people reverted to idolatry, immorality, and the killing of children (child sacrifice). Babylonian captivity.
Nahum / 663-612 –The city of Nineveh, capitol of Assyria, defied God with their idolatry, arrogance, oppression of the weak, and violence against the innocent.
Zephaniah / 640-621 –The priests had mixed pagan practices with faith in God. Prosperity had produced an attitude of arrogant self-sufficiency. King Josiah’s reforms.
Obadiah / 627-586 –The arrogant wealthy Edomites stood by as the Babylonians invaded Judah and harassed the survivors. God will judge all who harm His people.
Jeremiah / 627-586 -- Society was deteroriorating economically, politically, morally, and spiritually. God’s Word was deemed politically incorrect and offensive.
Habakkuk / 612-588 –Wickedness was prevailing in Judah. God would use the wicked Babylonians to punish the wicked in Judah in 587.
Lamentations / 586 – The laments of the prophet Jeremiah soon after the destruction of Jerusalem by the Babylonias. The temple and city were plundered and burned in 586 BC.
Daniel / 605-535 – Daniel had been taken captive by Nebuchadnezzar and faithfully served in the government during the reigns of Nebchadnezzar, Belshazzar, Darius, and Cyrus inspite of tremendous pressure to compromise his faith.
Ezekiel / 593-571 – The religious leaders led the people astray. The nation refuses to repent and is conquered by Nebuchadnezzar II. Ezekiel taken to Babylon in 597.
539 - Persia conquers Babylon and becomes the predominate world power.
538 - Cyrus’ decree allowing the exile to retun.Zerubbabel leads first group back.
536 - Temple construction begins under Zerubbabel.
530 - Temple work halted due to discouragement and fear.
520 – Haggia, Zechariah beomce prophets; temple work resumed.
Zechariah / 520-518 –The exiles had returned from Babylon to rebuild the temple in, but the work had been thwarted and stalled. Temple completed in 516.
Haggai / 520-515 –After the exile, the discouraged Jews were encouraged to make rebuilding the temple a priority. This is the temple the Messiah would enter.
458 – Ezra lead second group of exiles from Babylon [Persia] to Jerusalem
445 – Nehemiah comes to Jerusalem to rebuild walls.
Malachi / 430 – The religious leaders had become lazy, arrogant, and apathetic; in addition the people were divorcing and ignoring the spiritual training of their children.
Key Ideas of the Prophetical Books
Book / Key Ideas of the Prophetical Books
Isaiah / In spite of the coming of divine judgment, God is the Source of comfort and hope. The Messiah will come as a suffering Servant.
Jeremiah / God’s people live in difficult time. Believers can be filled with self-doubt and misgivings, yet faithful to their calling from God.
Lamentations / Submission is the proper response to discipline for sin. If Jeremiah could hope in God, then God’s people today can do the same no matter what happens to them.
Ezekiel / The people of God need to focus on the glory of God. God is in control of history. God responds to individuals based on their relationship to Him.