Sermon Discussion Guide

Sermon Title / “The Power of a Pattern of Devotion”
Scripture / Daniel 6.1-23 (NIV)

Key Verse(s): Now when Daniel learned that the decree had been published, he went home to his upstairs room where the windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before. – Daniel 6.10 (NIV)

Summary: Daniel did not waver in his daily commitment to prayer, even when his life was at stake. In reading Daniel’s story, we learn about the power that a pattern of devotion can hold in our lives and how we can experience God’s love and grace even more deeply when we commit ourselves to it.

Discussion Starters: What kinds of patterns do you have in place in your life? Do you find comfort or joy in these routines? Why do you make them a priority? How have you disciplined yourself to maintain these patterns when life gets busy or when other factors threaten them?

Read and Discuss

John 16.33 & 1 Peter 4.19 – No doubt about it, there is trouble and pain in this world that we experience every day, yet we are called remain devoted to God in the midst of it. When you are faced with adversity, do you find yourself obeying God, or do you buckle under the influence of others? How would Daniel’s legacy be different if he had chosen the easy route of obeying the king’s decree?

Acts 2.42-47 – We look at this scripture frequently, because it is the basis for our Offer Groups’ vision. How did God bless the early church’s efforts in being devoted? A pattern of devotion is necessary for us personally, but have you ever thought about how our personal devotion can also directly affect the lives of those around us? Does that make you think differently about the importance of personal devotion?

Matthew 7.5-15 – Many of us have trouble knowing how to pray, and that’s okay! Jesus taught his disciples how to pray, and we can use this model when we don’t know the words to say. Notice verse 5; do you think Daniel’s devotion to prayer came from motivations described in this verse? Why or why not?

Further Thoughts: If you missed church on Sunday, check out this video and notice Justin’s pattern of prayer. Do you relate more to Daniel or to Justin? Both were saved by their relationship with God, but their journeys were very different. How did God use both in bringing people closer to Him? How is He using your journey?

Prayer: God, thank you for the illustration of devotion displayed by Daniel. Allow it to inspire us to be more devoted followers of You. Show us how to pray and deepen our relationship with You, and continue teaching us as we grow. Amen.