Course Syllabus - 2015

Professor:Dr.V.H. Manek Kirpalani

Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Marketing and International Business, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, Canada; Visiting Distinguished Professor Aalto University (Helsinki School of Economics)

Time:Thursday May 21 – Tuesday May 26, 2015

ThursdayMay 21 10.00 -13.00

FridayMay 22 10.00 -13.00

MondayMay 25 10.00 -12.00; 14.30 -17.30

TuesdayMay 26 10.00 -12.30, 13.30- 16.00

Place:Faculty of Management Room A 207

Objectives and Content:

The teaching philosophy underlining this course is in the mainstream of modern business education. As such the task of the instructor is to educate rather than merely to train.

With this in mind the course is analytical, liberal, and decision-making oriented. This is supplemented by descriptive facts and an explanation of "how to" techniques as appropriate. This course tries to show the reasons for international business strategy and management decisions rather than concentrate on the details of methods.

The course focuses on an understanding of the development of strategy, and the international/global business strategies of enterprises engaged in international business. The primary objective of this course is to increase the managerial competence of the participants in regard to knowing how to operate and compete in the complex, modern global business environment. The first part of the course discusses government influences on international business, economic integration and cooperative agreements, foreign direct investment, and foreign exchange movements. The second part deals with the global strategies of the Multinational Enterprise. The third part analyzes the development of international business strategy for the Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise. This includes appreciating the various schools of thought and approaches to such strategy formulation and implementation. Further it involves examining the competitive position of a firm by analyzing country-based sources of advantage, industry structure and distinctive competencies of the firm. It then turns to methods of entry into international and global markets. The fourth part covers distinctive functional strategies, which may be used to attain desired international/global business performance goals. Further, it covers the distinctive stragtegies internationalizing SMEs,including Born Globals, use to attain desired international business performance goals. Finally, the fifth part studies the impact of organizational structure on the translation of strategy into action. Furthermore, issues related to performance monitoring and control mechanisms relevant to strategy implementation are discussed.

Learning Mix:

Each student is expected to participate in two major activities, both contributing to a greater understanding of international/global strategies.

1.Lectures and class discussions on the assigned readings. This will ensure a high degree of interaction.

2.Case, done in groups, and a course paper written by each group. This must be supplemented with presentations and participation in class discussions.

Course Organization and Readings:

Lectures, assignments, and class discussions; supported by selected and readings on international/global strategy. The required text is Michael Peng (MP), Global Strategy 2nd. ed., South Western, Cengage Learning, 2009

All assigned material must be read prior to the relevant class session, as class discussions build and extend on this material.

Course Requirements and Grading Procedures.

  1. Case.

One cases is to be done. Ther title is mentioned below in the subject content section. The case is designated as a written assignment. It will require up to two pages of written analysis. The written preparation will be handed over to the lecturer for grading in the session when the case is discussed in class. The class will be divided into groups of four students, and each group will submit one written answer for the case. The case will in total count for 20% of the final course grade.

  1. Group Project.

A group project will be given. It will consist of a study on an aspect of international/global business strategy relevant to an EU company. There must be a written report of up to four pages on the study, and a presentation in class of this report by each group of four students. The presentation will occur on Tuesday, May 26th and the written project report is also due by that day. The project will in total count for 35% of the final course grade; with the written report counting for 20% and the presentation for 15% of the final course grade.

  1. Classroom participation will count for 10% of the final course grade.
  1. Final Exam. This exam will count for 35% of the final course grade.

Subject Content and Partial Bibliography:

Period 1.

Strategizing Around the Globe

 Emphasizing Institutions, Cultures and Ethics

 Managing Competition


  1. Michael Peng, Global Strategy,(MP), South Western Cengage Learning, 2009, Chapters 1,4 and 2

Period 2.

Leveraging Resources and Capabilities

Diversifying, Acquiring and Restructuring

Strategizing, Structuring and Learning Around the World


2. MP, Chapters 3, 9 and 10

Period 3.

Methods of Entering Foreign Markets

Internationalizing the Entrepreneurial Firm, and Born Globals

Making Strategic Alliances and Networks Work


3... MP, Chapters 6, 5 and 7

4. Case: Innovation Clusters in the Global Economy: The Welfare Technology Region in Denmark, written assignment

Period 4.

Sustainable Competitive Advantage and Innovativeness

Managing Global Competitive Dynamics

Governing the Corporation, and Corporate Social Responsibility


5... MP, Chapters 8, 11 and 12

Period 5

6. Group Presentations

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