National Master’s Agenda

August 19-21, 2011

Friday August 19

Arrival of teams

5:00~BBQ meet and greet at Brelview Farm, Woodville, On

Pony owners will be invited so riders can have a chance to talk with them

There is an above ground pool on site, bring a bathing suit if you want

Please rsvp with numbers attending so we have enough food.

Saturday August 20

Teams will go to Canada’s Wonderland (amusement park)

5 riders and 1 adult will have admission paid. There will be a buffet lunch included.

We must know in advance how many team members will be going and how many extra tickets are required. Admission is $48.57 including the buffet, $40 without.

There is a water park, bring a bathing suit and towel if you wish.

Outside food is not allowed in the park. Purchasing drinks & food can be expensive. We can pack coolers to leave in the vehicles. Please let me know if you will need a cooler. Extra food and drinks will be at each person’s expense. There are lockers for rent available in the park .

Most of the rides and attractions are included but you may wish to bring spending money for souvenirs.

Saturday dinner will be the responsibility of the teams. We can decide as a group if we leave the park early enough to eat or stay and eat there.

Sunday August 21


Teams arrive at Brelview farm, Woodville, On

Coach’s meeting at 9am

Riders are to be ready to go in the ring at 9:30

Each team will get a 5 min warm up with each set of ponies.

Ponies will be on Coloured teams for identification.

Heat 1

Heat 2

Heat 3

Lunch break

Heat 4

Heat 5


After each heat we will ask each team to name the MVP (most valuable pony) of that heat. They will pick 1 out of the 5 that are on that team.

Lunch tickets will be provided for teams and their coach and chaperone. Others will be able to purchase lunch on site.

RSVP Checklist (please return this to me asap)

Friday evening BBQ

Number of adults

Number of children under 10

Saturday Wonderland tickets

Number of team members + 1 adult

Number of additional people with buffet

Number of additional people without buffet

Sunday Games day

Number of additional people for lunch

I realize that the teams from Ontario may not know exact numbers for Sunday, but we are looking to get an idea so we can purchase food.

If you have any questions, or feedback, it is welcome! Contact me via email or my home phone 705-432-8845

Thanks so much!
