Er 19 Sir Alexander Mackenzie Sr. P.S.

Parent Council Meeting

Mar. 9, 2016


Next Meeting: TBD (May) 2016 ~ in the Library at 7:00 p.m.

Members Absent: Trish Howells (SAM teacher), Judy Du, Jenny Sin, John Lam, Min Chen, Xitang Wu, Asfiya Qureshi, Peter Chung,

Duration: 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.



Principal’s Items
Welcome and Introductions / SAM Parents Present: Michael Kwan, Ward Davis, Pauline, Davis, George Yonemori, Joanna Li, Vallikumari Elamathi, Tony Hum, John Lam, Ivy Fung, Jeffery Ji, Michael Kwan, Bo-Kay Pong, Gordon Pong
SAM Staff Present: Alison Gassi, Mike Smith
SAM Student Leadership Council Representative: Nil /
Constable Gary Gomez
Internet Safety / §  Constable Gomez presented on predators, dangers, websites, survival tips
§  Reality check for parents regarding predators on the internet
§  Dangers for children: addiction, misinformation, online gambling, cyberbullying, online strangers
§  Students need to be aware of certain websites: counterfeit, parodies and spoofs, fictitious, questionable, malicious and how to determine validity
§  Survival Tips for parents: check out sites; make it your business to know who they are chatting with; ask kids for their passwords; monitor behaviours online and off for changes; do not allow pictures to be posted; establish rules; have open discussions with children how to detect and avoid dangers
§  Help Lines for Parents:; Kids Help Line;; (internet safety); (missing children)
SLC Report
What’s Happening at SAM? / §  Fundraising events still continue with student led activities: movie matinées and dances: next dance March 11
§  PJ Day for March; Twin Day for April
Principal’s Report
(STEM Update, sports, arts, trips) / §  STEM: 3 day inquiry based learning model to be showcased in June. Focus of project is to create something that has not yet been created. This year “X Movement – previously Aussie X” will be incorporated to include outdoor activities and mental health awareness. Presentation day - parents all welcome.
§  Sports: swim team event at Harbord Collegiate - March 23; music night - May 12
§  Trips: Quebec City – April 26-29; Grade 8 Niagara Falls – June 21
SAM Parent Council Constitution Follow-Up / §  27 forms returned. Ward and Michael to determine if number is sufficient to pass. / Michael and Ward
SAM’s Parent School Climate Survey / §  Mike S. gave overview of parent responses: generally our scores are very high – mid 80s and above; lowest scores are concern with safety in community environment, ample learning materials and technology; home/school communication
PIAC Update / §  Parent Conference April 16, Allstream Centre (CNE grounds,) Automotive Building, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
§  Topics: Dr. Marie Wilson from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada; Dr. Ian Manion – Child and Youth Mental Health Expert

Mail / §  Mail was distributed to Michael and Ward
§  Alison shared math kit: Inspiring Your Child to Learn and Love Math
Other Business… / §  Conversation around PEDs (personal electronic devices)
§  Students are allowed to bring devices to school. Websites will NOT be blocked on a PED – only on a device that is hooked up to TDSB.
§  Parents responsibility to teach children responsible PED behaviour and etiquette

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