Spring 2018 MWF 10:30EH 218 CN31285
Instructor: Mrs. Sylvia Newman
Office: EH446 Phone: 801-626-6257
Office hours: MWF 10:30-12:00, 1:30-3:00 or by appointmente-mail:
Austin, Michael.Reading the World: Ideas That Matter. 3rded. W.W. Norton: 2015.
Weber Writes 2017.
English 2010 builds upon the skills developed in English 1010. The course provides instruction and practice in exposition, argument/persuasion, and documented research. Itemphasizescritical thinking, the reciprocity of reading and writing, and the production of well-developed analytical arguments for personal, academic and civic purposes. To accomplish this, we will explore the "most important and influential ideas of a variety of human cultures" through our textbookReading the World.
This courses focuses on four Big Questions:
- What Does It Mean to Be an Educated Person?
- How Do We Use Language to Communicate Persuasively? (this is perhaps the overarching BQ of the entire course)
- What Are the Ethical Implications of Socioeconomic Inequality?
- What is the Essence of Humanity?
Using one of these Big Questions, you will create a Signature Assignment--either a traditional academic research paper or a multimedia project on your research topic.
- Identify connections between and among texts and their ideas.
- Compose writing that is structurally coherent and unified.
- Compose writing assignments with a clear thesis or main idea.
- Control such surface features as syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Paraphrase, summarize, and use sources appropriately.
- Use MLA and/or APA, citation method correctly.
- Make and support an effective argument.
- Understand educated, informed writing and complex arguments of sustained length
- Understand and evaluate a text’s organization
- Discover authorial bias and analyze its effect on the argument
- Write sustained, focused essays consistent with the conventions of academic discourse
- Use sources, quotations and citations appropriately and correctly
- Develop a clear sense of audience and how it affects the writing/reading process
- Produce approximately 5000 words of revised prose over the semester
Critical Thinking:
- Recognize complex ideas and positions in arguments and understand diverse perspectives
- Recognize logic fallacies
- Use library resources to locate sources and appropriate databases for research projects
- Work with primary and secondary sources and distinguish credible sources
CanvasAll my communication with you outside of class will be via Canvas or WSU email. I will also post most, if not all, of our course materials here. We will use the Canvas gradebook as well. In the event of an extended campus closure, instruction will continue via Canvas. I expect you to log in to the system on a regular basis to keep up with the coursework. Assignments will be provided through the online system with clear due dates and expectations. Online discussionsmay be part of the coursework and will require your participation. If you are not familiar with Canvas, please review the student orientation at
AttendanceBecause class discussion and activities are part of the learning process, completing assignments listed on the syllabus/schedule is not sufficient to earn a passing grade. I will track attendance on Canvas, and attendance will be a part of your grade.In-class work cannot be made up.
Assignments Below are the broad outlines of our course assignments. Details will be given on the assignment pages in Canvas and in class.
Readings(LO 1): We will have readings due from our textbookReading the Worldalmost every day. You must come to class prepared to discussallthe readings and their questions.
Weekly Writing Assignments(LO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5):These will vary from responding to and making connections among course readings to assignments dealing with various aspects of argument and persuasion.
Writing Journal(LO 1, 2): You will write in a journal every class. You will turn this inat the end of each unit and at the end of the semester. You may use a small notebook for a hard copy journal or keep one electronically.
In-class: Your attendance and participation is vital to your own success and that of the class.
Projects(LO 1-7):You will completefourwriting projects,one of which willbe apresentation. You will receive detailed information about each assignment in class and on Canvas. You will have the opportunity to compile a portfolio of your revised work in lieu of a final.
E-Portfolio (LO 1-7): You will put together an e-portfolio of your best work.
Reviews: Youmay work in pairs or small groups in class or on Canvas to review drafts of the formal projects.
Online:We may have online discussions. These will be part of your participation grade.
GradingYou may check your grade on Canvas any time during the semester. However, do not trust the Final Grade column untilallassignments have been entered. I will use the following grade scale:
A / 94-100% / B- / 80-83.9A- / 90-93.9 / C+ / 77-79.9
B+ / 87-89.9 / C / 74-76.9
B / 84-86.9 / C- / 70-73.9
Note: Youmusthave a C or better to pass this class. It is possible (though not likely) to complete every assignment, attend every class, and NOT pass the course.
Below is atentativebreakdown of assignments and their grade value:
Attendance and Participation / 30Weekly Writing Assignments / 60
Fourwriting projects(30 and 50 pts ea) / 180
Writing Journal / 40
Portfolio / 50
Miscellaneous (library worksheet, peer reviews, in-class assignments) / 40
Total / 400
ContactIt is important to contact me if you are going to missmore than one class. If problems arise, please keep me in the loop. I'm here to help you succeed. E-mail is the best way to contact me.
Late WorkAll assignments have due dates that I expect you to meet. Points will be deducted for all late work. NO work will be accepted after the Available Date on Canvas has passed.
PlagiarismPlagiarism is a violation of the WSU Student Code. To plagiarize means to pass off someone else’s work as your own or to improperly document your sources. If you plagiarize, you will receive an E for the assignment. If it happens again, you will fail the class, and I will notify university authorities about disciplinary action.
WSU subscribes to TurnItIn.com, an electronic service that verifies the originality of student work. Enrollment in this course may require you to submit some or all of your assignments to TurnItIn.com this semester, and documents submitted to TurnItIn.com are retained, anonymously, in their databases. Continued enrollment in this course constitutes an understanding of and agreement with this policy.
In-Class Rules/ExpectationsPlease turn off cell phones during class. Do not text during class. Do not use your laptop in class unless I ask you to. If your cell phone goes off during class, you must bring donuts (or any other kind of treat) to the class the next class period.
TechnologyPlease get yourself some cloud storage. WSU offers Box free to studentsthrough their portal. You may use any cloud storage platform you wish--just, please, use it.
ADA Note Students requiring accommodations or services due to a disability must contact Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD), rm 181 Student Service Center. SSD can arrange to provide course materials (including this syllabus) in alternative formats if necessary.
Conflict Resolution WSU recognizes that there are times when course content may differ from a student’s core beliefs. Faculty, however, have a responsibility to teach content that is related to the discipline and that has a reasonable relationship to pedagogical goals. If you, as a student, believe that the content of the course conflicts with your ability to pursue the topic, you may request a resolution from the instructor, with the understanding that the instructor may or may not make an accommodation.
Disclaimer: Contents of this document are tentative and subject to change. You will always be notified in class AND on Canvas of any changes.