W. J. Christian
Reading (8thGrade)
Syllabus/ Policies and Procedures
Welcome to Reading 8th grade!This course should be both challenging and exciting. I look forward to working with you this school year!
Course Overview
Eighth-grade students experience a wide range of physical and emotional changes.Their curiosity about the world motivates them to search for meaning through language and literature.In responding to literature, students expand their skills and knowledge as they make responsible decisions regarding their reading, viewing, and studying.They enhance their reading, listening, and viewing skills as they increase awareness of their environment.
They also develop their personal adaptations of the writing process and presentation styles.This adaptation and personalization of processes are significant characteristics of the students and their curriculum.They adapt their writing process to meet their own needs as authors.They also develop their own speaking, presenting, and writing styles; identify their best studying methods; and recognize and express their reading and viewing preferences.
This course is required and designed to emphasis, composition, grammar, thinking and vocabulary.During the school year, each student will have the opportunity to learn and practice the following skills:
readingreference skillsanalyzing
writingoral languageinterpreting
study skillsthinking
- Writer's Choice
- MyPerspective
- LTF Lessons
- First Nine Weeks - The Looking Glass Wars
- Second Nine Weeks - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
- Third Nine Weeks - Ender's Game
- Fourth Nine Weeks - A Midsummer Night's Dream
Students will
1.Apply strategies appropriate to the type of material, including setting purposes for reading and making generalizations, to comprehend seventh-grade literary/recreational materials.
·Distinguishing factual from fictional materials
·Determining sequence of events
·Using specific context clues
·Applying self-monitoring strategies
·Drawing conclusions
·Confirming or refuting predictions
2.Relate literary elements and devices to each other, including main idea and supporting details, climax, point of view, and imagery.
3.Distinguish among the major genres—including poetry, short stories, novels, plays, biographies, and autobiographies—and sub-genres—such as folktales, myths, parables, fables, and science fiction—based on their characteristics.
4.Apply strategies that include setting purposes for reading, distinguishing fact from opinion, making generalizations, and reviewing to comprehend textual/informational and functional materials.
·Determining sequence of events
·Using specific context clues
·Applying self-monitoring strategies
·Drawing conclusions
5.Recognize the use of textual elements, including main idea and supporting details, and gain information from various texts formats, including graphs.
All students are obligated to report to class on time.Review the student handbook regarding tardiness.All students should be seated and ready to work on time every day.
Grading Scale
Grades will be given on the standard scale (A= 90-100, B= 80-89, C= 70-79, D= 60-69F= below 59).
Late Policy
Students are encouraged to turn in all assignments on time. However I do understand life happens. The following scale will apply to all students who turn in late assignments.
Day 1 - 20% penalty
Day 2 - 30 % penalty
Day 3 - 40 % penalty
Day 4 - 50 % penalty
Normally students will have homework Monday through Thursday.Students should work independently and be prepared to turn in homework at the beginning of the next class.
If a student is absent the day after homework is assigned, homework is due the day he/she arrives.Homework that is assigned when a student is absent will be due the next class period after returning to school.
It is the students’ responsibility to inform the teacher that they need to make up any missed assignments or tests due to an absence. Makeup assignments should be given to the teacher before class starts.Students are encouraged to turn all work in on time.
Special Vocabulary
Vocabulary words are an important part of our language; they are a part of our everyday listening, reading, and writing. Vocabulary words are categorized to help with student learning. Students will have the opportunity to expand their vocabulary through everyday practice.
Classroom Rules
- Be in your seat when the bell rings.
- Bring all books and materials to class.
- Sit in your assigned seat daily.
- No personal grooming during class time.
- Follow directions the first time they are given.
- Be polite to all classmates and staff, and teacher.
- Use computer software and reading materials appropriately.
- Parents please make sure you are checking the webpage daily.
- Parents please make sure you are checking STI for grades and comments weekly.
- Parents please make sure you have open lines of communication with the teacher at all times.
- Parents please make sure you answer emails, phone calls, Class Dojo messages, written notes, etc.
I-Parent Information for I-Grade Book
Parents can review grades through the I-Parent Grade System (STI) on line at the Birmingham City Schools website. Please see the office staff for further information.
Google Classroom
Parents we will be using Google Classroom all school year. Students are HIGHLY encouraged to bring an electronic device (tablet, IPAD, laptop, Chromebook) with a charger to class every day. PLEASE NO CELL PHONES!
Contact Information
·Parent conferences will not be held during class time
·Parents are encouraged to email me () to schedule a conference
·Parents are encouraged to email me with questions and/or concerns
Alabama Department of Education. (2009) Course of Study. Retrieved June 28, 2009
Parent Signature ______
Parent(s) Email ______
Student Signature ______