Gradebook Cheat Sheet:

  • Here are some tips on how to communicate to parents through your gradebook.
  • To access these features, right click in the cell where you would normally enter the grade for the student.

Gradebook: / How does it calculate towards student average? / How does it appear on Parent/Student portal?
The assignment will…
If grade is left blank then… / Will not calculate towards student’s average /
  1. Show up in the “To Do List.”
  2. Show up in the list of class grades received

If the grade is marked as “Late” then… / Will calculate whatever grade that is entered for that assignment /
  1. Show up in the “To Do List” if the grade is left blank
  2. Have “Late” written in the list of class grades received

If the grade is marked “Exempt” then… / Will not calculate towards student’s average /
  1. Not show up anywhere in the parent/student portal

If the grade is marked “Missing” then… / Will calculate as a zero /
  1. Show up in the “To Do List” if the grade is left blank
  2. Have “Missing” written in the list of class grades received

If the grade is marked “Incomplete” then… / Will calculate whatever grade that is entered for that assignment /
  1. Show up in the “To Do List” if the grade is left blank
  2. Have “Incomplete” written in the list of class grades received and 0 in the % column, although the grade is not calculated as a zero

If the grade is marked “Cheated” then… / Will calculate as a zero despite whatever grade is entered /
  1. Not show up in the “To Do List”
  2. Have “Cheated” written in the list of class grades received

If the grade is marked “Dropped” then… / Will not calculate towards average despite whatever grade is entered /
  1. Not show up in the “To Do List”
  2. Have “Dropped” written in the list of class grades received

If you want to show a comment, but not impact the grade, just use the “Edit Comment” box and type in the comment you need. That way you can show “Cheated” without calculating a zero, etc.

Here is how you should mark grades:

  1. Give a grade of zero if the assignment is over and done with and the teacher will not accept or change the grade as a result of any further work on it.
  1. Mark it “Missing” as long as they will continue to accept it for a grade.
  1. Mark it “Late” if they accept it after the due date.
  1. Mark it “Incomplete” if it is and they will allow the student to continue to work on it.