Town of Clayton

Monthly Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2015

Chairman Arling “Ole” Olson called the posted meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Also present were Supervisor Odell Olson, Supervisor Grant Pickard, Supervisor Roger Olson, Treasurer Jane Leschisin, Clerk Tracy LaBlanc, Roadman Jamie Wood. Supervisor Bill Vanda was absent. Also Present was Randy LaBlanc, Kaylee LaBlanc, Arlen Ziegler, Rod Mangelsen, Charles Bittorf, Andy Pichelman and Cindy Vanda.

The Clerk presented a signed affidavit as to where and when the meeting was posted.

Minutes – Bill moved, with a second by Odell to accept the March 12, 2015, regular meeting minutes. Motion was approved by a voice vote.

Treasurer’s report- shows a balance of $1,443.50 in the checking and $243,699.42 in the Money Market account for a total of $245,142.92

Bill Payment – Grant moved, with a second by Ole, to approve payment of voucher #12003 to #12031, and pay the State & Federal Withholdings & WRS for a total of $13,055.02. The motion was approved by a voice Vote.

Public Comment –Charles Bittorf had some question regarding a driveway/culvert that is needed for him to access his land. The board suggested having the roadman take a look at the location in which the driveway would be placed and see if it needs a culvert and then decide how to proceed from there. Jamie and Charles will set a time/date to meet out at the location to discuss this. The board all agreed they would like to avoid placement of a temporary driveway if possible.

*PICNIC LICENSE FOR CCHA CLUB/ANDY PICHELMAN- Andy mentioned to the board that this year they will be giving out 2 more scholarships, 1 in Clayton and 1 in Clear Lake. Bill Moved, with a second by Roger to approve the 1 day picnic license for the CCHA Club event on May 9th, 2015. The motion was approved by a voice vote.

*APPROVE WTA DUES- Grant moved, with a second by Odell to approve payment of the WTA (Wisconsin Towns Association) dues. The motion was approved by a voice vote.

*APPOINT PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS/BOARD MEMBER- Tracy mentioned that Pam VanHeuklom has resigned from the planning committee, and has turned in all her stuff she had for the committee as well. Grant and Cindy went over with the board what was discussed at the February planning committee meeting. There was discussion on who would be willing to be on the committee going forward, Ole asked Rod Mangelsen if he would take Grant’s spot on the committee as a board member and Rod agreed to do it. Discussion was also had about how often the committee needs to meet, Rod suggested that the committee meet quarterly and if there is a need to meet more often than do so.


Tracy explained that in the past there have been some purchases made by town officers/employees and then there was hesitation as to how to reimburse them for the purchase they made for the town, so with this resolution the board could set the amount/limit for reimbursement of purchases made by officers/employees. Rod Mangelsen mentioned that he thought this was passed years ago, Tracy mentioned she didn’t see anything in the book for this but will look into this further, so there is no duplication. This is tabled till next meeting.

*REVIEW ROADS FOR SUMMER ROADWORK PLANS/ROAD TOUR DATE- The date for the tour will be set after the new officers take office. Jamie will then get a date set with the board members to take the annual road tour to review roads.


ROADMAN Report- Jamie presented a written report to the board. Jamie started off by saying it has been 6 months since he started working for the town and he wanted to say Thank-you to everyone for giving him the opportunity to do this job and he also wants to Thank all who have been involved since he has been here, he enjoys what he is doing. Jamie has had another busy month with the snow melting he has been watching culverts to make sure the water is flowing and he has been watching the ditches and roads for standing water, as well as other problems with the roads due to winter. There were some signs that needed to be put back up and there are a few that will need to be replaced. In Mid-March the weight limit signs were put up on the roads that didn’t still have them on from last year. Once the snow was gone Jamie took the patching trailer out and did some patching of some of the potholes, he will do this again once the frost is out. He has also been out on the gravel roads with the tractor and drag trying to level them out until he can get the grader out. He hasn’t done any of the dead end roads yet. Jamie also had cleaned up and burned some of the brush piles that he had on 85th Ave. as well as some prior to him that the land owners told Jamie he needed to get cleaned up now. Jamie has been out checking roads a lot and has a couple roads with BAD spots in them on 105th Ave. east of 63 and 25th St. north of CTY D he can’t do anything with these now, so he put up flags to warm the public this is an issue. Jamie has received a few calls from the county regarding fallen trees due to all the wind we’ve had lately, so he has been cutting trees. Jamie has also had the opportunity to take in a few training classes pertaining to Asphalt Road Maintenance, culvert/bridge training, and diggers hotline training. Jamie got the trailer out and cleaned it up, to put it out for sale, he has had a lot interested in it, so hopefully it won’t take long to sell. Jamie has been having issues with the 1-ton truck again it keeps stalling on him, so he took it back in to have it looked at. Jamie also mentioned clean-up day is set for April 18th 7-1pm he tried to get it later but Waterman’s wants to pick up dumpsters that day.

CLERK’S Report- Tracy brought up that we will need a new board member to be trained for the BOR as she & Ole went to the training last year and there are new board members again this term. There is also a new town officials training/refresher training class coming up Tracy would like to attend this year if possible it is in Rice Lake again, and if anyone else on the board wants to go, let her know so she can get you registered. Tracy went over the survey she did with local surrounding towns/villages/county to see what they had in place currently for open records requests, the majority don’t have anything currently in place they just charge .25 cents a page if they get any requests which they say are minimal, so with that survey info and some board input from last meeting, she made some changes to the open records request form she put together and discussed these changes again with the board, after discussion of the changes Bill moved, with a second by Odell to approve the hourly rate charged for clerk’s time, and Ole moved with a second by Bill to approve the rates/price as shown of the form for copies per page, and Tracy will remove the word excessive from the form. Roger asked if I could add this form to the website for easy access, Tracy will add this to the website after next meeting, once the resolution is signed by the board. Tracy also Administered the Oath of office to the new/re-elected board members.

*Closed Session per Wis. Statute 19.85 (1)(c) personnel issues- Odell moved, with a second by Grant to go into closed session. Roll call vote was Odell-yes, Ole-yes, Bill-yes, Roger-yes, Grant- yes. The motion was approved. Roger moved, with a second by Odell to reconvene into open session and Roger moved, with a second by Grant to accept closed session discussion. Roll Call vote was Odell-yes, Ole-yes, Bill-yes, Roger-yes, Grant-yes. The motion was approved. Roger moved, with a second by Odell to adjourn, motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 8:22 pm. Upon adjournment the Board members realized they forgot a topic during closed session that needed to be discussed so by Roll Call vote Odell-yes, Ole-yes, Bill-yes, Roger-absent, Grant-yes, went back into closed session to discuss this topic. Motion approved. After discussion in closed session Grant moved, with a second by Bill to reconvene back into open session and Ole moved, with a second by Grant to approve closed session discussion. Motion approved. Roll Call vote was Odell-yes, Ole-yes, Bill-yes, Roger-absent, Grant-yes. Ole moved, with a second by Odell to finally adjourn at 8:40pm. Motion approved.

Date & Time of Next Meeting: Regular Board Meeting & other Meeting Dates-

April 16, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. - Planning Committee Meeting

April 18, 2015 at 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – Town Clean up day

April 21, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. – Town’s ANNUAL MEETING

May 14, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.- Regular Monthly Board Meeting- with Voucher Approval at 6:45 p.m.

Tracy LaBlanc, Clerk