
Fort Couch 7th Grade Science

This Year's main topics of discussion are:

Supplies needed for class: (Supplies are expected by: Friday, September 9th.)

ü  3 Ring Binder (at least 2 inches in size) with pockets or an additional pocket folder (3 holed), (4)single subject notebooks (3 holed), book cover (for 2nd and 3rd 9 weeks) and (3) divider tabs or pages. The binder must be separate from other classes.

ü  2 pencils and 1 pen black/blue ink. (students should use only pencil for my class work unless otherwise instructed)

ü  2 dry medium point erase markers (pen sized/dark colors only)

Binder Sections: (Toward the end of each term the organization and content of your binder will be graded.)

1. Table of contents

Ø  Returned Papers (graded papers/ feedback given)

2. Science notebook

Ø  Unit Vocabulary/Glossary

Ø  Daily Notes

4. Important Papers (needed papers but not graded)

5. Pocket Folder (for unfastened papers and projects)

Assignment Policies:

____1. All students are expected to review and follow the Fort Couch Student Behavior Plan.

____2. Lab safety is a major concern. You are expected to follow all lab safety procedures.

____3. Homework assignments are expected to be completed on time. Any homework not turned

in on time, not brought to class, or that is incomplete will receive reduced or no credit.

____4. All assignments need to be submitted before missing class for early dismissals, sporting events, band, or chorus. Following an absence, it is the responsibility of the student to turn in and receive all assignments that are missed in a timely manner.

____5. If you miss three assignments within a term your parents will be contacted.

____6. Graded projects/assignments need to be completed by the assigned due date and late or missing assignments will affect your project’s grade.

Grade Base:

Grades are based on an accumulation of points that a student earns in any given grading period. Points are attained from homework, test and quiz scores, classroom participation, and project grades. The student’s total accumulated points are then divided by the number of points possible during that period to get their percentage.

Evaluation Guidelines:

ü  Work habits for assignments are also evaluated. This includes: preparation, cooperation, independent work habits, following directions, respect for others, participation, and completion of assignments.

ü  An overall evaluation will be given on each report card comparing the student’s level of achievement to their ability level. This evaluation will be given as an O (outstanding), G (Good), S (Satisfactory), N (Needs to Improve), U (Unsatisfactory), or an I (Incomplete). There will also be an additional possibility of a “+”when the student is acting at the highest performance level within the level or a “-” when moving to a lower performance range of the letter code.

Note to Parents:


The science curriculum for seventh grade is widely varied and designed to challenge every student throughout the year. My goal is for every student in my class to have more understanding and curiosity toward science and its many related subjects. I believe that by raising students’ level of curiosity, students will learn that they have the power to make many positive changes in the world around them.

I expect that my students respect their classroom, the other students in it, and me. I ask them to be prepared for class each and every day, to take pride in their work, and most importantly… to be honest. My major classroom rule states: “No student has the right to interfere with another student’s right to learn.” I refer my students to this guideline often and I truly believe that if the students follow this simple rule the school year will be a great success!

You and I will work as a team... and we need to communicate as one! You will find the contact information for Team 1 below. The easiest way to get in touch with the team members is through email. Please sign the bottom portion indicating that you have reviewed the syllabus with your child. Please do not detach the papers. These pages must remain in your child’s binder at all times.


Mr. Linder

Contact Information:

Fort Couch
Middle School / 412-833-1600 ext. 3000 or 3003
The secretaries will direct your call.
Team Website /
Calling / 412-833-1600 ext. 3324 Leave a message on my voicemail if I am not available.
*Note: the best times to call are before 7:30-8:30 or after school 3:25-3:45.
Emailing / (Linder-Science)
(Toohey-Lang. Arts)
(Ghilani-Soc. St.)
Scheduling a
Conference / *please contact the building secretary

I have reviewed the syllabus with my child:

Student Name: ______(print) Section: ______


Parent Signature Student signature Date

(Students should keep this signed and dated Syllabus in their notebook)