"The Unchangeable One!"

Malachi 3:1-6

INTRO. Change is something that is all around us at all times. Nature has

4 changes per year. Spring, fall, summer, and winter. These

changes are a beautiful site to behold that come from the hand of

God. We also see change in our mode of living. Most of us today

can sit in our living rooms and see what is occurring around the

world as it is occurring.

It hasn't been too many years ago that radio was our source of

news and information. And before that, news took maybe weeks

to reach us after it occurred. Our society has also changed. Many

men today are acting like and dressing like women. And many

women today are acting like and dressing like men.

Our attitudes toward sin are also changing. The things we, as

Christians, at one time despised now we say that is just the way

of our world. Sad to say, but many professing Christians today

have changed in their loyalty to God. God doesn't hold the

priority in our lives the way He did before. We have became too

satisfied with just knowing Him, and yet not serving HIM. God

help us!

In our text, God tells the nation of Israel, "My purpose for you

hasn't changed." God doesn't change! We change, but thank God

He doesn't! V6 says, "I am the LORD, I change not." Are you glad

God is unchangeable? Notice with me four things about God



(1) God's Plan doesn't Change

John 3:16

Romans 10:13

2 Peter 3:9

(2) God's Love doesn't Change

Jeremiah 31:3

Romans 5:8

(3) God's Power doesn't Change

Psalms 90

(4) God's Promises never Change


A. Salvation to whoever will

Romans 10:13

B. Strength to those seek Him

Isaiah 40:31

C. A New home in Heaven for all who believe

John 14:1-3

D. A New body like unto His glorious body

Philippians 3:20-21

E. An eternity with Him

1 Thessalonians 4:16, 17

F. Eternal separation from God

Matthew 7:23

Revelation 20:15

CLOSING: Our God doesn't change. All that He promises will come to

pass. He loves each one of us today and desires fellowship of

us. He wants all to come unto Him!

Lost one, will you come today? He is waiting for you. Don't

turn Him away!

Child of God, have we changed in our attitude toward the things

of God? If so, let us ask God for mercy and forgiveness. He

loves us so and when we sin He offer mercy and forgiveness if

we but ask (1 John 1:9).