Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 7th May immediately after the Annual General Meeting

In Attendance: Parish Councillors Geoff Mayling, John Smith, Louise Isaacs, Tom Klimes and Robert Golland. 7 members of the public were also in attendance.

1. / Public Forum:
No minutes are advertised in the “Mercury” newspaper of “Towers and Spires” – in future they will be submitted to both. / Action
2. / Opening of Meeting:
Cllr Mayling welcomed everyone to the meeting.
3. / To receive any apologies for absence:
Cllrs G Sutcliffe, M Sampson, CountyCllr M Trollope-Bellew, District Cllr R Woolley
4. / Declaration of Interest (Councillors are reminded of their obligation under the Codes of Conduct to declare pecuniary interests): None.
5. / To agree Minutes of 12th March 2013:
Cllr Golland proposed Minutes above were approved for signature, seconded Cllr Isaacs, agreed unanimously.
6. / Matters Arising from Minutes:
Grit Bin on St Lawrence Way – carried forward to next meeting.
Village Hall – quotations now received for repairs to the chimney stack.
Neighbourhood Plan (seminar) – question raised do we need this. Discussion required with SKDC.
Drinks Licence for 13th July - licence has been applied for.
Fish and EelPass – update given on work carried out to date and proposed time scale for completion. Cllr Smith will remain in contact with Rob Price and report back to the village. / Cllr Sutcliffe
Cllr Mayling
7. / Finance/Authorisation of Payments:
Wendy Gray Parish Clerk salary March/April - £249.85
Wendy Gray Parish Clerk expenses - £53.85
Wendy Gray Parish Clerk tax Jan/Feb/March - £69.91
Community Cleaner - £148.32
Paul Taylor (Internal Audits) 2011/2012 & 2012/2013 - £240.00
Cllr T Klimes – Land Registry Fee/Postage Special Delivery - £126.22. Copy to be given to the village hall committee for 50% contribution
All above invoices approved for payment.
Parish Clerk will draw up plan with additional areas for the Community Cleaner which will then be discussed at next meeting. / Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
8. / Planning:
S13/0902/HSH/PC1 – Single Storey rear extension at Avoca House, Main Road, TallingtonPE9 4RP – all councillors had viewed the plans, no members of the public or the Parish Council raised any objections. Parish Clerk to report to SKDC. / Parish Clerk
9. / Correspondence:
LCC – proposed schedule of works for 2013/2014.
10. / Update on Millennium Green:
Fields in Trust – consent letter allowing us to transfer the property received, and deed executed and has now been forwarded to Land Registry.
Cllr Klimes reported that there was a possibility to submit deed for MG itself – do we wish to pursue. Agenda item for next meeting.
Cllr Klimes reported – white post preventing vehicles driving down footpath has been damaged beyond repair, it has been knocked over on numerous occasions. Would like to propose that we put in a new metal post which can be unlocked and would need the base to be concreted in. Price obtained £115 plus VAT for the post. All councillors we in favour for post to be replaced.
11. / To receive a report on the Village Hall:
See note – Annual Parish Meeting.
12. / Broadband:
Since last meeting committee has been set up to carry the project forward. 5 people volunteered to help 2 of which have agreed to become directors of the company. Company needs to be set up in order to comply with Defra for money if application is successful.
Flyers have been sent to all houses in the village which to date 4 have been returned. To move the project forward we need 80-90. It is proposed that within the next 10 days a visit is made to every household to obtain completed forms.
The committee are also looking for someone to complete accounts – please contact us if you know of anyone who can help in this capacity. Parish Clerk will speak with internal auditor. / Parish Clerk
13. / Network Rail:
A feasibility study and costings have been prepared by”Lincs CC”. Bore holes and trial pits have been carried out by Network Rail. The ball is now firmly in Network Rails court. Network Rail have appointed a “Project Sponsor”. Looking at time scale of next five year span commencing 2015. Network Rail have requested that there is one point of contact in the community for further clarification/communication i.e. Parish Clerk/Chairman. All councillors in agreement for this to be the route taken. Lincs CC would like a meeting with Network Rail.
As soon as there are any significant developments the Council will circulate information to all residents and a public meeting will be called.
14. / Fish and EelPass:
Cllr Smith will keep the village updated.
15. / Noticeboards:
VHC have requested a key to the noticeboards as they have now stopped delivering flyers house to house. Cllr Mayling proposed keys are cut and a set given to the VHC, all councillors in favour.
Noticeboard on VH wall – Cllr Mayling proposed that this noticeboard is refurbished at a cost of £450. All councillors in favour. / Parish Clerk
16. / Reports from Councillors:
Cllr Smith – West Deeping Heritage Group – it looks as though we will have one notice board on the MG as unable to identify who owns lock gate in Herons Close.
Barn Dance & Hog Roast – scheduled for Saturday 13th July 2013 at same venue as last year. Tickets will be available in due course.
17. / Public Forum:
Looking at additional areas for Community Cleaner – if we ever get opportunity to apply for “BestKeptVillage” competition it would be nice not to have Planning Applications that are way out of date pinned to Telegraph Poles removed.
Spending money on MG – perhaps contribute towards a few dog bins might encourage people not to drop bags on land/verges.
18. / Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 9th July 2013 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Meeting closed at 9.20 p.m.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 9th July 2013 at 7.30 p.m.

In Attendance: Parish Councillors Geoff Mayling, Geoff Sutcliffe, Louise Isaacs, John Smith, Mike Sampson, CountyCllr M Trollope-Bellew. District Cllr R Woolley and 6 members of the public were also in attendance.

1. / Public Forum:
Mr Knox enquired whether ownership of the land occupied by the canal lock gate had been established – this will be discussed later in the meeting. / Action
2. / Opening of Meeting:
Cllr Mayling welcomed everyone to the meeting.
3. / To receive any apologies for absence:
Cllrs R Golland and T Klimes and District Cllr K Cooke.
4. / Declaration of Interest (Councillors are reminded of their obligation under the Codes of Conduct to declare pecuniary interests): None.
5. / To agree Minutes of 7th May 2013:
Cllr Mayling proposed Minutes above were approved for signature, seconded Cllr Isaacs, agreed unanimously.
6. / Matters Arising from Minutes:
Grit Bin on St Lawrence Way – carried forward to next meeting.
Neighbourhood Plan (seminar) – question raised do we need a plan. Discussion required with SKDC – this has been considered and it was agreed that currently we do not need a plan.
Drinks Licence for 13th July - licence has been applied for and obtained.
Land Registry Fee – invoice received and Parish Council have arranged for payment – copy of invoice to be forwarded to VHC for their 50/50 share of cost.
Planning Application – response had been forwarded to SKDC. / Cllr Sutcliffe
7. / Finance/Authorisation of Payments:
Wendy Gray Parish Clerk salary May/June - £300.00
Wendy Gray Parish Clerk expenses - £42.19
Community Cleaner - £166.86
Peter Ashcroft – New Noticeboard - £573.60
AON Insurance – Renewal £312.77 – cheque not to be sent at this moment in time
Chattertons Solicitors – Transfer Document - £306.00
All above invoices approved for payment.
8. / Planning:
S13/1577/HSH/PC1 – Replacement storage shed (amendments to permission S12/1177) LakeHouse, Barholm Road, Tallington – No objections.
S13/1658/FULL/PC1 – Erection of dwelling and widening existing access on land adjacent to The Orchard, Main Road, Tallington –response to be sent “we understand that the erection of an additional residential property on this site contravenes the SKDC core strategy as Tallington is an unsustainable village. If we are incorrect we view this application as over development on this site and would create an excessive increase of traffic entering and exiting the main road”. The Parish Council object to this application.
New Application just received:
S13/1738/FULL/PC1 – Formation of outdoor horse exercise area with fenced enclosure for private use at Paddock House, Main Road, TallingtonPE9 4RP –
We would request that the following conditions are included:
If the intention is to use in winter we would assume lighting would need to be installed, if so this needs to be included in this application.
How is it going to be constructed? Concern about contractor’s traffic using Church Lane.
Problems have arisen in the past - could be made condition of planning consent to ensure road surface is kept clean and maintained during and after completion.
Would be seen from lane - would suggest some form of hedging.
Subject to the above conditions the Parish Council have no further comments but request more details. / Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
Parish Clerk
At this point in the meeting we were joined by Maggie Ashcroft of West Deeping Heritage Trust:
Maggie brought along to meeting information boards for all to view which highlighted places of interest along the canal. 2 Interpretation boards are proposed for Tallington – one to be sited on MG – Parish Council approved the proposed area on MG. One to be sited in Herons Close at side of the lock gate.
At this point Mr Knox wished to suggest that as we do not know who owns this area and that the board is placed at this site and wait to see if someone claims to own the land. This suggestion was agreed by all members of the Parish Council.
Maggie will continue to liaise with Cllr John Smith as representative of Tallington.
If anyone has any information that would be relevant would they please contact Maggie on 01778 344768 or email
9. / Correspondence:
SKDC – Adoption of the Wind Energy Supplementary Planning Document
LCC – Proposed changes to library provision
LALC News Summer Edition
Notification re Crossing Closure – emailed to all Cllrs.
10. / Update on Millennium Green:
Transfer of ownership of has now all been completed and all paperwork is in Parish Councils possession.
11. / To receive a report on the Village Hall:
Mr Knox – supports the amount of work undertaken by Cllr Tom Klimes and Andy Yates who have taken major responsibility for processing legal aspects, transfer of ownership of 3 trustees to Parish Council and arranging dedication of the playing field under the QE11 Playing Field Scheme.
Village Hall Committee (VHC) have successfully applied for a grant for new play equipment on the playing field for toddler age group and work has commenced. An opening ceremony will take place at the end of August.
A grant of approx £25,000 has been received from SETA for the play equipment.
PC have agreed with the VHC to go 50/50 on legal costs incurred i.e. £128 each party.
Question arose on recovery of VAT. Invoice for the play equipment will be addressed to the PC who can recover the VAT. The VHC will temporarily provide finance to the PC to cover the VAT.
A number of people have worked very hard and need to be congratulated for the work that has been done to obtain the new play equipment.
The opening ceremony and memorial plaque and ornamental tree to be discussed at next VHC meeting.
Village hall chimney has now been repaired.
Bookings and finances for the village hall are O K.
12. / Broadband:
We have received an email from a director of BT to confirm that Tallington is within the 90% requirement to receive superfast broadband, subject to engineering. As a fall back a company has been formed called “Tallicom Ltd”. Should things change then the company will pursue funding through DEFRA.
We would appear to be in phase 7 of BT plans scheduled for 2015.
13. / Network Rail:
Cllr Trollope-Bellew reported that LCC and Network Rail are in discussions concerning the original northern route. There is southern route being muted which will come through the village and around the back of the pub.
Cllr Mayling reported that Network Rail have appointed a Project Sponsor who visited Tallington and visited site, he is also looking at alternative routes.
Network Rail funding is in place until March 2014.
14. / Fish and EelPass:
Cllr Smith reported progress since last meeting as follows:.
Public Footpath reopened 15th June.
Main fish works finishing off w/c 8th July.
Public safety assessment has been completed.
Fish monitoring – will start this week and last for two weeks.
Final project cost due end of July and we will get notified of what they are.
Parish Council will be invited to another site visit
Another “bat” survey will be carried out later in year.
Proposing to have an open day sometime in September/October which the Environment Agency will fund.
Cllr Smith reported riverbanks are in a bad state, rabbits are back.
Cllr Smith will draft words for letter to be sent by clerk to Environment Agency / Cllr Smith/Parish Clerk
15. / Noticeboards:
The third notice board has now been refurbished. It was agreed that Laura Pollock would have a key to each noticeboard as well as the Parish Clerk. Cllr Isaacs will arrange to get keys cut. / Cllr Isaacs
16. / “Hog Roast and Barn Dance”:
Cllr Mayling reported that he was disappointed with response but in last few days sale of tickets has improved.
17. / Reports from Councillors:
Cllr Trollope- Bellew – George Osborne is cutting 10% more off local government, this is the third notice of cuts, managed to survive first two cuts. LCC have not had full details yet and do not know what impact this will have.
Library closures – consultation has been extended to end of September – for further information on proposals visit
Or call 01522 782040.
Cllr Woolley – 10% cuts will also affect SKDC. Boundary review to reduce Cllrs from 58 to 55. Going through all information - Rural Wards to be reduced from 21 to 20 this has now been completed. Greatford will be included in Truesdale Ward; name will change to Casewick Ward. Will still be a 2 seat ward. Not practical to reduce to 1 seat ward. Stamford being reduced by 1, Grantham being reduced by 1 and Market Deeping stays the same.
At end of September SKDC/Stamford Town Council are organising a Georgian Festival – hope to include bull run (not a real bull), schools are all involved, not quite decided how bull is going to be finished i.e. set on fire etc, still in discussion.
Dan Crookshank coming to give lecture on “Horrible Histories” – fun event earmarked for 27th – 29th September.
Cllr Isaacs – nothing to report.
Cllr Sutcliffe – nothing to report
Cllr Sampson – nothing to report
Cllr Smith – nothing to report
Cllr Mayling – Cllr Klimes wished to raise two issues – check whether the two big trees on MG need any work to be carried out – Cllr Smith will arrange an inspection. The second issue concerns the village hall building insurance – VHC had been insuring property – it was agreed that as the PC would now take on the building insurance. The VHC will reimburse the PC the insurance premium.
18. / Public Forum:
Cllr Trollope-Bellew reported that the Health Strategy Committee for Lincolnshire would meet in Stamford tomorrow (10th July) looking at Peterborough/Stamford Hospital Trust commencing at 10 a.m. in the Court Room. It is a public meeting but the public cannot participate.
19. / Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 10th September 2013 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Meeting closed at 9.12 p.m.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 10th September 2013 at 7.30 p.m.

In Attendance: Parish Councillors Rob Golland, John Smith, Mike Sampson and Tom Klimes, County Cllr M Trollope-Bellew. District Cllrs R Woolley and K Cooke, PCSO M Laughton and 3 members of the public were also in attendance.

1. / Public Forum:
Overgrowth of vegetation over footpath Red House/Red House Paddock first house on left, it was agreed that highways would be contacted, Cllr Trollope-Bellew will report to highways. / Action
2. / Opening of Meeting:
Cllr Klimes welcomed everyone to the meeting.
3. / To receive any apologies for absence:
Cllrs L Isaacs, G Mayling and G Sutcliffe
4. / Declaration of Interest (Councillors are reminded of their obligation under the Codes of Conduct to declare pecuniary interests): Cllr Golland – Planning Application for Solar Panels.
5. / To agree Minutes of 9th July 2013:
Cllr Smith proposed Minutes above were approved for signature, all councillors in agreement.
6. / Matters Arising from Minutes:
Grit Bin on St Lawrence Way – carried forward to next meeting. / Cllr Sutcliffe
Report from PCSO:
Nothing to report.
Will be producing leaflets re Halloween and changing clocks. Cllr Klimes will forward copy for printing in Towers & Spires. / Cllr Klimes
7. / Finance/Authorisation of Payments:
Wendy Gray Parish Clerk salary July/August - £300.00
Wendy Gray Parish Clerk expenses - £77.97
Community Cleaner - £166.86
All above invoices approved for payment.
8. / Planning:
S13/1869/FULL/PC1 – Siting of 2192 ground mounted photovoltaic panels at The Pheasantries, Casewick Lane, Uffington, Stamford, PE9 4SX – no objections raised by residents or councillors at meeting.
Application received after last meeting S13/1275/ADV/PC1 re siting of directional advertisement for ABC Day Nursery on Barholm Road, no objections were raised.
9. / Correspondence:
LALC - AGM will be held on 15th October 2013
Stamford Town Council
Emails received:
Gambling Act
CPRE Green Belt
Library Closures
Complaint re Network Rail
10. / Update on Millennium Green:
Dedication ceremony held on 30th July which was well attended. Mr Knox gave a brief insight into the history of the Playing Field, Mr A Thurlby donated a monument which was unveiled.
11. / To receive a report on the Village Hall:
Playing Field: Mr Knox on behalf of the VHC expressed their thanks to Andy Yates and Tom Klimes in obtaining grant, installation of new equipment and getting everything done. The three John’s will continue to maintain it.
Trees on MG – cost of survey – two quotations requested, no response from Gary’s Gardens, Willow Tree £375 plus VAT for the survey, any work to be done will cost extra. It was suggested that we look to see if there was any grant funding available, in the meantime Cllr Smith will obtain a further quote and bring to the next meeting.
Bollard for end of Millennium Green Footpath – agreed at last meeting cost of £115 + VAT but there is also a delivery charge. Cllr Klimes will look at alternative of metal post with “Footpath” sign attached.
12. / Broadband:
A report was given on the situation to date – it is hoped a more positive report will be available for next meeting.
13. / Fish and Eel Pass:
Cllr Smith reported work has been completed. Mr Price, Project Manager would like to invite village along to an “Opening Ceremony” for presentation and site visit followed by nibbles. It was suggested convenient time may be half term week when parents and children would be able to attend. Cllr Smith will liaise with Mr Price suggesting 3pm time for site visit followed by presentation etc in the Village Hall. Cllr Smith will liaise with VH booking secretary re suitable date.
14. / Reports from Councillors:
Cllr Trollope-Bellew – Boundary Commission have advised that they will start looking at number of councillors and boundaries later on this year. 77 councillors at the moment, this is first notification that going to look at situation.
County Councillors Big Society Fund is now back – any organisations in the village needing small grant (each councillor has £2000) to contact 10 parishes. Contact Cllr Trollope-Bellew.
Will ask LCC tree man to look at tree on MG.
Cllr Woolley – suggestion re trees we may like to contact Chris Johnson from Little Bytham, will let PC have details.
Broadband for Tallington – this has come up at every meeting been to – prime example “get up and do something”.
Cllr Cooke – last weekend saw mallard event in Grantham.
Georgian feast coming up in Stamford.
Dog Fouling – leaflets being produced.
Cllr Smith reported on Canal Project – Maggie Ashcroft now supported by team of 6/7. Open evening held in July. A report has to be produced how working by end of October, would like to talk to Tallington people who know anything about the canal. Any names to be given to Cllr Smith and he will forward on.
Story Boards have been produced, 1 for West Deeping, 1 other and 2 for Tallington – 1 to be placed on MG and 1 in Herons Close (position to be agreed). Maggie has some money left in budget to finish job, any money left has to be returned. Maggie would like to come to Tallington to give a presentation to villagers, perhaps at VHC evening – Cllr Smith will get Maggie to speak with Mr Knox to arrange date.
Cllr Klimes – received email from Andy Nix SKDC ICT (wi-fi) – will meet with Andy to carry out survey within VH.
Network Rail Update – Cllr Mayling spoke with Network Rail yesterday for an update. They confirm that they are still committed to closing the crossing and finding a solution at the level crossing. In conjunction with LCC that are looking at solutions which are at a “design concept stage”. Network Rail are meeting LCC later this week. They anticipate that they will be in contact with those parties affected by these “concept designs” and will have more news for the Parish Council and the Village as a whole before our next meeting in November.
Reminder letter to Heron’s Trust re payment towards the cost of refurbishing the name board on the noticeboard in Bainton Road.
Barn Dance and Hog Roast – made £100 profit.
Play equipment insurance – Cllr Klimes will raise at VHC meeting.
Insurance Village Hall – Cllr Klimes will provide figure for next meeting.
15. / Public Forum:
Trees – SETA – there is a requirement that we plant elm trees as part of the grant and we have to decide where, has to be in the village but does not have to be on the Playing Field. Parish Council will make decision on where to plant.
Cllr Woolley thanked the Parish Council for inviting the County Councillor and herself to the Barn Dance and what a wonderful raffle we had.
16. / Date of Next Meeting:
Tuesday 12th November 2013 commencing at 7.30 p.m.
Meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held in the Village Hall on Tuesday 12th November 2013 at 7.30 p.m.