The Chairman called the meeting to order at 1730 Hours.

External Intelligence Associations

  1. BEAUVAIS will be attending the January 22, 2013 meeting of the Pillar Society (CSIS) in Ottawa and will explore future joint arrangements for meetings and dinners. Similar relations with the Canadian Association Professional Intelligence Analysts are also under consideration.

Canadian Military Intelligence Association (CMIA)

  1. The program to electronically canvass the full Membership for approval to change the name of the Canadian Forces Intelligence Branch Association to the Canadian Military Intelligence Association was reviewed in detail. The initial letter will be issued on January 8, 2013, a “reminder to vote” notice will be issued on January 15, 2013 and a final result will be tabulated as of 2400 Hours on February 1, 2013. The results will be reported to the Membership electronically.
  2. The Executive reviewed a draft of the January 8, 2013 letter and decided that a more detailed argumentation should be included at the beginning of the text in order to enforce the strategic advantages and objectives underlying the name change. BEAUVAIS agreed to redraft the letter accordingly.
  3. It was agreed that the decision wouldbe based on ‘50% plus one vote’ of all the replies received and will not be based on actual membership as of February 1, 2013.

Association Coverage – Sick and Fallen Comrades

  1. The Executive decided that the Association should send flowers or donation depending on the desires of the family; to the funeral of all Fallen Comrades and that an Association representative should try to attend the actual funeral of the Fallen Comrade.
  2. It was also decided that the Association will try to provide support to any Member hospitalized or recuperating at home. These support activities will be assessed, as they are carried out, as to cost versus obvious benefit.

Signing Officers

  1. The official list of Association signing officers for cheques wereconfirmed to include; BEATTIE, BEAUVAIS, CAVE, WATSON.

Lecture Series

  1. The January 31, 2013 lecture and social meeting planned for the Embassy Suites in Ottawa is expected to generate good attendance. Invitations will be extended to other Intelligence Associations as discussed in Minute Point 1 above. This will be the initial event, it will be rigorously assessed, andif deemed warranted, a series of such lectures will be planned for the immediate term.

Branch Birthday

  1. The Intelligence Branch Birthday Dinner will take place on October 26, 2013 with the period of October 21 to 25 to include the CDI sponsored Intelligence Ways Ahead Seminar (IWAS) and anIndustry Day similar to the 30th Reunion.
  2. The IWAS sessions are likely to occur at the Carling Campus (formerly Nortel). The Executive will determine the best date to schedule the Annual General Meeting of the Association, in order to maximize member attendance in conjunction with the IWAS and the Branch Dinner.
  3. The dinner is tentatively planned to be a ‘Ball’ which entails Mess Kit, Tuxedos, Business Suits and ‘Formal Ball’ gown attire.
  4. Beattie recommended that the cost of the Ball include a donation to a charity such as the Military Family Resource Center (MFRC)which had its funding reduced significantly. Consideration will be given to inviting Rick Mercer or Ron James to appear at the Dinner with a share of the revenues going to the charity.


  1. The Museum situation has not changed in any favorable manner. HOLDRON reported that anecdotal sources indicate that the Signals Museum at CFB Kingston was planning an addition or extension and that the RCEME (EME) Museum at CFB Borden would be moving into these premises. The Executive instructed HOLDRON to confirm these reports in the hope that this may provide a means to establish a “home” for the Intelligence Branch Museum.

Financial Report

  1. The Treasurer (CAVE) presented the Association’s Financial Statements as of December 12, 2012. The Association has approximate Total Equity of $26,400. The Financial Statements are attached as Appendix 1.
  2. The President requested that the Treasurer provide a multi-year budget plan by the end of February 2013 so that decisions on expenditures can be made at the next Meeting.

IT WAS RESOLVED that the Executive accept the Financial Statements as presented by the Association’s Treasurer. Motion to accept was moved by BEAUVAIS, seconded by BEATTIE, and approved unanimously.

  1. The Treasurer (CAVE) presented three additional Resolutions for consideration and they are attached as Appendix 2. All three Resolutions received due consideration and discussion.
  2. The Vote to accept “Resolution 1” was moved by WATSONseconded by BEATTIE and received unanimous approval.
  3. The vote to accept “Resolution 2” was moved by BEAUVAISseconded by PELLERIN and received full approval with one abstention (WATSON). The abstention was based on the potential human rights issues associated with the minimum age constraint of 55 years – as contained in the resolution.
  4. The vote to accept “Resolution 3” was moved by BEATTIE seconded by PELLERIN and received unanimous approval.


  1. The next meeting of the Executive Committee willbe scheduled for late February-early March 2013.

The Meeting terminated at2030 Hours, December 13, 2012.

……………………………………. Chairman

Michel Beauvais

……………………………………. Secretary

George Holdron

December 15, 2012