III.A. Centerline Cuts Checklist
If you do not have a centerline cut on the project, you do not have to fill out this checklist.
Soil CutsY N X / 1 / Does drilling provide continuous stratigraphic sections for the range of elevations that represent proposed cut slope areas?
Y N X / 2 / Do the cut slopes have a minimum stability F.S. of 1.30 and are not steeper than 2:1?
Check stability calculation method used:
□ GSTABL7 or equivalent software
□ hand calculations
Y N X / 3 / If there is a “red bed” or other historically unstable soil or rock layer through the cut slopes, was this layer considered as a possible failure zone?
Y N X / 4 / Have erosion protection measures been addressed for backslopes, side slopes, and ditches (including riprap recommendations or special slope treatments)?
Y N X / 5 / Have issues related to any special usage of excavated soils been addressed?
6 / If the cut is not completely above the water table,
Y N X / a / Did the design consider the construction or long term ramifications of cutting below the water table?
Y N X / b / Did the design consider additional drainage in the cut slope (springs / seeps) and roadway base?
Rock Slopes
For rockfall and additional design considerations, see the “Rockfall Corrections Checklist.”
Y N X / 7 / Has the subsurface exploration adequately characterized the rock in accordance with the Geotechnical Bulletin 3: Rock Cut Slope and Catchment Design (GB 3)?
Y N X / 8 / Have the slope angles, benching scheme, rockfall catchment design, and drainage controls been determined as prescribed in GB 3?
Y N X / 9 / In accordance with GB 3, are the rock cut slopes, benches, and catchment areas indicated on all appropriate cross-sections?
Y N X / 10 / In accordance with GB 3, has the rockfall catchment software analysis output and the cost analysis comparing catchment configurations been provided?
Stage 1: