Sentence Review

The following items have one error each. The possibilities include grammar, usage, punctuation, and sentence-style problems. If you are taking ETWR 1372, correct the sentence; if you are taking ETWR 2371, correct the sentence and identify the error by name.

  1. When NASA awarded the contract to develop the Space Shuttle engines to Rocketdyne the design of the components and their operation began in earnest.
  2. The function keys on a computers keyboard are just a small movement of the hand to the right and left of the letter keys.
  3. The robot is a technology that promises to releive workers of mundane and repititious jobs and of jobs involving safty hazards.
  4. With the recent successful flights of the Columbia, the long hours of the development of the Space Shuttle which often ended in frustration, are often taken for granted.
  5. This report will be the first of several reports to a major auto manufacturer and will be designed to persuade them to become involved in the development of the Stirling engine.
  6. The price of collectors used for space heating will have to come down from their current $65 per square meter if large-quanity production is to occur.
  7. This report review's how solar panels collect the suns energy, which different types of absorber arrays are available, and which area's of solar panel design need further research.
  8. Hydrogen sulfide scavengers do not prevent corrosion, instead, they reduce the amount of H2S or one of its ionic forms in the cell.
  9. An operating system is a program used by a computer to control it's internal mechanical functions. In other words, its that set of instructions used by the computer to flip the switches and make the lights flash.
  10. A hurricanes production of rainfall is always quite heavy, but its' difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  11. When metals are heated to high enough tempertures, electrons are boiled off, a phenomenon that is known as the Edison effect.
  12. The central nervous system, cardiovascular system, smooth and skeletal muscles and areas of digestion are all main systems effected by caffeine.
  13. With the insulin infusion pump, patients must wear a heavy, bulky, and unattractive machine. A machine that a constant reminder to the diabetic of his or her disease.
  14. The purpose of this report is to examine the potential of the robot and their effect on society.
  15. The symbol that denotes connections to grounding conductors are three parallel horizontal lines, both of the lower two being shorter than the one above them.
  16. The driver had had two past convictions for driving while intoxicated, yet the sentence that he recieved was for only four years.
  17. To review the details of the accident, Mayor Riley met with several local Architects, a Civil Engineer, and City attorney Franklin Cohen.
  18. Approximately 50 percent of the amount of information-gathering and the other procedures related to this report remains to be completed.
  19. Interacting with each other only at their boundaries a relatively small number of plates make up the surface of the earth, according to the science of plate tectonics.
  20. The station attendant suggested that Franz and I drive South on farm road no. 1969 until we came to a Church built by czech immigrants in 1899.
  21. It seems unlikely that as much as 1 percent of total world wind energy could ever be harnessed, but even that small fraction, represents 3 times the world's 1975 use of commercial energy.
  22. Albert Einstein, whom is best known for his formulation of the theory of relativity, fled to the U.S. in the 1930s.
  23. Our supervisor has directed Maria and I to write a new users manual for Digitec Company's new word-processing software.
  24. Checking the manufacturer's specifications, will show the number of positive plates in each cell as well as the ampere-hour rating of the battery.
  25. The explosion of a star, called a supernova, occurs in a given galaxy every twenty-five years or so, the last two in our galaxy occurred in 1572 and 1604.
  26. Because of the gradual plugging caused by particle accumulation, using packed beds in a particle collector system are limited to collection of particles in low concentrations, unless some provision is made for removing the dust.
  27. This Semester, Freda is enrolled in Calculus, Astronomy, and course in French Civilization.
  28. Most hospital patient's apparently prefer not to receive any injections if possible.
  29. The passenger will park their car at Oberlin Parkway and walk across the pedestrian walkway to the wayside station where they will board the monorail.
  30. When NASA awarded the contract to develop the Space Shuttle engines to Rocketdyne, the design of the components and how each one works began in earnest.
  31. The discussion in this report will be limited to the following areas: the uses of robots, why they are important, the direction robotic technology is headed, the possible effects on the labor force, and how we should begin adjusting to this new technology.
  32. A hurricane's production of rainfall is always quite heavy, but its difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  33. Each of the samples mentioned contain many types of molecules that differ in size as well as structure.
  34. Because ultralights cost only about $4 an hour to operate, people who long to fly but do not have much money now have a chance to get involved in it.
  35. Albert Einstein who is best known for his formulation of the theory of relativity, fled to the U.S. in the 1930s.
  36. Although these systems are capable of processing several thousand spectra per second they require large input memories and produce overly large volumes of information.
  37. With the recent successful flights of the Columbia, the long hours of the development of the Space Shuttle, which often ended in frustration, is often taken for granted.
  38. In research on animals, the principle birth defects associated with high caffeine intake were skeletal abnormalities, especially missing toes and cleft palates.
  39. The Helms bill defines income as all monies earned or received during the year, while the DeConcini bill excludes monies received from capital gains, these conflicting definitions show the disagreement on what income really is.
  40. To review the details of the accident, Mayor Riley met with: several local architects, a civil engineer, and City Attorney Franklin Cohen.
  41. The most abundant and traditionally the most economical source of power in the world, mammoth mining machines requiring highly skilled operators have been developed to obtain coal in sufficient quantities at competitive expense.
  42. Mammoth mining machines requiring highly skilled operators have been developed to obtain coal, the most abundant and traditionally the most economical source of power, in sufficent quanaties at competative expense.
  43. The Professor explained the development of the Integrated Circuit to Morris and her during their Senior course entitled "Physics in Our Modern World."
  44. A hurricanes production of rainfall is always quite heavy, but its difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  45. The symbol that denotes connections to grounding conductors is three parallel horizontal lines. Both of the lower two being shorter than the one above them.
  46. In the conventional method of coal mining, several machines are used in a cycle of operation: undercutting or top-cutting the seam with cutting machines; next, they blast down the face; then they load the coal with a mechanical loader; and transportation of the coal from the face by shuttle car or conveyor.
  47. Einstein, who many regard as instrumental in the development of the atomic bomb, was actually an ardent pacifist.
  48. The explosion of a star called a supernova, occurs in a given galaxy every twenty-five years or so. The last two in our galaxy occurred in 1572 and 1604.
  49. Because of the gradual plugging caused by particle accumulation, using packed beds in a particle collector system are limited to collection of particles in low concentrations. Unless some provision is made for removing the dust.
  50. The fish's membranous and bony labyrinths correspond to the structures of the same name in other vertebrates. And thus are collectively termed the inner ear, even though there are no middle or external ears in fishes.
  51. Einstein, whom many regard as instrumental in the development of the atomic bomb was actually an ardent pacifist.
  52. The purpose of this report is to present the views of the petroleum industry and the environmental lobby. That is, to compare their different stands on the issues.
  53. Hydrogen sulfide scavengers do not prevent corrosion. Instead, they reduce the amount of H2S or one of it's ionic forms in the cell.
  54. Also prepared synthetically by chemical precipitation or by electrolytic methods, Gabon, Greece and Mexico are the chief providers of manganese dioxide used in dry-cell batteries.
  55. The central processor and the temporary storage, which are usually placed in the same device are referred to as the central processing unit, or CPU.
  56. With the insulin infusion pump, patients must wear a heavy, bulky, and unattractive machine, a machine that is constant reminder to diabetics of their disease.
  57. A hurricanes' production of rainfall is always quite heavy, but its difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  58. According to this book, spelling problems often result from confusion over words with doubled consonants such as these: accomodate, recomend, accumulate, commitee, and committment.
  59. This semester, Freda is enrolled in: calculus, astronomy, and a course in French civilization.
  60. It seems to be a fact that most patients staying in hospitals have the preference of not receiving any injections at all if at all possible.
  61. This report reviews how solar panels collect the sun's energy, different types of absorber arrays, and which areas of solar panel design need further research.
  62. In research on animals, the principal birth defects associated with high caffeine intake were skeletal abnormalities. Especially missing toes and cleft palates.
  63. A hurricane's production of rainfall is always quite heavy, but its' difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  64. In the conventional method of coal mining, several machines are used in a cycle of operation; undercutting or top-cutting the seam with cutting machines; blasting down the face; loading the coal with a mechanical loader; and transporting the coal from the face by shuttle car or conveyor.
  65. The Helms bill defines income as all monies earned or received during the year, while the DeConcini bill excludes monies received from capital gains. This shows the disagreement on what income really is.
  66. The driver had had two past convictions for driving while intoxicated yet the sentence that he received was for only four years.
  67. The discussion in this report will be limited to the following areas; the uses of robots, their importance, the direction robotic technology is headed, the possible effects on the labor force, and the adjustments necessary for this new technology.
  68. Each of the samples mentioned contains many types of molecules, that differ in size as well as structure.
  69. The automobile industry is currently the largest user of robots, it mainly employs robots for spot welding and spray painting.
  70. The high cost of warming interior spaces with solar power, with collector costs at nearly $100 per square meter, have discouraged commercialization.
  71. Collector price space-heating suitability levels will have to lower themselves from their current range of $65 per square meter if large-quantity production is to be met with.
  72. There is the high initial cost of warming interior spaces with a cost of collectors that is nearly $100 per square meter, and this is what it has been that has discouraged commercialization.
  73. Reviewing the work completed so far, about 50 percent of the report remains to be done.
  74. A hurricanes' production of rainfall is always quite heavy, but its' difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  75. Interacting with each other only at their boundaries, the science of plate tectonics holds that the surface of the earth is divided into a relatively small number of plates.
  76. The station attendant suggested that Franz and me drive south on Farm Road No. 1969 until we came to a church built by Czech immigrants in 1899.
  77. Passengers will park their cars at Oberlin Parkway, and walk across the pedestrian walkway to the wayside station where they will board the monorail.
  78. Computer simulation of modelled systems and components is very successful at testing known forces, however, this type of testing does not give accurate performance data on the unexpected forces.
  79. The purpose of this report is to convey an idea of what the major facts are as seen by the leading members of the petroleum industry and the environmental lobby. That is, to give an informative comparison as to where the two groups stand.
  80. Weeks or months after exposure to toxic concentrations of methyl mercury, symptoms of poisoning may include any of the following: numbness or tingling of the lips or hands and feet; ataxia (lack of motor coordination); disturbances of speech; concentric constriction of visual fields; they cannot hear as well; and they often experience emotional disturbances.
  81. When metals are heated to high enough temperatures, electrons are boiled off, which is called the Edison effect.
  82. Our supervisor has directed Maria and me to write a new users' manual for Digitec Companie's new word-processing software.
  83. A hurricanes production of rainfall is always quite heavy, but its's difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  84. The evaluation of bondholder cash-flow ability may be through an analysis of the firm's capital structure, the major sources and uses of funds, and the firm's historical and future profitability.
  85. Bondholders can analyze: a firm's capital structure, its major sources and uses of funds, and its historical and future profitability in order to evaluate that firm's cash-flow ability.
  86. It seems unlikely that as much as 1 percent of total world wind energy could ever be harnessed but even that small fraction represents 3 times the world's 1975 use of commercial energy.
  87. The professor explained the development of the integrated circuit to Morris and she during their senior course entitled "Physics in Our Modern World."
  88. A hurricanes' production of rainfall is always quite heavy, but its's difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  89. This report will be the first of several reports to a major auto manafacturer and will be designed to pursuade its executives to become involved in the developement of the Stirling engine.
  90. Checking the manufacturer's specifications on the battery, the number of positive plates in each cell as well as the ampere-hour rating of the battery will appear.
  91. The fishs membranous and bony labyrinth's correspond to the structures of the same name in other vertebrates, and thus are collectively termed the inner ear, even though there are no middle or external ears in fish'es.
  92. In the view of this book, writers in many cases experience problems in relation to the spelling of individual words due to the fact that they have confusing internal syllables as is the case in these words: sophomore, separate, different, or benefit.
  93. According to this book, writers often misspell words with confusing internal syllables such as the following: sophmore, separate, diffrent, or benifit.
  94. The purpose of this report is to examine the potential of the robot and how it is affecting society.
  95. An operating system is a program used by a computer to control its internal mechanical functions, in other words, it's that set of instructions used by the computer to flip the switches and make the lights flash.
  96. The central nervous system, cardiovascular system, smooth and skeletal muscles and areas of digestion, are all main systems affected by caffeine.
  97. According to this book, spelling problems often result from confusion over words with doubled consonants such as these; accommodate, recommend, accumulate, committee, and commitment.
  98. The function keys on a computer's keyboard are just a small hand's movement to the right and left of the letter keys.
  99. The robot is a technology that promises to relieve workers of mundane and repetitious jobs and where safety hazards do not permit them to work.
  100. Because ultralights cost only about $4 an hour to operate, people whom long to fly but do not have much money now have a chance to get involved in ultralight flying.
  101. Although these systems are capable of processing several thousand spectra per second, they require large input memories, and produce overly large volumes of information.
  102. A hurricane's production of rainfall is always quite heavy but it's difficult to measure that rainfall accurately.
  103. Also prepared synthetically by chemical precipitation or by electrolytic methods manganese dioxide used in dry-cell batteries is generally obtained from Gabon, Greece and Mexico.
  104. The central processor and the temporary storage, which are usually placed in the same device, is referred to as the central processing unit, or CPU.
  105. The automobile industry is currently the largest user of robots; they mainly employ robots for spot welding and spray painting.
  106. Weeks or months after exposure to toxic concentrations of methyl mercury, symptoms of poisoning may include any of the following; numbness or tingling of the lips or hands and feet; ataxia (lack of motor coordination); disturbances of speech; concentric constriction of visual fields; impairment of hearing; and emotional disturbances.
  107. Computer simulation of modelled systems and components are very successful at testing known forces; however, this type of testing does not give accurate performance data on the unexpected forces.