Supplementary Table 3 Mortality data for the sexes combined in the study regions near the Dabaoshan mine for which cause-specific mortality rates (per 100,000) for 2000-2007 were calculated in the present study
Village (Mortality Study Regions No.)Type of Data in the Sexes
Combined (ICD-10) / Shangba
(Ⅰ) / Xiaozhen
(Ⅱ) / Dongfang
(Ⅲ) / Zhongxin
(Ⅳ) / Shaping
(Ⅴ) / Shuikou
(Ⅵ) / Fengshan
(Ⅶ) / Mashan
(Ⅷ) / Madun
Heavy metal contaminationa / Yes / Yes / Yes / No / No / No / No / No / No
All causes
Observed deaths / 139 / 145 / 161 / 153 / 71 / 88 / 153 / 96 / 87
Crude rateb / 517.86 / 623.63 / 697.51 / 426.77 / 538.74 / 572.13 / 691.15 / 531.83 / 531.85
Age-adjusted ratec / 479.76 / 586.56 / 660.18 / 405.40 / 507.01 / 545.09 / 612.92 / 517.53 / 471.79
Expected deathsd / 128.77 / 136.38 / 152.38 / 145.34 / 66.82 / 83.84 / 135.68 / 93.42 / 77.18
Cardiovascular diseases
Observed deaths / 44 / 41 / 48 / 34 / 21 / 23 / 33 / 28 / 19
Crude rateb / 163.93 / 176.34 / 207.95 / 94.84 / 159.34 / 149.54 / 149.07 / 155.12 / 116.15.
Age-adjusted ratec / 139.04 / 164.10 / 188.02 / 83.37 / 146.89 / 129.98 / 130.52 / 139.31 / 112.83
Expected deathsd / 37.32 / 38.16 / 43.40 / 29.89 / 19.36 / 19.98 / 28.89 / 25.15 / 18.46
Coronary heart disease
Observed deaths / 9 / 9 / 10 / 9 / 6 / 3 / 10 / 10 / 6
Crude rateb / 33.53 / 38.71 / 43.32 / 25.10 / 45.53 / 19.50 / 45.17 / 55.40 / 36.68
Age-adjusted ratec / 28.36 / 32.36 / 41.12 / 21.35 / 42.69 / 18.48 / 39.40 / 47.63 / 38.55
Expected deathsd / 7.61 / 7.52 / 9.49 / 7.65 / 5.63 / 2.84 / 8.72 / 8.60 / 6.31
Cerebrovascular diseases
Observed deaths / 22 / 22 / 24 / 18 / 7 / 15 / 21 / 14 / 9
Crude rateb / 81.96 / 94.62 / 103.98 / 50.21 / 53.11 / 97.52 / 94.86 / 77.56 / 55.02
Age-adjusted ratec / 65.45 / 83.67 / 92.05 / 46.75 / 46.66 / 84.61 / 79.96 / 69.63 / 51.85
Expected deathsd / 17.57 / 19.45 / 1.25 / 16.76 / 6.15 / 13.01 / 17.70 / 12.57 / 8.48
All cancer
Observed deaths / 70 / 74 / 58 / 27 / 17 / 22 / 29 / 26 / 19
Crude rateb / 260.80 / 318.27 / 251.28 / 75.31 / 128.99 / 143.03 / 131.00 / 144.04 / 116.15
Age-adjusted ratec / 248.47 / 309.62 / 240.69 / 74.10 / 121.40 / 146.19 / 125.68 / 144.93 / 116.80
Expected deathsd / 66.69 / 71.99 / 55.55 / 26.57 / 16.00 / 22.49 / 27.82 / 26.16 / 19.11
Respiratory diseases
Observed deaths / 14 / 16 / 23 / 39 / 21 / 22 / 63 / 21 / 40
Crude rateb / 52.16 / 68.81 / 99.64 / 108.78 / 159.34 / 143.03 / 284.59 / 116.34 / 244.53
Age-adjusted ratec / 43.46 / 56.20 / 92.06 / 102.16 / 139.70 / 128.36 / 235.90 / 99.79 / 192.11
Expected deathsd / 11.67 / 13.07 / 21.25 / 36.63 / 18.41 / 19.74 / 52.22 / 18.01 / 31.42
Digestive diseases
Observed deaths / 0 / 4 / 1 / 4 / 5 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 0
Crude rateb / 0 / 17.20 / 4.33 / 11.16 / 37.94 / 13.00 / 9.03 / 11.88 / 0
Age-adjusted ratec / - / 17.45 / 3.78 / 12.41 / 44.35 / 10.04 / 8.44 / 10.79 / -
Expected deathsd / - / 4.06 / 0.87 / 4.45 / 5.85 / 1.54 / 1.87 / 1.95 / -
Genitourinary diseases
Observed deaths / 4 / 2 / 1 / 5 / 1 / 1 / 3 / 2 / 1
Crude rateb / 14.90 / 8.60 / 4.33 / 13.95 / 7.59 / 6.50 / 13.55 / 11.88 / 6.11
Age-adjusted ratec / 18.69 / 6.19 / 4.03 / 13.05 / 10.15 / 4.37 / 12.33 / 10.33 / 6.07
Expected deathsd / 5.02 / 1.44 / 0.93 / 4.68 / 1.34 / 0.67 / 2.73 / 1.87 / 0.99
Other causes
Observed deaths / 7 / 8 / 30 / 44 / 6 / 18 / 23 / 17 / 8
Crude rateb / 26.08 / 34.40 / 129.97 / 122.73 / 45.53 / 117.03 / 103.90 / 94.18 / 48.90
Age-adjusted ratec / 28.02 / 36.13 / 138.55 / 116.14 / 48.79 / 125.08 / 95.06 / 115.76 / 45.06
Expected deathsd / 7.52 / 8.40 / 31.98 / 41.64 / 6.43 / 19.24 / 21.04 / 20.9 / 7.37
abased on the exposure levels monitored in nine regions in 2006 (see Tables 1 and 2)
bcalculated by respectively dividing the observed deaths by the total number of men or women or the sexes combined as listed in Supplementary Table 4
cadjusted to China’s reported age and gender distribution in 2000
dcalculated by multiplying the age-adjusted rate by the total number of subjects as listed in Supplementary Table 4