What Makes a Good Leader?

When good leaders have the respect of those they lead, it creates a calm and cooperative atmosphere for everyone involved. Good leaders think of those they lead before putting their own needs and wants first. A good parent will put their child's need ahead of their own. That is what makes them a good parent. Good leaders must follow this type of guideline.

Throughout history there have been several remarkable leaders, the famous and the infamous, ranging from business giants to fascist dictators. However, many of them possessed the same basic skills in order to gain trust and ultimately be influential and decisive.

A good leader can inspire loyalty in those around them, this will make people go to great lengths in order to support them, and to obey there wishes and commands. A leader must be inspirational, through their actions and words, this way they will gain supporters and friends.

A leader must also be strategic; several military leaders have been excellent tacticians. They know the strengths and weaknesses of those around them and utilise them to their best potential. They have an end result and can work tirelessly until that goal has been accomplished. The Caesers of the Roman Empire lead the armies to spectacular triumphs over others such as Hannibal and this came through carefully thinking out a long term,strategicplan.

Some of the most powerful leaders in the world have got to their place though intimidation, for example the former President of Egypt, Robert Mugabe , an egocentric dictator or Adolf Hitler, who essentially scared people into voting for him. Nonetheless some of the other most powerful have got to where they are not because they are intimidating, but because they are likeable. If people think highly of you, then you can be an excellent motivational leader.

Realising and admitting failures and mistakes is another key ingredient in the recipe for a good leader. Leaders who think everything they do it correct, when clearly his or her actions are wrong are redundant; while those who, with the power of hindsight realised what they did was wrong and express regret are wise. A leader must follow what they teach, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, “He that cannot obey cannot command”. In my opinion I think this is important as it sets an example for the leaders’ subjects.

To therefore conclude, I believe a good leader needs to; inspire loyalty in those around them; be good tacticians; be likable and motivational in order to gain the affection of the supporters; be able to admit and realise failures they have made and address them and finally to listen to other people around them, instead of simply have one person making every single decision.

Emmett Saigal 5/31/2011; http://www.helium.com/items/2166671-what-makes-a-good-leader; the article is reproduced exactly as written—no corrections to grammar, spelling or usage have been made.