
Report to Arts, Culture, Recreation and Community SPC

8th December 2014

Item No. 10

Markets and Casual Trading Sub Committee

Civic Offices, 15th September 2014, 10.00am

Conference Room 19

In Attendance: Cllr. Andrew Montague (Chairperson), Cllr. Janice Boylan, Cllr Jim O’Callaghan,

Cllr. Mannix Flynn,Cllr. Aine Clancy, Cllr. Kate O’Connell, Cllr. Ciaran Cuffe,Jim Keogan,Siobhan Maher, Helen Geoghegan, Joe Crosbie, Coilin O’Reilly, Mary McInerney, Brian Ebbs

Apologies: Cllr. Jonathan Dowdall, Cllr. Ray McAdam, Brendan Kenny

Item / Action
1 / Election
of Chairperson / Cllr. Andrew Montague was proposed by Cllr. Janice Boylan and seconded by Cllr. Jim O’Callaghan. There were no other nominations. Cllr Montague was elected Chairperson.
2 / Minutes of
previous meeting / The minutes of the meeting held on the 21st February 2014 were agreed.
3 / Presentation
on Casual Trading / Coilin O’Reilly gave a presentation on the operation of Casual Trading in Dublin City Council’s area. Following the presentation a number of issues were raised
Sale of confectionary from the Hand
The possibility of Sunday trading
Illegal trading on Cumberland St, Meath St
Illegal sale of tobacco
Selling from prams
Trading on lands not in charge of DCC
Cleaning streets after trading, disposal of rubbish, waste issues at some trading pitches
Impact of ILAC redevelopment on Moore St traders / Event Licences – From the Hand: Get the breakdown between confectionary and other items and advise next meeting.DCC
Initiate review of the Bye Laws with particular attention to Moore Street, Cumberland Street and Meath Street. Report to next meeting. DCC
Contact Area Offices re waste issues DCC
Circulate reportprepared by James Burke on street trading on Moore StDCC
Email link to Casual Trading ByeLaws. DCC
4 / Presentation on the Redevelopment of the Wholesale Fruit
and Vegetable Market / Jim Keogan gave a presentation on the proposed redevelopment of the Wholesale Fruit and Vegetable Market. Following the presentation a number of issues were raised
Noted that DCC have met the Traders a number of times and will continue to do so on all aspects affecting them.
The Area Committee agreed to proceed with the Part 8 subject to having the recreational activities facility included. Noted that the MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) is now included.
Have the local residents been consulted?
Traffic issues, both current and arising from the new markets were discussed.
Noted that the greater area public realm and traffic management, are not within the remit of this Part 8 however a full traffic audit has been undertaken.
Surrounding area in need of regeneration. Noted that the redevelopment of market will provide the impetus for this.
Design includes glass wall on Chancery St side thought to be unnecessary for the project, if cost prohibitive should be omitted to advance delivery
Anticipate Part 8 to City Council in December / Lodge Part 8 Proposal.
Report to come back to Area Committee in first inst and to Dec City Council Meeting
Full consultation with all stakeholders will be facilitated through the Part 8 process.DCC
Review glass wall after procurement process. DCC
5 / Terms of Reference / The updated terms of reference for the committee were agreed.
6 / Report on Branding the Wholesale Fruit
and Vegetable Market / Report circulated. Agreed to seek provider and report back to Sub Committee. / Report to Sub Committee.DCC
7 / Report and Draft
Charter for Dublin
City Retail Food Market / Report circulated. Items 7 and 8 should be taken together. Agreed to discuss at next meeting. / Include on Agenda of next meeting. DCC.
8 / Report on the
Operation of the Market. / Report circulated. Members requested a report on the operation of the London Borough market. Agreed to discuss at next meeting / Include on Agenda of next meeting.DCC
9 / AOB / It was suggested that the name of the Sub Committee be amended to the Markets and Trading in the Public Domain”. / Include on Agenda of next meeting. DCC
10 / Next meeting / The times and days for future meetings was discussed. Agreed to hold meetings on either Mondays or Wednesdays at 10am or at 1pm or at 3.30pm andto request Members to indicate their preference. / Email Members with options. DCC
Indicate preferred day and time. MEMBERS





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