BID Clifton Village

Engagement and action undertaken on behalf of businesses in Clifton Village regarding proposed RPS plans by Bristol City Council

Date / Detail:
phone call /
email / Name:
Organisation / Topic/Point of conversation / Other
22.05.13 / Meeting / Bristol City Council, Business Engagement Event / Attendance at meeting - George Ferguson talked about RPS / 1
05.06.13 / Meeting / Charles Lucas and Guy Cowper / 2
19.06.13 / Meeting / Barbara Janke / Clifton College, Clifton High and the Zoo / 3
31.07.13 / Meeting / Jon Toy / Clifton High / 4
11.09.13 / RPS notification received / Proposed RPS plans for Clifton Village received
12.09.13 / Email / Charles Lucas and Barbara Janke / Query raised regarding:
The accuracy of figures stated in the proposed RPS plans re the number of parking bays and space available for visitors to the Village. Data quoted is questionable. Quality evidence based data is required. / 5
23.09.13 / Meeting / Jon Toy (Residents Parking Stakeholder Liaison) at HTC offices / BID CV requested a meeting with BCC representatives for Residential Parking to better understand the plans being proposed for Clifton Village by BCC /
  • Agenda for meeting put in place and papers forwarded to interested parties and representatives from businesses across the Village 6

27.09.13 / Email / Jon Toy, Charles Lucas and Barbara Janke / Query raised regarding:
Proposed cost of business permits in Clifton Village when
compared to lower costs in Cotham, Kingsdown and Redcliffe (140% more). / 7
30.09.13 / Email / Jon Toy, Charles Lucas and Barbara Janke / Query raised regarding:
The intensity of businesses in other areas. Clifton has a high intensity of businesses and RPS plans for other areas with a lower intensity are not practical for this area as a result. / 8
30.09.13 / Research / BID CV businesses / BID CV completed a survey across 320 businesses regarding their thoughts about the proposed RPS plans and the impact on business in Clifton Village / 9
01.10.13 / Letter / Jon Toy Charles Lucas and Barbara Janke, Mark Bradshaw, Simon Cook / BID CV asked for a delay to the end of the consultation period due to:
The lack of consultation ahead of the proposed plans being presented, the limited ability to consult properly (a 2 way process) particularly given the time available (this period was reduced as a result of delays by BCC). /
  • Letter requesting a delay to the end of the consultation query sent
01.10.13 / Website / BID CV website/email to local businesses / Update regarding request to delay the end of the consultation period posted /
  • Advise relay request for delay to end of consultation uploaded on website 11

02.10.13 / Meeting / BCC – Open Forum at Clifton High / Meeting attended and requires raised with Jon Toy / 12
02.10.13 / Website / BID CV website / Specific website page set up for matters regarding proposed RPS plans in Clifton Village /
  • BID CV RPS website uploaded
03.10.13 / Email / Jon Toy Charles Lucas, Barbara Janke and Helen Minnery / Further queries raised following feedback from BCC and the 23.09.13 meeting. /
  • Schedule of further queries forwarded to BCC for response
03.10.13 / Meeting / BCC – Open Forum at Clifton High / Meeting attended and requires raised with Jon Toy and Charles Lucas / 15
07.10.13 / Email / Jon Toy, Barbara Janke, Charles Lucas, Mark Bradshaw and Simon Cook / Survey feedback sent to BCC on behalf of the businesses of Clifton Village – concerns highlighted and suggestions proposed for an improved outcome. Offer of support and assistance.
Receipt acknowledged as part of the RPS consultation phase by Bristol City Council /
  • Survey feedback
09.10.13 / Website / BID CV businesses / Survey uploaded onto the website for the attention of the businesses /
  • BID CV Survey uploaded on website 17

16.10.13 / Meeting / BID CV AGM / Update regarding RPS concerns and action provided to businesses. Q&A session with Barbara Janke /
  • Update papers provided to businesses at AGM 18

17.10.13 / Email / Barbara Janke, Charles Lucas, Jon Toy, Mark Bradshaw and Simon Cook / Update of issues as discussed at the AGM forwarded. A request for feedback regarding the progress of the highlighted concerns of businesses in Clifton Village /
  • Paper with latest thoughts following AGM of BID Clifton Village
25.10.13 / Website / BID CV website/email to local businesses / Update survey for staff re transport links across Bristol and Clifton Village, Bristol Property Agents /
  • Attach a survey of other interested organisation – Bristol Property Agents 20

28.10.13 / Research / Residents, employees and visitors to Clifton Village / BID CV completed a survey to understand the thoughts of residents, employees and visitors to Clifton Village regarding parking, access to the Village the proposed plans of BCC / 21
04.11.13 / Email / Barbara Janke and Charles Lucas / Papers forwarded requesting consideration and discussion by councillors at their meeting with BCC re RPS:
  • Consideration was requested for RPS plans to take account of the large number of businesses at the heart of the Clifton making along with Gloucester Road unique to most other RPS zones in Bristol
  • Feedback from residents – they do not want the businesses of Clifton Village to suffer with the implementation of detrimental RPS plans
  • Latest feedback paper
  • BID CV Survey
13.11.13 / Website / BID CV website/email to local businesses / Update re meeting details of a residents driven party Keep Clifton Special provided on Website /
  • Update regarding forthcoming meeting of other interested organisation – the residents driven, Keep Clifton Special 23

13.11.13 / Meeting / Keep Clifton Special – Clifton High / Attended meeting of Keep Clifton Special / 24
15.11.13 / Email / Mayor George Ferguson / Survey emailed to the Mayor re concerns and suggestions from businesses in Clifton Village. /
  • BID CV Survey emailed direct to the Mayor George Ferguson 25

Leaflet and Email / Businesses in Clifton Village / BID Clifton Village newsletter to all businesses included an update regarding RPS with contact details /
  • Newsletter update prepared
03.12.13 / Meeting / Mayor Q&A session Wills Memorial Great Hall / Attended Q&A session on behalf of BID Clifton Village. / 27
04.12.13 / Email / Mayor George Ferguson / Thoughts of the businesses re proposed RPS plans for Clifton Village sent to the mayor following queries raised in the Mayor’s Q&A session the night before. /
  • Summary paper sent to George Ferguson
05.12.13 / Tweet / Mayor George Ferguson / George: Have you had a chance to read BID CVs report on Parking in Clifton? New copy emailed. We await your personal thoughts. Thanks. /
  • Tweet sent to mayor requesting his thoughts 29

05.12.13 / Meeting / Deputy Lord Mayor Mark Bradshaw – Council House / Attended meeting / 30
12.12.13 / Meeting / Mark Bradshaw / Walk through Clifton Village with Councillor Bradshaw to identify the issues key to businesses / 31
17.12.13 / Research / Residents, employees and visitors to Clifton Village / BID CV completed a survey across the week to understand the thoughts of residents, employees and visitors to Clifton Village regarding parking, access to the Village the proposed plans of BCC / 32
17.12.13 / Website / BID CV website/email to local businesses / Update regarding BCC public forum posted. /
  • Statement uploaded onto website
  • Date of BCC public forum meeting uploaded onto website 33

18.12.13 / Email / BCC Overview Scrutiny Commission – Open Forum 18.12.13
BCC Sustainable Development and Transport Scrutiny Commission / Statement on behalf of the businesses in Clifton Village regarding the RPS consultation process. /
  • Statement presented to OSM Public forum 19.12.13
  • Statement presented to SD&T SC 19.12.13
20.12.13 / Review / Review / Review of alternative access via current Park & Ride schemes available /
  • Summary data prepared
14.01.14 / Meeting / BCC Sustainable Development and Transport Scrutiny Commission (Town Hall) / Attended meeting on behalf of BID CV and presented the thoughts of the businesses regarding the consultation process and suggestions regarding RPS plans. / 36
16.01.14 / Email / Ditto above BCC SD&T SC / Feedback from the businesses regarding consultation process and suggestions for moving forward with BCC. /
  • Summary paper forwarded to BCC SD&T SC 37

24.01.14 / Meeting / BID CV meeting of businesses / Presentation of action taken to date and request for thoughts for moving forward /
  • High level presentation to businesses in Clifton Village 38

General / Dedicated page on
BID CV website / On this page BID CV made available:
  • all key documents from the council and BID CV .
We also created a timeline listing:
  • key meetings, announcements and events that have happened in relation to CV RPS (17 entries currently listed)
  • All key documents from the Council and BID CV made available
  • Key meetings and announcements re events registered


Meetings:14 meetings attended

Papers and representation:8 papers prepared and presented to third parties

Emails + Letters:13 emails and letters sent

Website updates:17 website entries uploaded

Research:3 pieces of research undertaken

BID Clifton Village

Engagement and action undertaken on behalf of the businesses of Clifton Village regarding proposed RPS plans by Bristol City Council - Jan’14 update 1