Noble Elementary School

Course: Social Studies - 6th Grade
Year: 2012-2013
Instructor: Ms. Furlow
Contact Information: (best method)
Availability by appointment only: after 3:45 / Room: F2

Course Description

This course is designed for sixth grade and will integrate the Social Studies curriculum. Students will explore the themes of Social Studies (History, Geography, Civics/Government, and Economics), by analyzing world cultures. The focus is the Western Hemisphere, but will include many world cultures. Students will learn to apply mapping strategies, use charts and graphs, diagrams, timelines, learn vocabulary, and engage in supplemental readings throughout the course. Students will be engaged in classroom activities and discussions, along with many individual and group research projects.

Course Objectives

Students will:

Be able to interpret historical evidence which can be used to make informed decisions in contemporary life. (History)

Be able to describe the relationships between people, places, and environments using information that is in a geographic context. (Geography)

Be able to analyze how people identify, organize and achieve the purposes of government. (Civics and Government)

Be able to identify and analyze how people manage their resources by producing, exchanging, and using goods and services. (Economics)


Social Studies – World Explorers – People, Places, and Cultures (Prentice Hall)

Textbook Policy

Textbooks and supplemental works are the property of Noble Middle School. Books are to be used in the classroom only. If a book is signed out to a student, it must be returned to the instructor in good condition, or a fee may be charged.


Students should own or have access to these necessary course materials and resources:

l  2 notebooks and 2 composition books

l  Computer with Internet access

l  Loose leaf paper

l  Pencils (#2), highlighters and pencil pouch (not a hard plastic case)

l  3 folders

l  book for independent reading (daily)

l  Colored pencils, markers, and crayons

l  Box of tissue and bottle of hand sanitizer for classroom use


Students will be required to do the following work:

l  Be prepared for class daily (have all necessary materials) and turn in assignments on time.

l  Daily reading and class work assignments.

l  Carry independent reading book daily.

l  Vocabulary activities.

l  Journal entries: Reading reflections and response to writing prompts, etc.

l  Writing for a variety of purposes and audiences.

l  Participate in classroom activities and discussions.

l  Homework assignments (at the teacher’s discretion).

Grading Scale

A = 90%-100%
B= 89%-80%
C = 79%-70%
D = 69%-60%
F = 59%-0%

Classroom Rules, Procedures, and Expectations

Failure to follow all rules, expectations, and procedures will result in disciplinary action.


1.  Display RESPECT through thoughts, words, and actions.

2.  Come to class on time and be prepared. This includes having your supplies, a positive attitude, and a willingness to learn.

3.  Remain in your assigned seats at all times unless given permission.

4.  Leave all unnecessary items at home or in your lockers.

5.  Follow the procedures and expectations of each classroom teacher.


l  Conference with Student

l  Parental contact

l  Discipline Referral to Administration

l  Parent/Teacher/Administration

*Any physical aggression will result in immediate referral to the Administration.

PLEASE NOTE: (Taken from the Detroit Public Schools Student Code of Conduct )

l  Food, including but not limited to, candy and gum and beverages are not permitted in the classroom.

l  Electronic devices including, but not limited to radios, Walkmans, iPods, CD/DVD players, laser pointers, and cell phones are not permitted in the school. If they are seen and/or heard, they will be confiscated and turned over to the Administration.

Note: Parents and students have both a right and a responsibility to know the school rules, procedures, expectations, and Detroit Public Schools policies.


  1. Students are expected to enter the classroom quietly, copy down homework assignments, and begin assigned work.
  2. Students MUST raise their hands before speaking in class and wait to be called upon. Shouting out answers or talking out of turn will not be tolerated. It is disruptive and interferes with a positive learning environment. When the teacher is talking, no one else should be.
  3. All class work must be completed independently unless otherwise stated by the instructor – copying is not allowed, and any students involved will receive a zero for that assignment and possibly face further disciplinary action. Homework should be completed by the student to the best of their ability. Parents should help students to understand homework if needed.
  4. Each classroom is required to have assigned seating. Students MUST remain in their assigned seats unless otherwise instructed.
  5. A designated restroom break is scheduled; bathroom passes will be rarely given unless it is for health reasons with a required letter.

Attendance and Course Policies:

Absent Work/Late Work: Students will be allowed one make-up day per EXCUSED absence. No other late work will be accepted.


Academic Integrity

Cheating is not tolerated. Students who choose to cheat may expect a variety of consequences, including, but not limited to, loss of grade, suspension, or loss of privilege. Consequences will be at the discretion of the instructor involved and will be discussed with the student, parent(s), and administrators.

Course Responsibility Contract

All parties agree that academic success is the product of a cooperative effort. To ensure that the student

will benefit from this effort, each party has the following responsibilities:

As the student, I will:

1. Practice and follow the code of conduct for Detroit Public Schools, Noble Middle School and the classroom.
2. Put my best effort into my school work.
3. Obey all classroom rules and procedures.
4. Come prepared to school with assignments and materials. 5. Read syllabus thoroughly.

As a parent, I will:

1. Monitor my child's school work and homework activities.
2. Support the school and classroom discipline policy.
3. Contact teacher as needed and attend parent-teacher conferences.
4. Ensure my child is on time and attends school regularly. 5. Read syllabus thoroughly.

As an instructor, I will:

1. Provide a safe, comfortable environment for all students.
2. Enforce school and classroom rules consistently.
3. Provide students with clear and concise expectations.
4. Work to make learning an enjoyable experience. 5. Provide a syllabus to each student.

Please sign and return immediately.

Student Signature
Date: ______/ Parent Signature
Date: ______/ Teacher Signature
Ms. Furlow______
Date: 9/4/12