Directions. As you read the assigned sections from Chapter 18 complete the following check-up questions.

Aggression, Appeasement, and War pp. 468-472

Dictators Challenge World Peace

1. Why did Japan invade Manchuria in 1931? ______


2. What aggressive expansionist actions did Italy take in the 1930s? ______


3. What action did Germany take in the Rhineland in 1936? ______


4. What was the policy of appeasement? ______


5. List three reasons why the western democracies followed a policy of appeasement with Germany? ______



The Spanish Civil War

1. Describe the two parties in the Spanish Civil War and their supporters. ______


2. How was the Spanish Civil War a “dress rehearsal” for World War II? ______



3. Who won the Spanish Civil War? ______


4. In what ways was Franco's government like those of Hitler and Mussolini? ______





German Aggression Continues

1. Describe Hitler’s steps to gain “living space” in the following.

(a) Anschluss ______




(b) the Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia ______




2. How did British and French leaders appease Hitler at the Munich Conference? ____


3. What promise did Hitler make at the conference? ______


Europe Plunges Toward War

1. Describe the terms of Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939? ______


2. What action of Hitler’s caused Britain and France to declare war on Germany and begin World War II? ______


The Global Conflict: Axis Advances pp. 473-478

Early Axis Gains

1. What was the strategy of “blitzkrieg”? ______


2. What nations fell to Hitler after the "phony war"? ______


The Battle of Britain and the Blitz

1. What was Hitler's goal in the Battle of Britain? ______

______2. What was the "blitz"? ______


Operation Barbarossa

1. What were Hitler’s goals in invading the Soviet Union? ______

2. What stopped the German advance into Russian territory? ______


American Involvement Grows

1. How did the Lend-Lease Act help the Allies against the Axis? ______

______2. What did FDR mean when he referred to the United States as the "arsenal for democracy" ______


3. What pledges did Roosevelt and Churchill make in the Atlantic Charter? ______


Japan Attacks

1. When World War II broke out what goals did Japan pursue in Asia? ______



2. Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? ______


3. What was America’s response to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? ______


The Global Conflict: Allied Successes pp. 479-484

Occupied Lands

1. How did the Nazis use occupied lands? ______


2. What was the “final solution”? How was it carried out? ______


3. What was the Holocaust? ______


4. What was the “Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere”? ______


The Allied War Effort

1. How did democratic governments prepare their nations for the war effort? ______


2. How were the right of some citizens restricted? ______


3. How did women help the war effort? ______


Turning Points

1. Why was El Alamein an important victory for the Allies? ______

______2. How did the invasion of Italy weaken Hitler? ______

The Red Army Resists

1. Why was the Battle of Stalingrad considered the turning point on the Eastern Front?


Invasion of France

1. When and where did the Allied D-Day invasion occur? ______

2. Why was D-Day an important step in the war in Europe? ______

Toward Victory pp. 485-488

War in the Pacific

1. Why were the battles of Coral Sea and Midway Island important for the Allies? ____


2. What was the purpose of the “island hopping” campaign in the Pacific? ______


The Nazi Defeated

1. Why was the Battle of the Bulge important in the final defeat of the Nazis? ______


2. How did the Allies use their superior air power to hurt the German war effort? ______


3. What was V-E Day? ______


Defeat of Japan

1. What were kamikaze missions? ______


2. What were the effects of the atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? ______


3. For what reasons did President Truman decide to use the atomic bomb? ______


4. What were the results of using this weapon on Japan? ______

Looking Ahead

1. What steps did the Allies take in Japan and Germany after the surrender? ______

