LAUREN A. KNAPP 770.315.3315

University of Delaware, School of Marine Science and Policy, Center for Carbon-free Power Integration


University of Delaware, School of Marine Science and Policy

Ph.D. Marine Studies, Marine Policy concentration, Advisor: Jeremy Firestone Feb 2014 – Jan 2017 (expected)

Thesis: Measuring the Public on Offshore Wind: Essays on public perceptions, economic valuation, and survey design

University of Michigan, School of Natural Resources and Environment

M.S. Environmental Policy, Advisor: Jarod Kelly Aug 2011 - May 2013

Thesis: An Analysis of Offshore Wind Development: A Non-Market, Stated Preference Approach to Estimate Impact and WTP in Three Lake Michigan Regions

Illinois State University, College of Applied Science and Technology

B.S. Renewable Energy Economics and Policy, Magna Cum Laude Jan 2009 – May 2011

Minor: Environmental Studies


Graduate Research Assistant (University of Delaware – Newark, DE) Feb 2014 – Present

§  Experience with designing and carrying out two non-market valuation surveys from conception to publication

§  Researching the social and economic dimensions of mid-Atlantic offshore wind development (DE Sea Grant)

§  Surveying RI residents regarding perceptions/beliefs regarding the first U.S. offshore (Deepwater) wind project

§  Statistical analysis: Proficient in Stata; familiar with SAS

§  Geographic statistical analysis: Proficient in ArcGIS and QGIS

§  Survey implementation: Proficient in Qualtrics

Independent Contractor (Great Lakes Commission Wind Collaborative – Ann Arbor, MI) June 2013 – Oct 2013

§  Scoped proposals for Department of Energy grants; executed offshore wind community meetings

Energy Program Developer/Manager, Research Associate (5 Lakes Energy – Lansing, MI) Jan 2012 – Nov 2013

§  Created a renewable energy credit (REC) program; sold > 1 GWh of RECs to utilities and private entities

§  Generated state policy report with energy business coalition interviews

Project Manager (Growth Capital Network – Ann Arbor, MI) May 2013 – July 2013

§  Compiled two white papers; convened legislative and business roundtable discussion

Clean Fuel Communications Intern (Illinois Agricultural Association – Bloomington, IL) May 2011 – Aug 2011

§  Managed social media and created clean ethanol blog and content to meet state outreach objectives

Business Development Intern (Iberdrola Renewables – Chicago, IL) May 2010 – Aug 2010

§  Implemented GIS map of mid-western energy projects; compiled best practice report of utility wind project

Publications and Papers

Shirazi, Y., Carr, E., & Knapp, L. 2015. A cost-benefit analysis of alternatively fueled buses with special considerations for V2G technology. Energy Policy, 87, 591-603. doi: 10.1016/j.enpol.2015.09.038.

Knapp, L., Ladenburg, J. 2015. How spatial relationships influence economic preferences for wind power—A review. Energies, 8, 6177-6201. doi:10.3390/en8066177.

Firestone, J., Bates, A., & Knapp, L. A. 2015. See me, feel me, touch me, heal me: wind turbines, cultural landscapes, and environmental justice. Land Use Policy. doi:10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.02.015.

Ladenburg, J., Knapp, L. 2015. Spatial relationships: preferences for offshore wind power. In: Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, June 24-27, Helsinki, Finland.

Knapp, L., Shirazi, Y. 2014. Consumer preferences for oysters: Effects of locality, harvest method, and branding. Working draft. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3882.9287

Knapp, Lauren. 2014. Factors relating capture success of gray squirrels. Working draft. Targeted journal: Journal of Wildlife Management.


Knapp, L., Firestone, J., Gardner, M. Social values, beliefs, perceptions, and knowledge relative to offshore wind energy. NOAA Social Coast Forum, Charleston, SC, February 9-11, 2016. Oral presentation.

Knapp, L. Critical Social Factors for Developing the Maryland Wind Energy Area. Delaware Environmental Institute, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, October, 2015. Oral presentation.

Knapp, L., Firestone, J., Gardner, M., Parsons, G. Monthly Price Premiums Ratepayers Are Willing to Pay to Develop the Maryland Wind Energy Area. American Wind Energy Association Offshore Windpower Conference Baltimore, MD, September, 2015. Poster.

Knapp, L., Ladenburg, J. Spatial Relationships: Preferences for offshore wind power. Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE2015), University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, June, 2015. Oral presentation.

Knapp, L., Firestone, J., Gardner, M., Parsons, G. Offshore wind power: Perceptions, preferences and willingness to pay. European Wind Energy Association, Copenhagen, Denmark, March, 2015. Poster.

Knapp, L., Firestone, J., Gardner, M., Parsons, G. Offshore wind power: Perceptions, preferences and willingness to pay. Behavior Energy and Climate Conference, Washington, D.C., December, 2014. Poster.

Knapp, L., Firestone, J., Gardner, M., Parsons, G. Price Premiums for Offshore Wind Power. American Wind Energy Association Offshore Windpower Conference, Atlantic City, NJ, October, 2014. Poster.

Knapp, L. Rife, M., Li, B., Ma, Y. College of Earth Ocean and Environment Annual Graduate Student Symposium, University of Delaware, Lewes, DE. 2014. Oral presentation.

Knapp, L., Rife, M. An analysis of offshore wind development: A non-Market, stated preference approach to quantitatively measure perceptions and estimate WTP in two Lake Michigan regions. Louisiana State University Center for Natural Resource Economics and Policy’s 4th National Forum on Socioeconomic Research in Coastal Systems, New Orleans, LA, March, 2013. Poster.

Knapp, L., Rife, M., Li, B., Ma, Y. Thesis presentation. Capstone Conference, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 2013. Oral presentation.

Knapp, L. Rife, M., Li, B., Ma, Y. A Lake Michigan Case Study: Perceptions Regarding Offshore Wind Development. American Wind Energy Association Wind Power Conference, Chicago, IL, May, 2013. Poster.


§  Selected research featured in European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists newsletter 2015

§  Award of Excellence for Exemplary Performance in Renewable Energy (Illinois State University) 2011

§  Department of Technology Charles Porter Scholarship for Leadership (Illinois State University) 2011

§  Free Market Environmentalism Colloquium Participant (Property and Environment Research Center) 2010

§  Steven Hansen Memorial Scholarship (Midwest Renewable Energy Association) 2009


§  Oyster economic field experiment seed grant funding, University of Delaware ($3,500) 2014 – 2015

§  Research travel grant, Rackham Graduate School, University of Michigan ($700) 2013

§  Graduate research grant, School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Michigan ($1,500) 2012

§  Offshore wind research grant, Citizens’ Greener Evanston ($7,500) 2012

§  Solar thermal feasibility analysis grant, Office of Sustainability, Illinois State University ($10,000) 2011

Professional activities

§  Education outreach: University electric vehicle instructor/trainer for staff, faculty and students 2014 – Present

§  Participated in European Energy Research Alliance’s Public Engagement Strategies workshop (Denmark) 2015

§  Public outreach: University of Delaware annual ‘Coast Day’ volunteer and poster presenter 2014, 2015