Everyday Heroics: Fighting the Danger We Face
Annotated Bibliography about Issues and Injustices
Think of the social issues or injustices that are present in our school, community, or nation. You can think also of the injustices associated with diseases that unfairly strike innocent people. Pick one social issue or injustice that you will focus you efforts on.
You are going to create a recommended resource list (annotated bibliography) which will serve as your research for your upcoming final exam speech. SO, find quality sources!
Your list must…
- Include one information-based textselection for the social issues. This selection should inform people about the broad facts of the issue and explain why it’s a problem we should be concerned about.
- Include onehuman-interest text for the social issue. This selection should focus on the real impact this issue has had on an individual or a particular family. Human-interest stories do not deal with many people at all or how a lot of people cope with a problem. Instead, human-interest stories go into great depth about a very limited number of people facing a problem: one individual or one family.
- Include one advocacy group that educates people, helps people speak out, or encourages action to solve the problem.
- Include a non-fiction video (real people, not actors with a made-up story) dealing with the issue. This could simply be an interview from a news program.
- Include one song, poem, or work of visual art that deals with the issue you have in mind.
At the top of your annotated bibliography you must name the issue you are dealing with.
Beneath that, write a paragraph explaining the issue, the problems it can cause, and why people should be concerned with it.
Beneath that, create an annotated bibliography for your topic.
- Use a bold heading for each category of resources (informative, human interest, etc).
- The title of the selection clearly written in a proper MLA citation for the source.Make sure you include the URL in your MLA citation.
- One paragraph explanation of what the source is and does (a summary)
- One paragraph of why it is a good resource for this topic (critical)
- Your annotated bibliography will have FIVE resources and two paragraphs for each(plus the intro paragraph).
- Your annotated bibliography must be saved in your home directoryAND printed.
Your annotated bibliography is due, in print, and in your home directory, on MONDAY, MAY23.