Graduation Party Rules & Guidelines

It is a good idea to set some rules and guidelines for the graduation party early in the planning process. The rules for each party vary greatly between committees due to their personal feelings and opinions.

There are 5basic rules that Grad Nights requires at every graduation party:

  1. Seniors must be searched before the party (preferably as they are boarding their bus).
  2. No alcohol, drugs, weapons or cell phones are permitted.
  3. Every senior must have a completed medical release form.
  4. All attendees must obey directions from event staff and venue staff.
  5. Seniors need to arrive via mass transportation, not individual cars (some exceptions do apply – please call us for details).

There are a number of additional rules and guidelines your committee may choose to adopt. All additional rules are at the sole discretion of the each individual committee and while Grad Nights may make suggestions, we do not require that you adopt any one specific rule other than those stated above.

Please do not represent the additional rules your committee

chooses to enforce as required by Grad Nights.

We understand that it is often convenient for you to use Grad Nights as the reason for a particular rule, and thus eliminate challenging discussions within a committee. However, it is unfair to cast Grad Nights as the heavy handed enforcer as it can dramatically impact the decision making process of future parent groups who are choosing whether or not to work with our company.

Sample Additional Graduation Party Rules

  1. Any senior caught with alcohol or drugs will be removed from the party.
  2. No personal belongings are allowed except for a coat/sweatshirt, lip balm, and wallet with ID (no purses). Seniors may also bring a digital camera or unopened disposable camera.
  3. Seniors are responsible for keeping track of their personal belongings.
  4. Seniors may not be allowed to leave the party until it is over unless written permission was given prior to the party.
  5. Seniors must be picked up by someone else in the morning – they may not drive themselves home.
  6. Seniors who have participated with the class, but were not eligible to graduate are still welcome to attend the party.
  7. Deposits are all non-refundable.

Questions to Consider when Determining Party Rules & Guidelines

  1. Will we allow smoking?
  1. Will we allow personal belongings: coats, purses, bags, etc.?

-If so, how will we search the bags?

-If so, do we have them drop off at the graduation rehearsal and search at home or use the coat check system?

  1. How will we search the seniors?

-Parents do it at the busses

-Hire security from Grad Nights

-Hire our own security

  1. What constitutes inappropriate conduct?


-Foul or abusive language directed at a chaperone or event staff

-Willful disregard for, or failure to follow, directions from chaperones or event staff.

-Intentionally harmful physical contact or threatened contact with another person.

-Possession of alcohol, drugs or weapons

-Possession of prohibited items other than alcohol, drugs or weapons

  1. What are the consequences of such behavior?


-Removal from party into the custody of a parent or police

-“Time Out”

-Confiscation of prohibited item

  1. Do we have an obligation to ensure that all seniors are aware of the party rules or are they so basic and obvious that ignorance of them is no excuse?
  1. What do we do with intoxicated seniors?

-Allow them to attend the party, but keep them separated from party until they sober up

-Refuse entry and leave them at the pick-up location

-Call their parents/police and wait for them to be picked up or take them away

  1. What do we do if a senior wants to leave the party? What if it’s arranged ahead of time?
  1. Will we allow ticket sales at the busses?
  1. Do we allow party attendees who have participated with the class but are ineligible to graduate?
  1. Do we provide refunds? Under what circumstances?

-The senior or parent has changed their mind and doesn’t want to go

-The senior will not be graduating

-The senior cannot afford the remaining balance of his/her ticket

-The senior has another commitment that involves work, school, military or similar responsibility

-The senior has been removed from the party for violating the rules of conduct

  1. What requirements do we have for parent involvement as chaperones?

-Must be available for entire night? Portion of the night?

-Must be willing to enforce the rules

-Must be participating in the planning / production aspects of the party