Marine Resources Board Meeting

June 27, 2007 Meeting Minutes

7pm at the West Bath Town Hall

Called Meeting to Order at 7:00 pm


Board Members: Roger McNelly, Shawn Schutt, Warren Swanson, Paul Mateosian

Other Attendees: David Bourget, Perry Malcolm, Darren Mitchell, Jeff Moore, Michael Innes, Brad Stover, Don Card – Area Biologist

Approval of Minutes

Motion to approve April 25, 2007 and May 30, 2007 minutes by Shawn Schutt. Seconded by Paul Mateosian. Approved by a vote of 4 to 0.

Red Tide Alert

Warren reported that red tide is present outside of the New Meadows but not in West Bath.

Maine Clamming Association

We discussed ways to support the new association. West Bath clam diggers are encouraged to join and make a contribution.

Broad Cove Project

Paul gave an update report on the project. Some interest was expressed for applying shell material to the left side of the channel as a conservation project.

Paul Mateosian and Roger McNelly each have put in some conservation time in support of Mark Greens experiment. Roger 2 hours Paul 6 hours.

Landing Update

David Bourget reported that Jim Whorff is going to repair the Sabino landing

Opening or Closing Updates

No openings were approved. Someone will check the Treasure Island area prior to the July meeting to see if it is ready to open.

Recommendations for Vacant Marine Resources Committee

1 regular member and 2 alternate members

Motion to nominate Dave Morin as a regular member by Paul Mateosian. Seconded by Shawn Schutt. Approved by a vote of 4 to 0.

Motion to nominate Darren Mitchell as an alternate member by Paul Mateosian. Seconded by Shawn Schutt. Approved – by a vote of 4 to 0.

DMR Water Testing Update

Warren did the official testing for DMR on June 25th.

We are also doing some independent testing in an attempt to locate sources of pollution affecting productive clam flats. Brad Stover has arranged for testing of samples at the DEP lab in Augusta and Warren will do the sampling after significant rainfall events.

Area Biologist Report

Don Card reported that t6he personal use exemption which applies in towns without a shellfish conservation program has been set at 1 peck. Don also read the red tide report published in an e-mail by Darcie Couture.

Shellfish Warden Report – No report

Suggestions for Next Meeting’s Agenda

Next regular meeting is scheduled for July 25th at 7:00pm

Should there be a meeting in July?

It was decided that there should be a meeting in July.


Motion to adjourn by Warren Swanson. Seconded by Paul Mateosian. Approved by a vote of 4 to 0.

Minutes taken by __Paul Mateosian_.