June 17, 2015

East Central BOCES Training Room over V-NETS

7:30 p.m.

I. Opening Activities

Meeting was called to order at 7:26 p.m.by Mike Pugh, President; introductions were made and roll call was taken; the following Board members were in attendance:

Brian Axtell - Arickaree Justin Rueb – Hi-Plains

Fred Trimmer – Arriba/Flagler Janet Kravig - Karval

Amy Kirkwood – Bennett Christi Herrick - Liberty

Angela Einsphar – Bethune Craig Bailey - Limon

Amy Barnes – Burlington Dean Miller - Strasburg

Mike Pugh – Byers Kip Witzel - Stratton

Luisa Lumbano – Deer Trail Leslie Manley - Woodlin

Those Board members not in attendance were:

Laurie Dyson – Agate Ken Brenner - Idalia

Chris Tallman – Cheyenne Wells Donald Gabehart - Kiowa

Julia Boger – Genoa/Hugo Dara Randel – Kit Carson

Those Superintendents in attendance were:

Shane Walkinshaw (Principal) – Arickaree Mike Warren – Hi-Plains

Tom Arensdorf – Arriba/Flagler Brenda Smith - Karval

Dennis Veal – Bennett Rick Walters (New Supt.) - Liberty

Shila Adolf – Bethune Jeff Durbin – Stratton

Tom Turrell - Byers Ed VanderTook - Strasburg

Kevin Schott (New Supt.) – Deer Trail Rose Cronk - Woodlin

Those Superintendents not in attendance were:

Kendra Ewing – Agate Tim Krause - Idalia

Glen Bradshaw – Cheyenne Wells Robert Framel – Kit Carson

Frank Reeves – Genoa/Hugo Denise Pearson - Kiowa

Dave Marx – Limon

Others in attendance from BOCES were: Don Anderson, Lorie Coonts, Moira Hawks, Sharon Daxton-Vorce, and Beverly Blagg.

II. Approval of Agenda

Amy Kirkwood – Bennett made a motion to accept the agenda as presented. A second by Fred Trimmer – Arriba/Flagler; motion carries.

III. Approval of Minutes

Angela Einsphar – Bethune made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 29th Board Meeting as presented. A second by Craig Bailey – Limon; motion carries.

IV. Public Comments

There were none.

V. Consent Agenda Items

Angela Einsphar – Bethune made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A second by Amy Barnes – Burlington; motion carries.

VI Business – Action Items

A.  Adoption of 2015-16 ECBOCES Budget

Don went over these changes in the meeting:

East Central BOCES - 2015-16 Budget

Significant Revisions – Since April Board Meeting

2015-16 Revenue:

April 2015 May 2015 Difference:

Title I: $781,475 $789,422 +$7,947

Title II: $178,103 $174,205 -$3898

Title III: $34,847 $ 27,552 -$7295

Total -$3246

April 2015 May 2015 Difference:

State Sped. (ECEA) $1,299,600 $1,576,933 + $277,333 (Colo. Ed)

Federal Sped. $1,000,009 $1,134,479 +$134,470 (Colo.Ed=$144,363)

Total +411,803 (Colo. Ed=$421,696)

BOCES keeps 10%=$42,169

April 2015 May 2015 Difference:

VNETS $336,900 $301,100 -$35,800

(VNETs assessment reduced $1500)

Went from $14,800 to $13,300

HB 12-1345 $241,243 $231,243 -$10,000 (Elizabeth not included)

Total Revenue April 2015 May 2015 Difference:

$7,564,042 $7,961,100 +$397,058

2015-16 Expenses:

April 2015 May 2015 Difference:

Health Insurance $436,250 $355,164 -$81.086

Salaries $2,362,930 $2,427,965 +$65,035

Purchased Prof. Service $511,700 $859,174 +$347,474

Flow Through Districts $2,193,470 $2,504,141 +$310,671

Total Expenses: April 2015 May 2015 Difference:

$7,531,568 $8,206,937 +$675,356

2015-16 Ending Fund Balance:

April 2015 May 2015 Difference:

Ending Fund Balance $1,289,525 $1,001,214 -$288,311

Our health insurance costs will decrease; changing brokers will save us about $40,000. We still have some service providers to hire and hopefully will not have to go through a purchase service contracts to secure those positions. We also have had an increase in legal fees due to the case we currently have going. We can support this deficit budget this year but cannot continue to support it in the future.

Dean Miller – Strasburg made a motion to approve the adoption of the 2015-2016 Budget. A second by Angela Einsphar – Bethune; motion carries.

B.  Appropriate Funds for the 2015-16 ECBOCES Budget

The following appropriation resolution was read:


Be it resolved by the Board of East Central Board of Cooperative Education Services in Lincoln County that the amounts shown in the following schedule be appropriated to each fund as specified in the “Adopted Budget” for the ensuing fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016.


General Fund: $9,208,151

Trust and Agency Funds, L.G. L. Andersen Scholarship Fund $2,000


Fred Trimmer – Arriba/Flagler made the motion to approve the Appropriation of Funds in East Central BOCES 2015-16 Budget as read. A second by Craig Bailey – Limon; motion carries.

C.  Resolution to Spend Down Fund Balance

The following resolution was read:

Resolution to spend down Fund Balance of The BOCES General Fund FY 15-16

Be it resolved that the Board of East Central BOCES authorizes the use of a portion of the Beginning Fund Balance from the General Fund for FY 2015-16. The portion to be overspent is approximately $245,837. This is a planned spend down of funds. Our purchased professional services expenses increased by $328,492 due to the fact that we could not hire our own speech language pathologist and occupational therapists and had to contract with these services through Special Services Company. We also had an increase in this line item due to increase in legal fees because of a Due Process case we have been involved in. The expense of these funds will not occur until fiscal year 2014-15 thus reducing the fund balance by $245,837. It is felt that the beginning fund balance is still adequate for cash flow for East Central BOCES and its programs.

Angela Einsphar – Bethune, made the motion to approve the Resolution as read to spend down the Fund Balance in East Central BOCES 2015-16 Budget. A second by Dean Miller – Strasburg; motion carries.

D.  Resolution to Spend Down G.L. Andersen Scholarship Fund Balance

The following resolution was read:

Resolution to spend down Fund Balance of The GL Andersen Scholarship Fund FY 15-16

Be it resolved that the Board of East Central BOCES authorizes the use of a portion of the Beginning Fund Balance from the Scholarship CD for FY 2015-16. The portion to be overspent is approximately $2,000. The fund spend down is due to interest rates being too low to keep up with the Scholarship Award and no outside funds to make up the difference will also put scholarship award back to the original $2000. BOCES received permission from the scholarship benefactor to spend down the funds. Funds will eventually be spent and the Scholarship finished.

Fred Trimmer – Arriba/Flagler made a motion to approve the Resolution as read to spend down Fund Balance of The GL Andersen Scholarship Fund FY 2015-16. A second by Angela Einsphar – Bethune; motion carries.

E.  SAC Recommendations for Hiring Our Lobbyist for 2015-16

At this time Dale McCall told us he was trying to cut back on his work load and will not continue as a Lobbyist for East Central BOCES. Included in your packet is the Lobbyist evaluation completed by the Legislative Committee. Ed feels that he can take this role on by himself so the recommendation from the SAC is to approve the contract with Ed Bowditch for $20,000 for 2015-2016.

Also included in your packet is the evaluation that was done by the Legislative Committee which consisted of Frank Reeves, Shila Adolf, Tom Satterly, Denise Pearson, Ed VanderTook and myself. We discussed with them the conflict of interest issues and Ed assured us that he will let us know if there is an issue so that we can let everyone else know.

Angela Einspahr – Bethune made the motion to approve the purchased service contract of $20,000.00 for Ed Bowditch as East Central BOCES Lobbyists for 2015-16. A second by Amy Kirkwood – Bennett; motion carries.

F.  Resolution to Approve Board Policies Section GB

Craig Bailey from Limon reminded me that we had not finished adopting some policies in Section GB and will need to do that at this meeting. Don read the following:

East Central BOCES Board of Directors Resolution to Approve Specific Sections of BOCES Policy Manual

WHEREAS, the Colorado BOCES Association engaged the Colorado Association of School Boards (CASB) to create a Core Sample Policy Manual for BOCES (BOCES CORE Manual) using existing CASB policy resources and incorporating BOCES-specific requirements, philosophy, goals, objectives, policies and practices as appropriate; and

WHEREAS, the policies and regulations in Sections GB of the BOCES CORE Manual have been reviewed by the East Central BOCES Executive Director and selected BOCES staff and found to be reflective of the Board’s values and of current BOCES practices (or of practices that will be implemented); and

WHEREAS, the policies and regulations in Sections GB of the BOCES CORE Manual have been reviewed by BOCES legal counsel to ensure they meet local needs and circumstances consistent with legal constraints and requirements;


The Board repeals all former Board policies in section GB of the existing Board policy manual and adopts sections GB of the BOCES Core Manual, with revisions as recommended by the Executive Director and BOCES staff.

The Board affirms that the policies and regulations of the existing Board policy manual remain in effect until such time as the Board takes further action regarding these policies.

Christi Herrick – Liberty made the motion to approve the Resolution as read approving the policy manual revisions of Section GB. A second by Craig Bailey – Limon; motion carries.

G.  Copier Bids

We have three bids returned for the purchase of a new copier. The bids are listed below.

Great Copier Service – Ft. Morgan, Colorado

Purchase Price = $11,520.00

Per Copy Cost Annual Fee (service and maintenance) = $480

Axis Business Technologies – Colorado Springs, Colorado

Purchase Price = $11,647.48

Per Copy Cost Annual Fee (service and maintenance) = $648

Office Works – Colby, Kansas

Purchase Price = $11,851.00

Per Copy Cost Annual Fee (service and maintenance) = $2640

We currently have a service agreement with Axis Business Technologies for our printers and copiers and we are happy with their service.

Dean Miller – Strasburg made a motion to approve the bid from Axis Business Technologies for the purchase of new copier with a purchase price of $11,647.48. A second by Craig Bailey – Limon; motion carries.

H.  Teacher/Special Service Provider Evaluation Assurances

·  East Central BOCES will be using the state evaluation model for teacher and special service provider evaluations.

·  Today we have four center-based teachers and thirty-three special service providers.

·  We have an evaluation schedule that uses supervisors as evaluators. Jeanne, Moira and Bev have created this schedule to best utilize the supervisors and reduce travel.

·  Each center-based teacher and special service provider will have two evaluations per semester, a mid-year review and an end of the year review.

·  We will continue to get input from our member districts for our employee evaluations as well.

·  Included are the Assurances of Implementation of Great Teachers and Leaders Act.

Amy Barnes – Burlington made a motion to approve the East Central BOCES Assurances of Implementation of Great Teachers and Leaders Act. A second by Dean Miller – Strasburg; motion carries.

VII. Discussion Items

We have about 5 days scheduled for the data team work and several other professional develop opportunities offered throughout the month of June, we plan on about 400 participants throughout the month. Because 4-5 districts did not participate in the data team (SB-1345) work this year we will pass those dollars on to those participating in June by paying them $150/day stipend. Kudos to Sharon and Lorie for their work in getting this all set up.

There are also several SPED professional development opportunities that are worthwhile being offered through the summer.

We have a contract offer on the ECEC building; it is a retired machinist that is interested in putting a shop in and/or living out there. Because it was appraised for $125,000 we will owe the government about $61,250 and then $3,500 for the realtor and hopefully make about $35,000 back.

VIII. Reports

A.  Executive Director

Our next BOCES Board meeting will be held over V-NETS on September 2nd. What time would you like to start? Since several of you will be farming will 7:30 p.m. work? Everyone agreed they could make that time work for them.

B.  Additional Staff Reports - enclosed

There were no questions.

IX. Adjournment

Fred Trimmer – Arriba/Flagler made a motion to adjourn the meeting. A second by Dean Miller, Strasburg; meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

Next SAC meeting will be on August 26, 2015 at 9 a.m. and the next ECBOCES Board meeting will be over the V-NETS on September 2, 2015 at 7:30 p.m.

BOCES Board Secretary Date Approved