22 MARCH 2010 TO THE 28 MARCH 2010

Date / Time / Officer / Nature of Incident / Area / Description of Incident
22/03/2010 / 18h05 / Mtengi / Removal / Beach street / Officer reported that there was a suspicious person hanging around Beach Road. Officer removed him out the area as he was waiting for his friend. A stern warning was given. OB/NO 2186
22/03/2010 / 20h03 / Sitwayi / Removal / Total Garage / Officer reported he removed a vagrant begging in front of the total garage. Officer removed him out of the area. A stern warning was given. OB/NO2193
22/03/2010 / 04h40 / Fuba / Removal / Capitec Bank / Officer reported he removed a male vagrant sleeping in front of Capitec Bank. Officer removed him out of the area. A stern warning was given. OB/NO 2231
23/03/2010 / 19h20 / Fuba / Removal / Page Street / Officer removed coloured males sleeping on the pavement. The vagrant walked towards Salt River. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2298
23/03/2010 / 19h40 / Mtengi / Observation / Street lights not working / Officer reported that all lights at Ravenscraig were off and only two lights were working at Searle Street and the rest were all off. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2303
23/03/2010 / 02h15 / Fuba / Removal / No. 97 Sir Lowry Road / Officer reported that he noticed a vagrant sleeping. Officer removed vagrant out the area. Feedback given to control room.
24/03/2010 / 09h30 / Masilela / Removal / FNB Bridge / Officer reported that the police caught four teenagers who were stealing copper pipes. The police let them go because they were under age. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2365
24/03/2010 / 10h50 / Masilela / Removal / Railway Bridge / Officer reported that they removed two guys sitting on the bridge in Railway Road. They were instructed to leave the area and walked towards the sacks. Feedback given to control room. OB/NO 2373
24/03/2010 / 12h45 / Masilela / Rubble / Bromwell Street / Officer reported that they saw rubble lying on the corner of Bromwell Street. The control room was informed. OB/NO 2379
24/03/2010 / 10h41 / Bruintjies / Removal / Corner Railway Street and Albert Road / Officer reported that he gave a stern warning to two ladies who were standing on the corner. Officer reported that they were looking very suspicious and officer removed them. They moved towards the residential side. Feedback was given to the control room. OB/NO 2360
24/03/2010 / 08h31 / Bruintjies / Removal / Railway and Albert Road / Officer reported that he noticed SAPS called two suspicious looking males standing at the stairway of Railway Bridge. He noticed that SAPS loaded them in the back of the bakkie and arrested them. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2359
24/03/2010 / 10h49 / Bruintjies / Illegal Substance / Golden Plate / Officer removed a couple that was smoking illegal substance. Officer challenged them and informed the controller. There names were Ficky and Riefa both got warnings. OB/NO 2372
24/03/2010 / 09h42 / Nzwane / Removal / Woodstock Town Hall / Officer reported he removed a vagrant sleeping in front of Woodstock Town Hall. Officer informed controller that he removed him out the park area towards the lower Main Road. OB/NO 2367
24/03/2010 / 14h20 / Alexander / illegal substances / Corner Plein and Albert Street / Officer reported that they arrested a coloured male who was in possession of illegal substance. The suspect was known as Ismail Salie of Athlone 48B Cassell Avenue and is 20years of age. The suspect were arrested and controller informed. OB/NO 2390
24/03/2010 / 09h01 / De Wet / Searching / Station Road / Officer reported that they search a suspicious male at station road. They found nothing out of the ordinary. The suspicious male drove off registration BPS 721 B. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2362
24/03/2010 / 13h50 / Zwane / Removals / Woodstock Town Hall / Officer removed two coloured males and an African that were sleeping. Officer removed them out the park and they walked towards the lower main road. Feedback given to control room. OB/NO 2383
24/03/2010 / 00h35 / Radu / Stolen
Property / Beach Road in front of
Robertson Cane / Officer reported that he noticed two African males walking with a long steel pipe in beach Road, Officer confiscated the long steel pipe and when officer tried putting the suspect in the back of the bakkie the suspect ran away. Feedback was given to the control room. OB/NO 2427
24/03/2010 / 00h12 / Radu / Observation / Beach Road in front
I&J / Officer reported that he noticed a VW Bakkie registration CA 28 4960 parked at I & J with its window open on the passenger side. Officer reported that it look like the vehicle fm radio was stolen but could not establish whether it was taken there or somewhere else. Officer reported to control room and in turn officer reported it to SAPS. Owner could not be found. OB/NO 2431
24/03/2010 / 18h32 / Radu / Drinking in Public / Beach Road / Officer reported they there were three coloured males drinking on the stairs near the bridge. They were loaded and moved out the area. OB/NO2398
24/03/2010 / 00h20 / Gaqelo / Removal / Golden Arrow bus terminus / Officer reported he removed a drunk male and loaded him in the bakkie and dropped him out the area. A stern warning was given. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2426
24/03/2010 / 22h08 / Gaqelo / Operations Held / Railway Street
Beach Road
Town Hall
Trafalgar Park / Officer reported that law enforcement and themselves were searching of suspicious males and females as well as illegal traders, vagrants etc. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2416
24/03/2010 / 00h58 / Gaqelo / Removal / Victoria Walk / Officer reported that noticed two Muslims males that were drunk and were sleeping on the pavement. Officer only receive the one drunk males name which were Michael from U. C. T. Officer reported that they got a lift from a friend who took them to U.C. T. Feedback was given to the controller. OB/NO 2428
24/03/2010 / 00h35 / Gona / Stolen
goods / Sussex Street / Officer reported two coloured males crossing Victoria Road passing them with a stolen braai stand. Officer stopped the bakkie and the two suspects ran away towards Albert Road. Officer loaded the braai stand in the back of the bakkie. Officers check the area but could not find the suspects. The braai stand was then taken to the Woodstock I D office to be booked in. Feedback was given to the controller. OB/NO2427
24/03/2010 / 02h25 / Gona / Stolen Goods / Total Garage / Officer reported that he found a coloured male with vehicle mats with him and challenged him. Officer then loaded the suspect and afterwards he confirmed his name will be Sheldon Hendricks 23years old. Officer took the suspect to Woodstock SAPS where he got locked up. Feedback was given control room. OB/NO 2441
25/03/2010 / 07h55 / Alexander / Stolen Goods / Beach Road / Officer reported that he caught a suspect at Beach Road with building material. After challenging the suspect he gave his name as Athumani Mkuu Selemani stays at no. 2134 Munyamanzi Street Browns Farm Phillipi. Officer requested the bakkie to assist to take the suspect to Woodstock SAPS where he got arrested for being in possession of stolen goods. Feedback to the control room. OB/NO 2460
25/03/2010 / 13h30 / Masilela / Removal / Altona Grove Fisheries / Officer reported he removed a vagrant sleeping in front of Altona Grove Fisheries. Officer reported that the vagrant moved out the area. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2480
25/03/2010 / 12h05 / Zwane / Removal / Battery Centre / Officer Reported they removed a vagrant in front of Battery Centre from begging. Officer gave him a stern warning and made sure he left the area. Feedback given to the control room. OB/NO 2474
25/03/2010 / 10h30 / All Officers / Operations Held / All Areas / Officer reported they were asking and checking trader’s permits. Everyone had valid permits. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2470
25/03/2010 / 14h30 / Only the Bakkies / Operations Held / Only the Bakkies / Officer reported that they were breaking structures under the FNB Bridge and the CCIDC was assisting in that regard. Feedback was given to controller. OB/NO 2483
25/03/2010 / 17h08 / Vuyelela / Fire Extinguished / Pine road / Officer reported that he caught a suspicious male braaing a dove on a fire. The suspects name Mninawa Mbata and stays at Zone 5 at Langa. Officer extinguished the fire and the suspect was removed out the area. The suspect moved out the area towards the upper residential side. Feedback was given to the controller room. OB/NO 2489
26/03/2010 / 15h10 / De Wet / Confiscation of Trolleys / Davidson Street / Officer reported that he confiscated a trolley from a vagrant. He searched the trolley and found no irregularities. The trolley was dropped at the office. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2573
26/03/2010 / 11h30 / Alexander / Breaking Instruments / Main Road / Officer reported that constable Hector and Alexander found a young boy with breaking instruments on him and he stays at number 708, 7th floor, Central Park, Long Street, Cape Town. Officer called the vehicle to assist and the suspect was taken to SAPS. Feedback given to control room. Case number 13/487/2010. Feedback given to control room. OB/NO 2569
26/03/2010 / 10h15 / Bruintjies / Confiscation of Trolleys / Station Road / Officer reported that a trolley was confiscated from little Julies. Officer called the vehicle to assist with the loading of a trolley. Nothing suspicious was found inside. The trolley was taken to the office. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2558
26/03/2010 / 10h35 / Bruintjies / Confiscation of Trolleys / Davidson Street / Officer reported that he found three trolleys unmanned and confiscated it. No owner was next to there trolleys. The vehicle was called in to load the three trolleys to take it to the office. Feedback given to control room. OB/NO 2559
26/03/2010 / 05h45 / Radu / Suspicious Vehicle / Main Road / Officer reported a suspicious vehicle parked on the side of the road. When officer approached the suspicious male inside the vehicle (White KIA) the suspicious male informed him that he got mugged by a guy who he gave a lift for. As from the suspicious male his trousers and car keys was taken. The suspicious male was referred to SAPS. Feedback was given to control room who in turn contacted SAPS to investigate. OB/NO 2640
26/03/2010 / 00h42 / Gagelo / Removal / Dreams Spot club / Officer reported that the owner of Dreams Spot stopped them and asked them to standby as they have a coloured male that are making trouble at the club. Officer reported that they waited until the coloured guy left the area with his vehicle. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2616
26/03/2010 / 18h35 / Buys / Removal / KFC / Officer reported that they removed a loiterer. They chased him out the area towards Salt River side. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2583
27/03/2010 / 12h15 / Fuba / Removal / Roodebloem Street / Officer reported that he removed an African male from loitering at the robots. Officer confirmed that he approached him and made them leave the area. Officer confirmed that the loiterer walked towards Salt River. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2670
27/03/2010 / 12h35 / Mtengi / Removal / Battery Centre robots / Officer reported that he removed two coloured males from loitering at the robots. Officer confirmed that he approached him and made them leave the area. Officer confirmed that the loiterer walked towards N1 free way. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2674
27/03/2010 / 09h55 / Fuba / Removal / Trafalgar Park / Officer reported that he noticed that a coloured male were urinating against the wall. Officer approached him and informed him to vacate the area. Officer confirmed that the male left the park. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2653
27/03/2010 / 07h57 / Gona / Suspicious Vehicle / Corner Chapel and Searle Street / Officer reported that he noticed a CA 530 291 parked on the corner with a broken window that is standing wide open. Feedback was given to control room who in turn spoke to constable Randall who informed him he will send out a SAPS vehicle. SAPS BPK 033B was on the scene and they informed the officer that the vehicle belongs to Mr. Fredrick’s. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2645
27/03/2010 / 08h45 / Fuba / Shoprite Main Road / Victoria Road / Officer reported that he noticed that a vagrant was sitting next to Shoprite Main road entrance. Officer removed the vagrant and he moved towards the Salt River. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2648
28/03/2010 / 08h20 / Mtengi / Removal / Russell’s Street / Officer reported that the taxi driver informed officer Mtengi that on of his passengers was mugged by a suspicious male who was inside his taxi. Officer stopped a SAPS vehicle to assist him in order to apprehend the suspect. SAPS managed to stopped the taxi and the suspect was caught and they searched him and found a losts of bank cards and a knife on him. Afterwards SAPS asked Oliver (victim) to open a case but he refused as he was going to work. SAPS arrested the suspect. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2806
28/03/2010 / 08h30 / Fuba / Removal / Plein Street and Victoria Road / Officer reported a vagrant who was sleeping. Officer reported to control room that he moved out the area towards the residential side. OB/NO 2808
28/03/2010 / 08h33 / Fuba / Removal / Capitec Bank / Officer removed two coloured and one African male who was sleeping. Officer removed them out the area and they walk towards residential side. Feedback was given to controller. OB/NO 2809
28/03/2010 / 11h20 / Mtengi / Removal / Roodebloem Robots / Officer removed a loiterer (an African male) that were begging for money. He moved into Salt River direction. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2824
28/03/2010 / 20h30 / De Wet / Removal / Total Garage / Officer removed a loiterer (lady and child) from begging. They removed over the bridge towards N1 freeway. Feedback given to the control room. OB/NO 2860
28/03/2010 / 22h42 / De Wet / Riotous Behavior / Shoprite / Officer reported that he noticed couple fighting. They loaded him and then took him to the police station. Feedback was given to control room. OB/NO 2871
28/03/2010 / 00h40 / De Wet / Theft of / Strand Street / Officer reported that he found an African lady that were mugged by four African males who ran over the staircase at Railway Street and they took her cell phone. No case were opened. Feedback was given to the control room. OB/NO 2884