Standards, Quality and Improvement Plan

Blackhall Primary School

Standards and Quality Report for session: 2016 - 2017

Improvement Plan for session: 2017 - 2018

Context Of The School

Who we are

BlackhallPrimary Schoolis anon-denominationalschool whichserves the community of Blackhall in thenorthwest of Edinburgh. The school is an integral part of the community both educationally and socially. A close working relationship has been formed with The Royal High School, our three other associated Primary schools(Clermiston, Cramond and Davidsons Mains), the Blackhall partnershipnursery and St Columba’s Church.

The school has an approximate roll of450children, with 15classes.Attendance is well above the national average.

TheSenior Leadership Teamincludes Head Teacher,2Depute Head Teachers,Business Manager anda Principal Teacher. There is 1Support for Learning teacher and2Specialist teachers (Physical Educationand Modern Languages). Also employed are twoInstructors of Music (flute/clarinetand viola).

The Support Staff consists of School Administrator, Service Support OfficerandtwelvePupil SupportAssistants.We also have the services of three crossing guides,fourstaff from Edinburgh Cleaning Services andfivefrom Edinburgh Catering Services.

Our Vision

At Blackhall Primary, we believe in inclusion and that everyone is equal. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to learn, to try new things, to make mistakes and to be able to learn from them and to be successful. We should be respectful to each other. We should try to keep healthy and fit. Everyone has a voice and our opinions should be respected and heard. We have the right to feel safe at school and should be able to ask for help and know that they will receive it. Bullying, of any kind, is not allowed and will have consequences. We believe in good sportsmanship and being good ambassadors for the school.

Our Values


Equality and Inclusion

Honesty and Manners

Kindness and Helpfulness

Learning and Hard Work

Resilience, Confidence

And … Fun!

2016/17 School Priority 1: Raising Attainment
NIF Priority
Improvement in Achievement & Attainment Particularly Within Literacy & Numeracy
NIF Driver
·  Develop cluster learning community
·  Effective approaches to assessment and moderation to build staff confidence in making reliable professional judgement on progress through CfE levels – report confidently on these to others.
·  High quality, inclusive learning & teaching / HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes
1.1 Analysis and evaluation of intelligence and data
1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement
2.3 Effective use of assessment
2.3 Planning, tracking and monitoring
3.2 Attainment in literacy and numeracy
3.2 Attainment over time
Progress and impact:
·  Learning walks for SLT 4 cluster primaries and RHS – Maths, Literacy & Mod Languages. - 2 learning walks undertaken and good practice shared
·  Representation from RHS at cluster CATS Maths, HWB, Literacy, Mod Lang. – no representation
Sharing practice at 4 cluster cats – hosting different schools – encourage peer visits & communication between staff across schools - Dec ’16 – 2 CATS completed. 9.9.16 - Circle document / setting up classes + input re Better Learning/Behaviour – positive feedback, staff appreciated having time to discuss strategies and issues with cluster colleagues 18.11.16 – Engagement with wellbeing indicators and linked strategies/actions + input re our own HWB – again, very positive feedback, but improved as all groups were given a specific task to discuss, record and share.
·  4 cluster Learning and Teaching CAT sessions – 2 CATs took place – see above for detail
·  Achievement at a level – moderation discussions P1, P4 & P7 – as a transition tool - Discussions across stages and levels. Some progress in teacher professionalism and confidence, further improvement required
·  Audit prof expertise, skills and mentors within cluster in key areas.
·  Share good practice with colleagues – addressed through SLT learning walks and cluster CATs. Sharepoint set up to continue sharing ideas and resources.
·  Use SALs to plan learning & assessment activities - Dec ’16 – full implementation in literacy and numeracy / maths. Still a bit of a way to go regarding planned assessment. Jan ’17 – introduce HWB SALS
Next Steps: (these will link to what goes in to the Improvement plan for 2017-18)
·  Continue with Blue Sky attainment trackers, with focus on challenge and pace. Measure impact through data analysis, attainment meetings
·  Develop whole school strategy to track and predict attainment
2016/17 School Priority 2: Closing the Attainment Gap
NIF Priority
Closing the attainment gap between the most and least disadvantaged children and young people.
NIF Driver
·  Inclusivity
·  Data literacy in all staff
·  Pupil dialogue about own learning
·  Differentiation of tasks, activities & resources / HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes
1.3 Developing a shared vision, values and aims relevant to the school and its community
2.3 Quality of teaching
2.4 Targeted & universal support
2.4 Removal of potential barriers to learning
3.2 Equity for all learners
3.2 Attainment over time
Progress and impact:
Circle resource & CEC autism planning tool Dec ’16 – all staff have engaged with classroom set-up and have used checklist of individual child for at least one child. Will continue to engage throughout the session to increase use as an ongoing working/support tool
Targeted intervention continue team around cluster SLT mtgs
Poverty 1 in 5 resource Dec ’16 – have had initial discussions with staff and Parent Council who are happy to take forward a working group re strategies for support (inc. the set-up of a ‘Gap’ fund)
Cluster strategic plan SIMD primary – secondary Paul RHS
SIMD tracking destinations SLT – data analysis – Pauline RHS Dec ’16 – first meeting held with cluster primaries and RHS
Pupils active in planning reporting and assessing learning – know success criteria, next steps and what progress looks likeDec ’16 – 2 CAT sessions
June 2017-ongoing
Partnerships including parents to remove barriers to learning Dec ’16 – parent group + support services + Lesley to address partnerships
Next Steps: (these will link to what goes in to your Improvement plan for 2017-18)
·  Poverty 1 in 5 training
·  Cost of the school year
·  PEF strategy – 1 day per week SfL teacher 1:1 with targeted children
2016/17 School Priority 3: HWB (including Autism Training)
NIF Priority
Improvement in children and young people’s health and wellbeing
NIF Driver
·  promotion of accessibility & equalities for all - particularly with autism
·  Emotional HWB
·  Parent & Pupil voice
·  Family learning / HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes
1.1 Ensuring impact on learners’
successes and achievements
1.2 Children and young people leading learning
1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement
2.1 Arrangements to ensure wellbeing
2.4 Targeted & universal support
2.3 Planning, tracking and monitoring
3.1 Wellbeing
Progress and impact:
·  All teachers to use:
·  Circle Physical environment checklist – classroom environment audit. Dec ’16 – all staff have engaged with physical environment checklist
·  Autism training for new staff Dec ’16 – autism-linked strategies shared at staff/support staff meetings, crib sheet for autistic child shared when relevant. Highly skilled staff sharing expertise, input from ASL services.
·  Update training during session 2017-18
·  Attend relevant courses
·  Trained staff to share expertise/good practice
·  Standing agenda item on staff meetings – good practice
·  Standing agenda item on TATC meetings
·  Increase staff awareness of BR, BL, BB Dec ’16 – some input at first cluster CAT, some more input required through staff meetings
·  Collaborating with partners to plan, monitor & evaluate children ASN Dec ’16 – very strong staff and partner agency links
·  Link to SIMD & CPMDec ’16 – key links identified through analysis for attainment report, further analysis by SLT and SfL teams
·  Link to Parent & Pupil Councils Dec ’16 – parent and children’s views sought re communication and engagement. Staff working party ongoing. Additional consultation coffee morning 7.12.16. Further working party involving parents planned for next term.
·  School websitesDec ’16 – some improvement in information on website – further improvement planned for next term. Launched June 2017
·  Individual School curriculum events Dec ’16 – fantastic curriculum evening involving all teaching staff and P6 children. Various stalls covering all areas of the curriculum. 89 families attended – very positive feedback!!
Next Steps: (these will link to what goes in to the Improvement plan for 2017-18)
·  Continue with Building Resilience Programme
·  PEF plan
·  Engage with new GIRFEC planning paperwork and processes
2016/17 School Priority 4: Improving Employability Skills
NIF Priority
Improvement in employability skills and sustained, positive school leaver destinations for all young people
NIF Driver
·  Creativity
·  Skills for life
·  Skills for work
·  Skills for learning / HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes
1.1 Analysis and evaluation of intelligence and data
1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement
2.2 Skills for learning, life and work
2.3 Quality of teaching
2.6 Collaborative planning and delivery
3.3 Increasing employability skills
Progress and impact:
To continue implementation of JASS across P6 and P7 Dec ’16 – ongoing…implementation begun in both stages
P6 & P7 fully engaged in the programme.
National trust 50 things to do before 11 – create own at each level. Links to HWB/outdoor learning
Introduce STEM and link with current curriculum Dec ’16 working party continuing to meet. STEM fortnight April-May 2017-all classes had STEM visit from parents in professions. P5 have continued with World of Work visits from parents to extend their understanding of skills needed in the workplace. Children have learned new skills and embedded problem solving skills.
Growth mindset focus across the school Dec ’16 – AifL CATS and input with children. New HWB planners to be introduced in January. Whole school community are engaged in the Building Resilience plans and whole school building their toolkits to help build resilience.
Implement Shirley Clarke AifL strategies – staff book group Introduced Blackhall Learner’s Toolkit-implemented in all classes
Introduce RRS Dec ’16 – Input at Aug in-service, all classes have created a class charter. Super Duper Rights Squad working towards UNICEF ROC and informing whole school through input at assemblies.
Next Steps: (these will link to what goes in to your Improvement plan for 2017-18)
·  Continue with World of Work programme + RHS cluster plan (STEM event)
2016/17 School Priority 5: AifL
NIF Priority
Excellence In Curriculum, Learning & Teaching
NIF Driver
·  Curriculum development
·  Improving professional practice & pedagogy
·  Continuous professional learning & GTCS standards / HGIOS4/HGIOELC QIs/Identified Themes
1.1 Analysis and evaluation of intelligence and data
1.3 Strategic planning for continuous improvement
2.2 Skills for learning, life and work
2.3 Quality of teaching
2.6 Collaborative planning and delivery
3.3 Increasing employability skills
Progress and impact:
Use of clear progression pathways/SALs in literacy, numeracy, HWBDec’16 – literacy and numeracy. HWB SALS to be introduced next term.
Evaluate French & draft German prog for P5-7Dec ’16 – working party continuing to address 1+2. Input from group at Jan in-service.Everyone using the planners. Evaluation pending June 2017.
Build progression in learners experience in1+2Dec ’16 – ongoing. Robust progression using excellent planners.
Shirley Clark approaches at whole school & class levelDec ’16 – ongoing. Some direct input at Aug in-service and Dec/May CAT session. Definitely increased engagement across the school with some pockets of excellence..
4 cluster learning and teaching meetings hosted by each primary– build cluster Primary learning community. 45 mins cluster L&T item the last 45 mins hosted in year stages to share practice. Dec ’16 – ongoing (see above for more detail)
Familiarisation with GTC site – log as you go – drop in support sessionDec ’16 – all staff have engaged with GTCS professional profiles
Next Steps: (these will link to what goes in to your Improvement plan for 2017-18)
·  To continue to share good practice and develop consistency through discussion, CAT and SCE as well as at staff meetings
·  Assessment working party

Self Evaluation 2016 – 2017

Quality Indicator / School Self – Evaluation
2016 - 17 / Inspection Evaluation
(If during 2016-17)
What is our capacity for continuous improvement?
1.3 / Leadership Of Change / Very good / Very good
2.3 / Learning, Teaching And Assessment / Good / Good
3.1 / Ensuring Wellbeing, Equity And Inclusion / Very good / Very Good
3.2 / Raising Attainment And Achievement / Good / Very Good
2.7 / School’s chosen QI - Partnerships

2016 – 2020 School Self Evaluation/Plan for QI Engagement

QI / 2016 - 2017 / 2017 – 2018 / 2018 – 2019 / 2019 – 2020 / Comments
1.1 / Self-Evaluation for Self-Improvement
1.2 / Leadership of Learning
1.3 / Leadership of Change / √ / √ / √ / √
1.4 / Leadership and Management of Staff
1.5 / Management of Resources To Promote Equity
Leadership And Management Overall
2.1 / Safeguarding and Child Protection
2.2 / Curriculum
2.3 / Learning, Teaching and Assessment / √ / √ / √ / √
2.4 / Personalised Support
2.5 / Family Learning
2.6 / Transitions
2.7 / Partnerships
Learning Provision Overall
3.1 / Ensuring Wellbeing, Equality and Inclusion / √ / √ / √ / √
3.2 / Raising Attainment and Achievement / √ / √ / √ / √
3.3 / Increasing Creativity and Employability
Successes and Achievements Overall

Key Areas For School Improvement

NIF Priority 1 – Improvement In Attainment, Particularly In Literacy And Numeracy. / QIs/Themes
1.1 Analysis and Evaluation of Intelligence and Data
2.3 Effective Use of Assessment
2.3 Planning, Tracking and Monitoring
3.2 Attainment In Literacy and Numeracy
Priority 1a / To raise attainment in literacy and numeracy / Overall Responsibility / DHT – David Morrison
Outcomes / There will be improved attainment in literacy/numeracy across all stages
All staff will have a shared understanding of the standard at level 3 numeracy.
Tasks / By Whom / Resources / Time / Impact/ Progress
Increase engagement with benchmarks in literacy and numeracy
·  Consistent use of school and CEC progression planners
·  Use benchmarks to track achievement and attainment / ·  All staff / ·  Planners
·  Education Scotland benchmarks / ·  Throughout session / · 
Increase challenge and pace within learning
·  Continue with Blue Sky attainment trackers, with focus on challenge and pace.