Solar System Report Guidelines Due: March 23, 2016

Name ______

Today in class we chose topics for our Solar System reports.

I signed up for this topic: ______

The Report:

  1. The report must be typed and double spaced in a readable font.
  2. All pages of your report must be numbered.
  3. You must include a cover page with the title, your name, the date, and a picture (can be a drawing, photo, or clip art).
  4. You must include a table of contents.
  5. The body of the report should include the following:

Paragraph 1: A detailed description of the solar system object (possibly including its location in the solar system, its temperature, the moons, atmosphere, distance from the sun, a physical description, etc)

Paragraph 2: The history of the object (Who discovered it? When? The origin of the name, and any symbol that might represent it)

Paragraph 3: a collection of at least 5 interesting facts written in paragraph form

  1. You may include pictures, but limit your pictures to one per page.
  2. Bibliography: There must be a minimum of three resources cited – a combination of books and internet sites. As this is their first experience with a bibliography, I will not scrutinize every colon and comma.

The Project:

  1. The project must be a display of your topic
  2. Project can be constructed out of anything EXCEPT food.
  3. Project must be sturdy so that if it is moved around the room, it will not fall apart.
  4. The project should be colored accurately (ex. Don’t make your display of Mars green!)


Have fun and be creative! If you have questions, please ask!

Much of the research for this project can be completed at school. Students will be taught how to do a table of contents and bibliography in class. Students will be encouraged to take notes in bulleted form, to discourage copying information word for word. The report and project will be completed and typed at home and then brought to school by the above due date.

Please keep this informational sheet at home! At this time, we will be working on the research in class. Please consider helping your child find more resources for his/her topic.


Mrs. Vasquez

P.S. Here is a photo of a fewsample projects. Jupiter is on the left, and Saturn on the right. The water bottle is there to give you a size comparison.