Chapter 1 – Answer Key

Multiple Choice

1.  B – Africa

2.  B – Caves

3.  A – Kenya

4.  C – Writing

5.  C – Simple Pictures

6.  C – Altamira in Spain

7.  A – Art

8.  D – pictographs

9.  A – petroglyphs

10. B – ideographs

11. B – petroglyphs and pictographs

12. B – Mesopotamia

13. D – Sumerian

14. C – Writing

15. C – to keep records systematically

16. B – Blau monument

17. A – a code of laws and consequences for violating them

18. A – cattle brands

19. B – cylinder seals

20. B – latin

21. C – funerary texts

22. C – Images were inserted on separate pages opposite the text they illustrated.

23. B – identification seals



1.  determinatives – D

2.  cartouche – F

3.  hieroglyphics – C

4.  homonymous – B

5.  ankh – A

6.  obelisk – E


1.  demotic – E

2.  papyrus – A

3.  recto – B

4.  hieratic – D

5.  verso – C


1.  ziggurat – C

2.  edduba – E

3.  phonograms – F

4.  stele – A

5.  rebus – D

6.  cuneiform – B

Image Identification


1.  Fig. 1-1: Cave painting from Lascaux, c. 15,000–10,000 B.C.

2.  Fig. 1-5: Early Sumerian pictographic tablet, c. 3100 B.C.

3.  Fig. 1-16: Stele bearing the Code of Hammurabi and detail, c. 1800 B.C.

4.  Fig. 1-18: Hittite cylinder seal, 1650-1200 B.C.

5.  Fig. 1-22: The Rosetta Stone, c. 197–196 B.C.

6.  Fig. 1-32: Vignette from Papyrus of Ani, c. 1420 B.C.

7.  Figs. 1-33 and 1-34: Scarab of Ikhnaton and Nefertiti, c. 1370 B.C.


1.  Fig. 1-4: B – petroglyphs

2.  Fig. 1-8: C – cuneiform

3.  Fig. 1-29: A – hieroglyphs